Miyawaki Forest Field Trip

Miyawaki Forest Field Trip

Jim Laurie, our staff scientist, restoration ecologist, and teacher of several Biodiversity Deepdive courses, will hold a field trip for students and community members at our Danehy Park Miyawaki Forest. Join us on Sunday, September 3 to gather with fellow budding eco-restorers and enjoy the mini-forest’s growth.

Learn more about our Miyawaki Forests.

The Danehy Park Miyawaki Forest was planted in September 2021, and is the first forest of this kind in the Northeast US. We have been stewarding its growth with enthusiasm with the help of the Cambridge community, and welcome you to get involved!

Check out the full project page here.

Photo from Jim Laurie

We had a beautiful gathering on August 16 with community members, and many folks are eager to come back for more. Bring your friends, your questions, and your curiosity!

More details on the gathering to come. Make sure you are on our mailing list and stay tuned.