
Thank you for taking action to bring the message that #NatureCools to the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels.

Your actions help us show that restoring and protecting nature cools the climate, hydrates the land to prevent wildfires, drought and flooding, and reduces extreme weather. 

Here are the next steps you can take on the actions you signed up for:

Nature Cools Campaign

Host or Join an Action to Restore Nature

September 10-24 (best on September 15-16)

Share on Social Media

September 11-24

Create and Carry Signs

September 15-17 At a March near you

  • Create and carry a sign saying “#NatureCools”
  • Also add hashtags #FastFairForever and #EndFossilFuels

September 17 at the March in New York City

  • Create and carry a sign saying “#NatureCools”
  • Add hashtag #FastFairForever and #EndFossilFuels

Join Our Climate Hub at NYC March

September 17

  • Join us to make posters on how #NatureCools and march together with us
  • Stay tuned for instructions on where and when to meet us in NYC

Support & Educate Youth

Fridays for Future’s Climate Strike

Post Your Actions

  • Take pictures and post them on social media with a description of your action
  • Add hashtags #NatureCools, #FastFairForever, #EndFossilFuels

Share Your Posts With Us

Looking forward to your participation. Contact us if you have any questions at: