This presentation, given by Hannah McDonald from NOFA/Mass and the Western MA Regenerative Food System, touches upon the state of our materials economy, how investing in food systems sets the stage for systems change, and why it’s important to have a bioregional focus. Recorded at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, the event concluded with a discussion with students on how individuals could identify their niche within the movement.
Hannah focuses on the collaborative effort of connecting the dots on local food to make the intricacies of our food system not only resilient, but thriving. She spent most of her childhood in suburban Massachusetts and started thinking a little more critically about politics and environmental health in high school. Hannah has since graduated with her MS from UMass Amherst in Sustainability Science with a focus on Sustainable Food Systems, and now is interested in the deeply rooted cultural patterns and history that we’ll be discussing here a bit today.
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Bioregional Food Systems with Hannah McDonald