Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
The importance of community farms
Kannan Thiruvengadam: Eastie Farm
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#farm #soil #food
Tag: neighborhood
Maggie Booz: Neighborhood Tree Stewardship
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
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Transforming public spaces
Maggie Booz: Cambridge Committee on Public Planting
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#tree #community #greenspaces
John Reinhardt: Reviving a River
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
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John Reinhardt: President Mystic River Watershed Association
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#river #restoration #reviving
Anamarija Frankic: Oyster Beds and Living Shorelines
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
Anamarija Frankic: UMass Boston Green Harbors Project
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#oysters #oysterbeds #livingshorelines
Tom Wessels: Self-organization, Co-evolution, Resiliency, and Stability
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
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Self-organization is a natural process—that, as a system grows it also becomes more complex. This talk focuses on how this process works in ecosystems via co-evolution to generate the incredible biodiversity we see in nature. Many examples of regional co-evolved relationships will be used to illustrate how co-evolution works. The talk then shows how this process is a wonderful model for creating sustainable human systems.
Tom Wessels: Author of The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#coevolution #resiliency #stability
Zeyneb Magavi: Energy Execs, Ecosystems, and Alliances
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
Ecosystems across our highly developed region are threatened by climate change. At the same time, local ecosystems can help us to weather the coming climate shocks. Ecosystems are our allies, and there is much that we can do to revitalize them in our yards, streets, neighborhoods, parks, wetlands and waters.
Zeyneb Magavi: Research Director for HEET and serves on the National Health Impacts Team and the Gas Leaks Task Force for Mothers Out Front
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#energy #ecosystems #alliances
John Pitkin: Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change Introduction
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
John Pitkin: Greater Boston Group of the Sierra Club
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#ecosystems #boston #climatechange
Jennifer Lawrence, Duke Bitsko, Lenni Armstrong, Ellen Mass: Eco-Restoration as Climate Activism
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
Jennifer Lawrence, Sustainability Planner for the City of Cambridge, speaks on the City’s ongoing Vulnerability Assessment on climate change, and some possible measures the City can take to improve its climate resilience.
Duke Bitsko, landscape architect with Chester Engineers, describes a large-scale project he worked on in the Alewife Reservation, transforming a degraded low-quality upland habitat into a constructed stormwater wetland and park.The interdisciplinary team incorporated green infrastructure strategies to create diverse upland and wetland native plant communities.
Lenni Armstrong talks about the Depaving Parties she organizes in collaboration with Somerville Climate Action. She works with residents who want to transform paved areas of their yards into green spaces or permeable walkways and driveways. Urban depaving helps keep the watershed clean and promotes healthy neighborhood ecosystems. Also, Depaving Parties are fun and build community!
Ellen Mass of the Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR) speaks on what citizens can and must do to help their communities plan for climate change. FAR has been active for years in protecting and maintaining the Alewife wetlands and wild space, and will urge city dwellers to stay informed and involved in the public review process regarding development proposals, and to advocate for our environmental resources.
Part of the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#ecologicalrestoration #climatesolutions #local
Engin Atasay, Jim Corven, Rachael Furlong, Zoe Hansen-DiBello: Educating the New Climate Paradigm
Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: https://bio4climate.org/
Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: https://bio4climate.org/donate/
In this era of global warming and extreme weather events we face the uncommonly difficult task of preparing our children for the future. How do we explain to them what is happening, and how we got here? How do we provide them with the skills and resilience to face these challenges with strength and optimism? Our panelists will discuss models that connect young people to the natural world, help them understand and experience themselves as part of complex and biodiverse ecosystems, and teach the art and science of planetary regeneration.
Paula Phipps, Moderator
Preparing future generations for climate change
Engin Atasay, Assistant Professor of Education, BCC: Building ecoliteracy into education
Jim Corven, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Organic Agriculture at BCC: Teaching carbon farming as part of organic agriculture
Rachael Furlong from Seeds of Sustainability, a BCC student organization:
Student involvement ranging from fossil fuel divestment to permaculture
Zoe Hansen-DiBello, Marion Institute:
Engaging communities by teaching in neighborhood gardens, and moving toward carbon farming
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#climatechange #climateoptimism #climateeducation