Hayat Imam is an American-Muslim of Bangladeshi origin. She is a feminist-activist committed to building global social justice movements. Her efforts have been directed towards nuclear disarmament, renewable energy, and economic opportunities for women. Former Executive Director of the Boston Women’s Fund, she has written and organized extensively on violence against women, and is co-author of Watermelons Not War – Parenting in the Nuclear Age. As former Chair of the Board of Grassroots International, she led efforts to organize for human rights to land, water and food. Hayat was an activist with Clamshell Alliance, and part of the Occupation of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant site in 1978. She is an active member of Mass Peace Action and Dorchester People for Peace and presently offers a four part Course called UNDERSTANDING ISLAM: A Muslim Woman’s Perspective on the Essence of Islam, the Diversity of the Muslim World, and its Relationship with the West.
Hayat Imam