Magaiwa Elijah Bosco

Magaiwa Elijah Bosco

Bosco is a Communication and Advocacy Expert, who has previously worked with the UNEP – Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity as a COP 15 Media Programme Support and Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group as a Communication and Engagement Assistant.

Bosco is currently working on a personal level as an African Climate Action Advocate using social media and article writing calling upon Africa and global leaders to agree and commit to the urgent need to achieve the Paris Agreement on addressing the global greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and operationalize a loss and damage fund to support the losses arising from droughts, rising seas, floods and other disasters attributed to climate change, particularly in the most vulnerable and developing countries with adverse impacts of the climate crisis as agreed during COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan.

He is spearheading meaningful youth engagement in addressing, mitigating and adapting climate change impacts and biodiversity conservation in Migori County, Kenya and influencing policy and programmatic reforms.

Current Project

Bosco is currently working on a personal level as an African Climate Action Advocate using social media and article writing calling upon Africa and global leaders to agree and commit to the urgent need to achieve the Paris Agreement on addressing the global greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and operationalize a loss and damage fund to support the losses arising from droughts, rising seas, floods and other disasters attributed to climate change, particularly in the most vulnerable and developing countries with adverse impacts of the climate crisis as agreed during COP 27 Sharm el-Sheikh Implementation Plan.

He is spearheading meaningful youth engagement in addressing, mitigating and adapting climate change impacts and biodiversity conservation in Migori County, Kenya and influencing policy and programmatic reforms.