Sven Pihl

Sven Pihl

Sven Pihl, founder of CT Edible Ecosystems, LLC is a Regenerative Land Planner/Designer and Permaculture educator based in Connecticut. Sven designs multifunctional Edible Landscapes and Forest Gardens for homes, commercial properties, campuses and public spaces. He’s passionate about regenerative landscape design to create productive agro-ecosystems.

Sven’s beginnings were with the financial crash of 2008 where he Urban Homesteaded for 5 years.  Sven is a Certified Permaculture Designer and teacher, a member of the USDA’s Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Agroforestry Steering Committee, a member of the Association for Temperate Agroforestry and  both a Master Composter and a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional.  His education ranges from landscape design and horticulture courses to Agroforestry through the University of Missouri’s, Center for Agroforestry and the Yale School of Forestry. He has worked on design projects from New Jersey to New Hampshire.