Philip Tanimoto is the Executive Director of the The Cloud Forest Conservation Initiative. Tanimoto ‘discovered’ the little-known Cerro El Amay Cloud Forest Ecosystem during his doctoral research on cloud forest birds in 2006. He founded the Cloud Forest Conservation Initiative in 2009, and since then, he has guided its projects and expanded its conservation approach. CFCI builds lasting relationships with local…
Tag: power of biodiversity 2016
Ridge Shinn
Ridge Shinn is the founder and CEO of Big Picture Beef and a leader in the shift away from feedlot beef to raising cattle on 100% grass and forages – no corn ever – using regenerative pasture and grazing management that sequesters carbon deep underground. Currently he is developing a large-scale supply of 100% grass-fed…
Dwayne Shaw
Dwayne Shaw is the Executive Director of the Downeast Salmon Federation, where he has led the development of the Federation’s fisheries and land conservation programs since 1989, beginning with the removal of the Pleasant R. Dam and the renovation of the facility as a hatchery and fisheries research center in Columbia Falls. He holds a B.S. in Environmental…
Eric W. Sanderson
Eric W. Sanderson is a landscape ecologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo, director of the Mannahatta Project ( and the author of Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City. In 2013 his new book Terra Nova: The New World After Oil, Cars, and Suburbs was published. Sanderson earned his B.A.S. and Ph.D. in ecology…
Adam Sacks
Adam Sacks is the Executive Director and co-founder of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. He has had careers in education, holistic medicine, computer technology, politics and advocacy. For five years he directed a non-profit that worked with communities invoking basic democratic and constitutional principles to oppose detrimental local corporate activity. He has been a climate activist…
Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse is a cross-pollinator, helping to connect the dots between soil health and human health. She is the author of The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities and the founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine. After 22 years of clinical work with patients, she is now working with…
Alyssa Novak
Alyssa Novak isa coastal ecologist who uses a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches to understand the characteristics of marine ecosystems that enhance their resilience to stressors. She has worked extensively in seagrass systems and their restoration. Recently she expanded her work to salt marsh systems and is investigating marsh-edge subsidence and its relationship to the invasive European green crab.…
Sharon McGregor
Sharon McGregor is a biologist, environmental policy administrator, educator, and consultant, most recently serving as Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Biological Conservation and Ecosystem Protection) for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (MA EOEEA). As Assistant Secretary and chief policy advisor for natural resources protection, she administered a pioneering biodiversity conservation and ecosystem protection program.…
Peter Lawrence
Peter Lawrence is President and Co-founder of Biomimicry New England and a Biomimicry Specialist. BNE is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing nature and natural systems as an important resource for education and innovation in New England. From 1985 to 2014 Peter was Chairman & Founder of the Corporate Design Foundation, whose mission was to improve…
Jim Laurie
Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist, is a biologist from Rice University and is a pioneer in biological remediation of waste water. He was the technical manager of the world’s largest “Living Machine” project to clean raw municipal sewage with no toxic chemicals. The facility, through a grant from the EPA, processed 80,000 gallons/day using the “living machine”…
Beth Lambert
Beth Lambert is the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Program Manager at Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), MA Dept. of Fish and Game. She has been working in ecological restoration since 2000, and has been River Restoration Program Manager in Massachusetts, Coastal Restoration Coordinator with the New Hampshire Coastal Program, and a member of the Watershed Extension Faculty, North Coast Oregon…
Elisabeth Cianciola
Elisabeth Cianciola has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College, where she conducted research in areas as diverse as water quality sampling in urban rivers, rain garden design, and the taxonomy of algae. She recently completed an M.S. in Natural Resources at the University of New Hampshire, where she taught courses focused on wetland and…
John E. Carroll
John E. Carroll is professor of environmental conservation in the Department of Natural Resources. In three decades at UNH, he has taught and done research on national and international environmental policy, diplomacy, ethics, and values as they pertain to sustainable agriculture and food systems. His recent books include Sustainability and Spirituality, and The Wisdom of Small Farms…