Preparing Children for Climate Change

Anxieties among young people about severe climate change and ecological disruptions is at an all-time high.  Feelings of confusions, despair and panic in adults are also seen among children as young as two years old, who may have little understanding of events, but sense these feelings in their caregivers.  Giving age-appropriate expression to these fears helps children and adults to face the realities more effectively, and expand opportunities to engage in meaningful action.

Developed by Paula Phipps, a professional educator and Associate Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, Preparing Children for Climate Change is a suite of workshops, an annotated bibliography, slideshows and a teaching manual for teachers, parents, counselors, librarians and others.

The Annotated Bibliography on Climate Change for Young People is currently available for purchase, and is suitable for libraries, teachers, parents and mental health professionals.

At this time we have a workshop suitable for use with two- to eight-year-olds that may be presented in person or by webinar.  Workshops for other age groups are under development.

For further information, please contact Paula at