Reversing Global Warming:
Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet!
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The Institute for Sustainability and Post-Carbon Education (ISPE) at Bristol Community College educates the community on the impacts of fossil fuel declines in industrial society and the processes that foster post-carbon sustainability.
The Organic Consumers Association is an online and grassroots non-profit addressing crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. OCA is the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers.
The 11th Hour Project, a program of The Schmidt Family Foundation, promotes a fuller understanding of the impact of human activity within the web of interdependent living systems. 11th Hour connects organizations with good information on how to develop a more responsible relationship with the world’s water, energy, and food resources.
The mission of Nutiva Foundation is to nurture people and planet by supporting the advancement of healthy communities and ecologically sustainable agriculture.
International Year of Soils. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is implementing the IYS 2015. Its specific objectives of the IYS 2015 are to raise full awareness among civil society and decision makers about the profound importance of soil for human life; educate the public about the crucial role soil plays in food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, essential ecosystem services, poverty alleviation and sustainable development; support effective policies and actions for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources; promote investment in sustainable soil management activities to develop and maintain healthy soils for different land users and population groups; strengthen initiatives in connection with the SDG process (Sustainable Development Goals) and Post-2015 agenda; advocate for rapid capacity enhancement for soil information collection and monitoring at all levels (global, regional and national).
Carbon Drawdown Solutions offers the missing link to climate change, converting the liability of waste to the assets of electricity and biochar, soil fertility and carbon drawdown.

ClimateStore is dedicated to providing great products and ideas to help people reduce their carbon footprint in the age of human caused climate change. At ClimateStore you can learn about climate change, shop for solutions and build a plan for low carbon living. Want to keep up with what’s happening? Follow us on our social media feeds, sign up for our newsletter and check out our blog ClimateActions.
Cuisine en Locale uses all local ingredients in Massachusetts and that’s no simple task. We are often asked why we bother. The simple answer strikes to the heart of the company’s mission: to support the growth of farms and farmers, and increase the value of food in the area where we live, and eat. It’s a selfish mission, really: we want to eat real food, and we want to offer our family and friends that same opportunity. We are grateful every day for the farmers we buy our food from, and they are grateful for us. It is a simple, solid relationship of which we are proud.

Earthos is about changing the way we construct our environment, from our buildings to our food production, to protect the earth and its systems. It is dedicated to accelerating the translation of knowledge of sustainability into practice in the built environment. Earthos offers a unique combination of expertise in architecture/urban planning and nonprofit collaborative enterprise, establishing effective cross-disciplinary teams that can develop and implement design practice models that promote true sustainability.
Environmental news for Southern New England.
The goal of Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR) is to preserve the Alewife Urban Wild in Cambridge, Massachusetts FAR into the Future. FAR provides opportunities for explorations in forest and Wilderness therapy, forest walks, bird habitat and birding, wild flowers and plants, education at all levels, outdoor recreation, cleaner air, nature drawing, small river floodplain forest dynamics, and carbon sequestration.
The Global Coral Reef Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to growing, protecting and managing the most threatened of all marine ecosystems—coral reefs. Founded in 1990, GCRA is a coalition of volunteer scientists, divers, environmentalists and other individuals and organizations, committed to coral reef preservation and restoration.Green Cambridge works to create a more sustainable Cambridge, and to protect the environment for the health and safety of all. It is currently working on several projects including advocating for net-zero fossil fuel energy buildings, promoting food waste composting, promoting local renewable energy, working with DPW to increase recycling by Cambridge businesses, and many others.
The Greenscapes Massachusetts Coalition collaborates with many Massachusetts cities and towns, with additional support from our supporters, advisors and affiliates. The Greenscapes Massachusetts program seeks to educate citizens and professionals about landscaping practices (particularly irrigation and chemical use) to have less impact on the environment; create an informed and proactive citizenry that acts as environmental stewards in their own backyards; and generate broad support for the responsible public management of water resources (quality and quantity).
Life’s Epiphany, regenerative living: ecological and edible landscape design, compost and soil services, holistic health services, and holistic health coaching. Unlocking the health of the mind, body, spirit and environment through education, awareness and action. Located on the South Coast of Massachusetts.

Founded in 1993, the Marion Institute is a non-profit that acts as an incubator for a diverse array of programs and projects that delve into the root cause of an issue and seeks to create deep and positive change. We work with individuals, schools and communities to inspire change in the areas of health and healing, sustainability, green economics, environmental education, spirituality and much more.
The Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions is a statewide non-profit whose members are local conservation commissions, individuals, businesses, and organizations that support protecting wetlands, open space, and biological diversity. MACC’s mission is to protect Massachusetts natural resources by supporting conservation commissions through education and advocacy.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a federal agency that works hand-in-hand with the people of Massachusetts to improve and protect their soil, water and other natural resources. For decades, private landowners have voluntarily worked with NRCS specialists to prevent erosion, improve water quality and promote sustainable agriculture.
Planet-TECH Associates is a visionary-thinking incubator dedicated to a regenerative future. We investigate trends and innovations to determine compelling opportunities for municipalities, community foundations, government analysts and other stakeholders.
The Quincy Climate Action Network is committed to reduce fossil fuel usage and increase the production of clean renewable energy in our city. Many QCAN members serve on the mayor’s Climate Change Committee. Quincy is currently a contender for the Solarize Massachusetts program and QCAN will work with the state and solar installer to maximize residential solar installations if/when awarded.

Seeds of Sustainability is student club based in Fall River, Massachusetts at Bristol Community College whose goals are to encourage and promote education, leadership and the practice of sustainable living. SOS aims to provide the availability of fresh, local and organic food on campus, to support local organic agriculture and to foster sustainable practices throughout the surrounding community. Another of its objectives is to build a lasting relationship between the school’s administration, the student body and eventually the greater community. SOS is building a foundation for present and future members to grow in three major areas of a sustainable lifestyle. These are to be economically sound, ecologically responsible and socially equitable.
Sustainable Milton is a community organization in Milton, Massachusetts whose goals are to: Educate through workshops on living green, an environmental speaker series, green tours and seminars, and school programs. Communicate with our Green News newsletter, placing environment articles in local publications, promoting new town initiatives, and publishing a monthly e-bulletin. Promote reducing, reusing and recycling; energy efficiency and renewable options; and healthy homes, schools and building.