Ego vs Eco: How Human, Animal, and Planet Health Interconnect
March 2 – April 27, 2022

Course Format
This online course will consist of 8 classes and be held live on Zoom. Classes will begin March 2, 2022 and end on April 27, 2022 (with no class on March 30th). Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 12 – 1:30pm ET and 7 – 8:30pm ET to accommodate students’ schedules. Students are invited to attend whichever of these two sessions are most convenient for them.
All readings and educational materials will be provided, and all assignments can be done on the computer.
Course Description
In this course, students will explore the relationships between humans, other animals, and the Earth. We will begin by introducing frameworks that embrace these relationships and demonstrate the benefits of adopting philosophies where humans are viewed as a part of nature rather than as separate or superior. We will then discuss the health implications of human activities that degrade ecosystems, harm other species, and spread zoonotic diseases.
After a one-week break, students will return to discuss barriers various communities face in environmental spaces. Students will learn about intersectional environmentalism, a concept that emphasizes collective healing through inclusive nature-based work. Finally, the course will wrap up with step-by-step guidelines for finding one’s role in the climate movement.
About the Teacher
Tania Roa is a writer and wildlife advocate who loves nature. She earned a Master of Science in Animals and Public Policy from Tufts University. With her passion for social justice, Tania promotes solutions for the climate crisis and biodiversity loss that incorporate equality and equity for all human beings.
For questions regarding the course email Tania at
To join us, register below!