Work with Us

Work with Us

There are exciting and rewarding job, internship and volunteer opportunities at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (Bio4Climate), a nonprofit based in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Our mission is to promote the restoration of ecosystems to address global warming. Education, public information campaigns, organizing, scientific investigation, collaboration with like-minded organizations, research and policy development are all elements of our strategy.


Spring 2025, we plan to hire an Urban Forestry Assistant based in the Greater Boston area. If you are interested in making career in Community-based urban forestry contact our program director, Alexandra.Ionescu @ to discuss your interests and possible summer volunteer opportunities to see if this is right for you.

To apply:

Please send your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile to with the position in the subject line.


An internship with Biodiversity for a Livable Climate is a great opportunity to learn about the central role that ecosystem restoration can and must play in addressing global warming. Interns receive training and reading materials on the current scientific understanding of the role of regeneration. Ideal for current college students or recent graduates who are looking for experience with an environmental non-profit, as well as anyone from high school age to senior citizen who wants to participate in an exciting regenerative approach to global systems problems. We work closely with interns to ensure enjoyable and productive learning experiences.

Interns play a crucial and creative role at Bio4Climate. They can expect to jump right in, acquire new skills and knowledge, and work both individually and in small groups in an inclusive and supportive atmosphere. Depending upon the activity and position, Bio4Climate will provide you with an orientation, materials, and training. Internships are unpaid. College credit is possible. If you are a student and would like to pursue an internship, please contact  All internship opportunities require a minimum commitment of 10 hours a week for 3 months.

The positions listed below are open on an ongoing basis. Most internships are remote. Please inform us of your time-frame as part of your application. If you have skills you would like to offer that aren’t listed here, please include that information when you apply.

To apply:

Please send your resume to Indicate in the subject line of the email the title of the internship for which you are applying. Include a statement of around 500 words to give us an idea of how the internship fits in with your experience, interests, and goals.

Social Media, Writing, and Online Outreach

Responsibilities: Working with our outreach team on Bio4Climate’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media accounts, identifying opportunities where raising such an awareness is necessary, writing blog posts and emails, participating in online Q&A and commenting online.

Skills needed: Storytelling, creative writing, some understanding of climate change issues, and experience with multiple social media platforms.

Biodiversity Writing

Responsibilities: Writing short articles on interesting creatures relevant to biodiversity and climate. These are meant to be brief, informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking, and to connect to broader topics of ecology and ecosystem restoration (see our Featured Creatures). You will work with our outreach and communications team to develop topics and receive feedback.

Skills needed: Storytelling, creative writing, fluency in English, some understanding of climate change issues, experience in communications, and familiarity with Google Drive and Google Docs. Ideal candidates are curious about and invested in climate solutions, and particularly in regenerative activities. 

If you do not see a suitable internship position posted here but would like to work with us, please contact us at Please title your email “Internship: Letter of Inquiry” and include a description of 500 words or less of your proposed internship position along with your resume.


Please send all volunteer requests to Most volunteer opportunities are remote.

Outreach and Communications

Bio4Climate is looking for motivated volunteers to communicate the many opportunities to address biodiversity loss and climate change in a variety of ways, including contributing to digital and in-person awareness campaigns, writing blog posts, letters to the editor, and magazine submissions.  

Grant Research and Writing

Bio4Climate is looking for individuals with experience in researching and writing grant proposals. This is an opportunity for an individual looking to develop such experience in scientific and policy-related fields, as either a student or a professional.


If you have other ideas on how you would like to help Bio4Climate, please feel free to contact us at