Bring Nature to the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels – September 10 – 24

Bring Nature to the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels – September 10 – 24
Action Biodiversity Ecorestoration Solutions Vision Youth

From now until September 24, we each have a critical opportunity to spread the message that #NatureCools in cities throughout the world, on social media, and in the mainstream media.

Join us in showing people that restoring and protecting nature cools the climate, hydrates the land to prevent wildfires, drought and flooding, and reduces extreme weather. Read more and take action here.

This worldwide mobilization is taking place during the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels – Sept 15-17, the March to End Fossil Fuels – Sept 17, and during Climate Week in NYC – Sept 17-24.

These activities occur just before and during the UN Climate Ambition Summit on September 20 in New York City, where world leaders will gather to commit to phasing out fossil fuels.