In this interview hosted by Tania Roa, author Hannah Lewis discusses her new book “Mini – Forest Revolution.” In this book, Lewis presents the Miyawaki Method, a unique approach to reforestation devised by Japanese botanist Dr. Akira Miyawaki.
She explains how tiny forests as small as six parking spaces grow quickly and are much more biodiverse than those planted by conventional methods. She explores the science behind why Miyawaki-style mini-forests work and the myriad environmental benefits, including: cooling urban heat islands, establishing wildlife corridors, building soil health, sequestering carbon, creating pollinator habitats, and more. This inspiring book offers a revolutionary approach to planting trees and a truly accessible solution to the climate crisis.
Pre-order ‘Mini – Forest Revolution’ on Chelsea Green Publishing’s site:
Pre-order on Amazon:
Hannah Lewis is Bio4Climate’s editor for the Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming. She has worked in various roles related to building sustainable food systems, including as the Midwest regional director for the National Center for Appropriate Technology. She has an MS in Sustainable Agriculture and Sociology from Iowa State University and a BA in Environmental Studies from Middlebury College.
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Mini-Forest Revolution with author Hannah Lewis