Grow Food, Play Music, Mālama Pono (Take Good Care) – Thursday, April 25, 6pm ET

Grow Food, Play Music, Mālama Pono (Take Good Care) – Thursday, April 25, 6pm ET
Biodiversity Cooling Ecorestoration Environmental Justice Solutions

On Thursday, April 25 at 6pm ET, Beck Mordini and Jenny Pell held a lively conversation about facing our pretty scary future with integrity, hope, plenty of know-how, and a great sense of humor.  We dove into climate reality, appropriate technologies, skill-building, local food, and neighborhood solutions that will inspire you to jump into your own community-based projects with both feet.  There’s plenty of good news and lots of do, and who knows, maybe the suburbs will save the world. Check out the recording now!

This is the latest installment in our Life Saves the Planet lecture series, and it will be recorded by our partners at GBH Forum Network.