Regenerating Life: A New Look at the Climate Crisis – September 27 at 6 pm

Regenerating Life: A New Look at the Climate Crisis – September 27 at 6 pm
Ecorestoration Science Solutions Vision Water

On Wednesday, September 27 at 6pm ET, John Feldman will share his perspective on Regenerating Life – an ecosystems perspective on the climate crisis. He will be joined in conversation by environmental journalist and author Judith D. Schwartz to explore regenerative solutions to climate disruption, global warming, and food insecurity. Read more and register now to join this essential discussion live.

As many interconnected climate crises escalate, we are challenged to see what we have overlooked in our understanding of the causes – and of what the best path forward might be. John Feldman’s film, Regenerating Life, proposes that it is humankind’s destruction of nature that has been a primary cause of the climate crisis and that it is in nature we find crucial solutions.

Feldman traveled widely to meet people who are working on solutions, innovative ways to repair the damage done to our extraordinary home. By working with nature, they are restoring the forests, fields, wetlands, and oceans, and are regenerating soils to grow healthy food and build healthy communities. 

This is the latest installment in our Life Saves the Planet lecture series in partnership with GBH Forum Network, and it will be recorded and made available online to registrants after the webinar.