In a time of accelerating global warming, nature’s ability to cool the Earth is one of the most exciting and important prospects we can explore.
We’ve been proud to host scientific experts at the forefront of this research like Dr. Anastassia Makarieva, Andrei Nefiodov, and Jan Pokorny. They joined us a couple of months ago in No Trees, No Rain to share some of their work on the water cycle and the role of vegetation and transpiration in global climate and cooling. Now we are excited to present this follow-up discussion.
Trees provide cool shade under a hot sun, but where does the solar energy spent on evapotranspiration go? What is its fate in the atmosphere? Do forests cool the Earth as a whole or only locally? Dig into these questions and more.
This 20-minute talk by Dr. Makarieva (TUM-IAS) for those who want to go a little deeper, followed by Q&A and discussion with colleagues Andrei Nefiodov, Jan Pokorny, Zuzka Mulkerin and more.
This webinar is prepared by the Biotic Pump Greening Group with the cooperation of Voices of Water at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.
Global Cooling from Plant Transpiration: Mechanisms and Uncertainties