Jan Lambert of Charlestown NH is an environmental journalist and editor of the Valley Green Journal who has been working closely with Michal Kravčík in promoting the New Water Paradigm via her journal and a resource book, Water, Land and Climate – The Critical Connection: How We Can Rehydrate Landscapes Locally To Renew Climates Globally, to be published in August 2015. Jan has been involved in watershed projects for many years, both professionally and as volunteer; for example she helped to organize a 5,000 tree buffer zone planting along the Connecticut River.
She has also surveyed rivers, wetlands, and vernal pools, as well as aquatic plants and amphibians, and worked for several summers manually removing invasive milfoil from lakes and rivers. She presently serves as board member of the Ascutney Mt. Audubon Society and the Upper Valley Sierra Club, and is very active in the Black River Action Team of Springfield VT. She met Michal Kravčík via Facebook in November 2014 and has since become a working partner with him in editing and co-authoring his latest writing, A Global Plan for the Restoration of Natural Water Cycles and Climate, which will be shared at the conference.