Globally, oyster habitats are the most degraded habitats among coastal systems, with the loss of 99% in the last 150 years. These 350 million years old keystone species and their habitats are at the brink of total collapse from industrial harvesting and pollution of coastal areas.
Today scientists understand the ecological value of oyster habitats and their importance to coastal health. Re-establishing oyster populations improves water quality, biodiversity, seafood safety, and can be a buffer to rising sea levels.
Dr. Anamarija Frankic explains the biomimicry approach for oyster habitat restoration to recover marine health and resiliency. Looking at the work of the Green Harbors Project (GHP), we can examine several successful oyster reef restorations in urban areas that had lost this essential habitat and its related ecological functions, as well as ask what we can learn from this success for restoring our planet.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Healthy Oysters for Healthy Oceans and Climate with Dr. Anamarija Frankic