Urban Soil Restoration to Help Communities Manage Stormwater

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Jan Lambert’s take: This article by Charles Hegberg, talks about the importance of soil restoration in urban settings for optimal stormwater infiltration. He writes: “We have hundreds of years of experience in making ‘Dirt’ – It’s time we start re-making ‘Soils’ on a landscape level, quickly.

“It’s no secret: Americans take their lawns seriously – kind of a green love affair.  In America, lawns are the largest agricultural crop at approximately 40 million acres and growing . Where I reside, the Chesapeake Bay watershed has nearly 3.8 million acres of lawns and turf or a staggering 9.5 percent of the total watershed land area (CSN, 2009). Of that area, an incredible 75% is dedicated to lawns producing enough lawn clippings to equal to 272 million bushels of corn consuming 215 million pounds of nitrogen fertilizer, 1.9 million acre/feet of water and over 57 million gallons of gasoline.”
