![]() March - April 2020 Newsletter
The really good news in this issue is that our Blessed Unrest conference is proceeding apace here on Planet Covid! We have an abundance of compelling presentations and a major dose of hope and promise as we work our way through this terrible pandemic tragedy.
But the corona virus is not just a deadly pathogen, as Karen Flyntz tells us in her "Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans," it's also a vital warning for a world in deep trouble at the hands of a rogue species, homo sapiens sapiens. There's no blame here, we're not the only species to have overstepped its bounds and wandered into extinction. But we do have a gift: the ability to bring our proud cerebrospheres into harmony with an infinitely talented biosphere. Let's use it - and thrive!
Our job at Bio4Climate, as always, is to collaborate with you and friends around the world, learn from one another, and bring life back to Earth. ![]() Photo credit: Alex Motoc, Unsplash I encourage you to join us at Blessed Unrest starting April 18th as we work to transform this tired anthropocene into the Earthship Bountiful once again!
Very best wishes, ![]() Adam Sacks, Executive Director
In this Issue:
'Tip of the Iceberg': Is Our Destruction of Nature Responsible for Covid-19? ![]() A dead monkey sold as bushmeat hangs outside a villager’s house in north-east Gabon. Photograph: Christine Nesbitt/AP The coronavirus did not emerge from nowhere. It is a conspiracy of unknowing conspirators, an outgrowth of our burgeoning populations, desperate attempts to survive, blind grasping for goods and growth.
The good news, which we bring to you from around the world, is that we have other ways of living on Earth. We know how to fix the climate and the pandemic and so much more. They all share a root cause: Rampant human destruction of the biosphere.
This article from The Guardian explains connections.
Read more here.
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans ![]() A Corona Virus Photo: CDC
People in civilizations (not just our current one) become detached from the natural world on which we depend entirely. We see ourselves as endlessly clever, able to solve our environmental problems with technofixes - until we can't. Now is such a time, and this letter by Kristin Flyntz targets our hubris - no holds barred, yet with compassion and grace.
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans
by Kristin Flyntz
Stop. Just stop. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will interrupt this broadcast, the endless cacophonous broadcast of divisions and distractions, Despite what you might think or feel, we are not the enemy. Many are afraid now. Stop. Stop. Just stop.
Pass the Torch! During the recent Democratic debates, Eric Swalwell urged Joe Biden to "pass the torch." Quoth the 38-year-old Swalwell, "The American people see these issues today as issues of the future. We can't have a candidate who has ideas that are staler than Donald Trump's."
Of course Biden showed no such torch-passing inclination, but it's clearly not just an issue of Biden or Trump. To illustrate, the pre-Boomer generation has been upstaged by a sixteen-year-old heroine who began her career by deciding not to go to school on Fridays. She made it clear that adults weren't doing their job of taking care of our children's futures. In fact, world "leaders" have been erasing the futures of millions of young people everywhere.
If we want to protect our children and grandchildren from inheriting what has probably been the most catastrophic century in human history, environmentally and otherwise, it is time to use our energies to help passionate, caring, and very alarmed young people take over.
Here's an opinion piece by commentator Timothy Kreider that gets to the heart of the matter.
It is truly time to pass the torch! ![]() Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Compendium Notes
Here's another excerpt from our Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming. The article below is from our sixth issue, January 2020, Vol. 3 No. 2 (p. 33):
![]() Growing a Future for Life on Earth
An extraordinary online conference! Five sessions starting April 18, 2020
Are you feeling discouraged on Planet Covid?
Well, it's time for some really good news!
Thousands of independent organizations and millions of individuals worldwide are restoring living processes in their local areas while connecting with each other to create global change. This is the spontaneous, non-governmental movement that environmentalist and author Paul Hawken has called “blessed unrest.”
We have a remarkable collection of inspiring speakers and you may join us from around the world. Lift your spirits and learn more about restoring life on Earth, taming the wild climate, and bringing food and water in abundance to living creatures around the world.
We will tell the stories of people everywhere on the planet who are working with nature to protect and regenerate Earth's ecosystems. The current covid-19 pandemic is increasingly understood to result from loss of biodiversity and habitat; we hope this conference will inspire you to join and support a vibrant and vitally needed global regenerative movement that has not received enough attention in the media. And while the movement is global, you will see that it is grounded in the local.
We are all the local. We can all make a difference. Listen to the stories these blessed unresters have to tell and be inspired to new levels of action!
Our Speakers: Ellen Bernstein, Alfred Brownell, Roland Bunch, Rachel Burger, Arielle Martinez Cohen, Iona Conner, Ronnie Cummins, Anna Gilbert-Muhammud, Rev Dele, Christopher Haines, Hayat Imam, Susan Jennings, Jim Laurie + Kids, Elizabeth Monson, Holly Paar, Sven Pihl, Florence Reed, Janot Mendler de Suarez, Adam Sacks
Last But Not Least. . . You're concerned about the current state of the Earth, and we are working for you, our young people, and the diverse web of life we all rely on.
Not to put too fine a point on it, we just want to say that we're a small non-profit doing BIG things.
Your support and involvement are very important! Please . . . . . . and a monthly donation is easy on your budget but is a major contribution to our work.
Many thanks!