- Look, we’ve all been there. When your work and passions are rooted in care for the earth, it’s hard not to feel deflated sometimes. But as the year comes to a close, it’s important to take stock in the progress made around the world. This weekend, we’re reading Wild Hope’s 10 Conservation Stories that Gave Us Hope in 2024. Whether it’s a global story or something in your own backyard, we’re curious: what would you add? What gave you hope this year?
- Did you catch our shoutout from Post Carbon Institute senior fellow Richard Heinberg in Resilience Mag? “Destruction of habitat—as a result not just of climate change, but industrial agriculture, deforestation, and urbanization as well—is driving native species to the brink. Simply planting trees, if they’re non-native, may not help much and can even make the situation worse. In contrast, native trees and shrubs provide a food forest for birds and insects that would otherwise go hungry. The folks at Bio4climate have more ideas along these lines.”
- Nature-based solutions must be a global priority. A new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services explores just how interconnected global crises are with the natural world, using data to detail the extent to which biodiversity loss exacerbates issues of food and water security, public health, and climate change.