Larry Kopald, Vanessa Rule, Antje Danielson, Eli Gerzon, Gary Rucinski: Messages from the 2nd Front

L Kopald, V Rule, A Danielson, E Gerzon, G Rucinski - Messages from the Second Front

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Messages from the Second Front: Bringing the Power of Biology into the Climate Conversation

Larry Kopald, Moderator
Vanessa Rule, Co-Director and Lead Organizer for Mothers Out Front, as well as with other local and state climate action groups
Antje Danielson, Director, Tufts Institute of the Environment, co-founder of Zipcar
Eli Gerzon, MA State Divestment Organizer for the Better Future Project
Gary Rucinski, Director of Committee for a Green Economy and Northeast Coordinator of the Citizens Climate Lobby

A window into climate activists’ personal and interpersonal journeys toward understanding, embracing, and implementing biological approaches to addressing the climate crisis. A discussion of obstacles and opportunities from people on the ground.

From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014

#activists #climateactivist #climateactivism