Redesigning Our Communities for Life After Fossil Fuels
Community Engagement Events
In-person and virtual events
hosted in Montgomery County, Maryland and the surrounding area

Thank you for your interest to attend one or more Community Engagement Events in our series on Redesigning Our Communities for Life After Fossil Fuels in Montgomery County, Maryland and the surrounding area.
This series has 2 parts:
- Part 1: Saturday, September 10
1:00 – 4:30 pm ET – on Zoom - Part 2: Community Engagement Events
In person and virtual events listed below that are being hosted to provide opportunities for residents in Montgomery County, Maryland and the surrounding area to help out with a community project, learn strategies for increasing resilience, build practical skills to replicate these projects at home and in your neighborhood, or further discuss how to strengthen community resilience, equity, policy changes, and more.
Scroll down to find out how to register for an event.
If you have any questions, please contact Louise at 443-257-3209 (cell / text) or at
Community Engagement Events
Part 2 in the series of
Redesigning our Communities for Life After Fossil Fuels
Saturday, September 17
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
2nd Annual Sweet Potato Dig, Farm Tour and Forest Hike @ Chicken of the Woods Permaculture Farm
In Person Event
Chicken of the Woods Permaculture Farm
13405 Pulver Place
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
RSVP to reserve your spot by September 10
Plunge your hands into sweet smelling, chemical-free soils to find these buried treasures. Learn about curing and processing. Stay for a potluck lunch followed by a farm tour and forest hike.
To Register:
Hosted by: Chicken of the Woods Permaculture Farm
Contact: Bridgette at

Saturday, September 17
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Volunteer Day at the Bladensburg Farm
In Person Event
ECO City Farms – Bladensburg Farm
6100 Emerson Street
RSVP by Saturday, September 17 at 8:00 am
Join us at ECO City for a morning of work at our Bladensburg location, a 3.5 acre working urban agriculture farm where organic vegetables are grown and composting happens. Come out and see how we implement sustainable growing practices to advocate for health and wellness in our daily lives, community, and the environment!
To register:
Hosted by: ECO City Farms
Thursday, September 22
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Volunteer at the UpCounty Hub
In Person Event
12900 Middlebrook Road
Germantown, MD 20874
Registration not required
We are looking for volunteers to help pack or deliver food to families in need in the Upper Montgomery County area. Read more here:
Hosted by: The UpCounty Hub
Contact: Carina Arnaiz,
Tuesday, September 27
7:00 – 8:45 pm
Your Neighborhood: Your Village
Virtual Event
Register by September 18
It takes a village, but how do you make a village out of the place you live now? Join us to share inspiration, create your vision and discuss first steps.
To Register:
Hosted by: Neighborhood Villaging, www.Villaging.Us
Wednesday, September 28
7:00 – 9:00 pm
What is Our Real Predicament, and What Can Our County Do About It?
Virtual & In Person Event
Cedar Lane UU
9601 Cedar Lane
Bethesda, MD
No deadline to register
We discuss the questions of what are the root causes of climate change, biodiversity loss, ocean acidification, and other symptoms of our “overshoot” of Earth’s carrying capacity? What are the best ways to address our predicament, especially in a prominent County? What is our moral and ethical response? ESG was founded in 2017 to explore these questions and more using a “systems thinking” approach. Our goal is to educate ourselves, activist groups, and the general public.
To Register:
Hosted by: Cedar Lane UU Ecosystems Study Group
Friday, September 30
10:00 – 11:30 am
Natives Gone Wild Tour
In Person Event
Fern Glade Sanctuary & Urban Farm
10903 Drumm Ave
Kensington, MD 20895
Donation requested
Register by September 24
Enjoy a guided tour of this unique nature sanctuary and urban farm with over 400 species of native plants in full bloom and sample local products from the farm. Please wear sturdy shoes and long pants.
To Register:
Hosted by: Fern Glade Sanctuary & Urban Farm
Saturday, October 8
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Permaculture Design for Growing Local Food
In Person Event
Morning View Food Forest
1932 Mountain Church Road
Middletown, MD 21769
Donation based
No deadline to register
Join us for a volunteer planting and talk at Morning View Food Forest, a 150-acre permaculture food forest with over 7,000 trees and perennial shrubs on the slope of South Mountain in Middletown Maryland!
Folks who attend will be planting native perennial plants with a focus on densified food systems that also benefit a wide range of wildlife. Please arrive and park by 9 am so you don’t miss the opening orientation. After the planting, from 12-1 PM, the resident designer and soil ecologist Ben Friton will be giving a talk entitled Permaculutre Design for Growing Local Food.
To register:
Hosted by: The REED Center for Ecosystem Reintegration
Contact: Gina Angiola,
Saturday, October 8
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Confident City Cycling and Multimodal Transportation
In Person Event
Bethesda Rescue Squad Parking Lot
5020 Battery Ln
Bethesda, MD
Register for $10; free for WABA members
This class teaches you the skills you need to ride safely and confidently on streets and in heavily trafficked areas. The class ends with an on-street group ride, where participants put their newly acquired skills to the test.
To register:
Hosted by: Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA)
Sunday, October 9
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Certify Your Habitat! How to DIY a National Wildlife Federation Sanctuary
In Person Event
Cedar Lane UU
9601 Cedar Ln
Bethesda, MD
No deadline to register
Anyone can create a welcoming haven for local wildlife. Find out how to turn your yard, balcony container garden, schoolyard, work landscape, or roadside greenspace into a NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat®. See for more information.
To Register:
Hosted by: Cedar Lane UU Ecosystems Study Group

