Mahfou Aidara

Mahfou Aidara

My name is Mahfou Aidara, Social Entrepreneur, Environmental Activist, Project Manager, Founder of Green Actions Senegal.

Current Project

Tree planting project and environmental education. The goal of the two projects is to firstly, to train pupils about the importance of protecting the environment (biodiversity), to inculcate them the eco-citizen behaviors, but to also sensitize the local communities about the reality of climate change. Secondly, to plant more fruit trees, in order to fight against the salinization, wind erosion, desertification and will enable people to eat fruit, which will reduce famine etc. Our Youth organization named (Green Actions Sénégal) will carry the project. We are based in Sénégal, and more than 100 members students and pupils, we have two cells in Dakar and Ziguinchor.