Saturday, October 22
8:30 – 11:00 am
Regenerative Agriculture; What’s That?
In person Event
Linden Farm
20900 Martinsburg Rd.
Dickerson, MD 20842
No registration required
Sugarloaf Citizens Association (SCA) is pleased to invite the public to learn what we’re doing differently to steward the land at our headquarters. 90 acres of our farm is undergoing a transition from decades of growing conventional commodity crops (corn, wheat & soy) to diverse pasturage for regenerative livestock grazing. Speakers include the farmer responsible for the change, Greg Glenn, CEO of Rocklands Livestock and Amanda Cather, Mid-Atlantic Program Manager for American Farmland Trust. Dress for the weather, as we’ll be outdoors or in a barn. Coffee and carbs provided!
Hosted by: Sugarloaf Citizens Association
Fall 2022 – Date TBD
Volunteer Day at the Bladensburg Farm
In Person Event
ECO City Farms
6100 Emerson Street
Bladensburg, MD 20710
No deadline to register
Join us at ECO City Farms for a morning of work at our Bladensburg location, a 3.5 acre working urban agriculture farm where organic vegetables are grown and composting happens! Come out and see how we implement sustainable growing practices to advocate for health and wellness in our daily lives, community, and the environment!
To register:
Hosted by: ECO City Farms
Wednesday, November 2
9:30 – 11:30 am
Food System Strategies to Address Climate Change: A Virtual Community Symposium
Virtual Event via Zoom
No deadline to register
Join the Montgomery County Food Council’s Environmental Impact Working Group for a capstone presentation on their 2022 collaborative initiative to understand the current policy, programmatic, and investment landscape in our County related to climate change and food systems issues. Many local partners have contributed subject matter expertise to developing recommendations on opportunities to address climate change through local food system strategies. The symposium will showcase findings and launch action priorities to increase local food production, prevent food waste, and expand composting capacity in our community.
To Register:
Hosted by: Montgomery County Food Council
Contact: Lorien MacAuley, PhD;
Sunday, November 6
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Volunteer Day At Koiner Farm
In Person Event
Koiner Urban Farm
737 Easley Street
Silver Spring, MD 20910
No deadline to register
Koiner Farm hosts bi-annual volunteer days to help “open up” the farm in the spring and “close down” the farm in the fall. These are fun and engaging community days for people to get outside and contribute to their neighborhood farm. These are great opportunities for families, troops, pods, etc. to volunteer together and contribute to their local food system.
To Register:
Hosted by: Charles Koiner Center for Urban Farming
Contact: Hannah Sholder,
Spring 2023, Date TBA
Native Plant Tour of Sligo Park Hills – You Can Too!
In Person Event
8007 Park Crest Drive
Silver Spring MD 20910
Register by September 27
Walk around a block to see a variety of native plantings in sun, shade, stormwater capture or just lawn reduction.
To Register:
Hosted by: Friends of Sligo Creek and Kit Gage
Contact: Kit Gage,