Workshop on the Divine Feminine and Environmentalism with Rev Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson

This workshop follows Reverend Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson’s talk “The Necessity of the Divine Feminine in the Climate Crisis”
This panel discusses: What is the Divine Feminine? Why should we care? How can the Divine Feminine significantly impact the climate movement?

Reverend Dele: Climate Reality leader and spiritual director
Elizabeth Monson: Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge

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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020

#feminism #womenleaders #spiritual

The Necessity of the Divine Feminine in the Climate Crisis: Reverend Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson

Spiritual leaders discuss the connections between feminism and environmentalism.

Reverend Dele: Climate Reality Leader and spiritual director
Lama Elizabeth Monson: Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge

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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020

#feminism #climatecrisis #womenleaders

Reverend Dele: The Spirit of Life

How do we bring resilience of the heart, love of the living world, and determination to save it into our daily lives? What journeys can guide us, from permaculture to prayer and everything along the way?

Reverend Dele is a grandmother, author, pastor, permaculturist, radio host, eco-theologist and convenor of many amazing groups of dedicated people to bring peace and abundance to life on Earth.

Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018

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#spirituality #prayer #permaculture

Lincoln Smith & Ben Friton: Food Forests and Permaculture

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Perennial food systems can play a vital role in developing sustainable food supplies while restoring ecosystems. Food forests work WITH nature to restore carbon, water, and nutrient cycles, optimizing food production while minimizing requirements for external inputs. New food options abound and can be grown in back yards and local communities. Permaculture principles have broad application to building resilient communities.

Lincoln Smith & Ben Friton of Forested

Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017

#permaculture #foodforests #foodproduction

Glenn Gall and Allison Houghton: Permaculture, Perma-Water

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Glenn Gall takes us through the groundbreaking work done by many permaculture practitioners, and the central part which water plays in permaculture design. Discussion includes methods such as keyline, subsoiling and grazing, where water has become the focus of land management.

Boston-area community gardener and permaculture teacher Allison Houghton gives an appreciation of the pyramid of species that support soil life and biodiversity, and the ways in which water retention can be supported for ecosystem health.

Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.

#permaculture #grazing #landmanagement

Jonathan Bates – From Bare Ground to Urban Paradise on One-Tenth of an Acre

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Featuring Jonathan Bates, Permaculturist, Co-Author of Paradise Lot.

A neglected Holyoke house lot is re-born as a thriving edible forest garden with a wide variety of edible plants and trees. Jonathan Bates offers an overview of how he and his collaborator, Eric Toensmeier, applied principles of permaculture to transform their back and front yards, and how you can do it too.

Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.

#permaculture #gardening #edibleforests

Allison Houghton – Permaculture Gardens

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Featuring Allison Houghton, Permaculture and Gardening Teacher.

Permaculture methods for ecological design are especially useful for bringing productivity and biodiversity to urban settings. Allison Houghton shares some methods for planning and growing successful garden spaces.

Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.

#ecologicaldesign #biodiversity #gardening

Engin Atasay, Jim Corven, Rachael Furlong, Zoe Hansen-DiBello: Educating the New Climate Paradigm

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In this era of global warming and extreme weather events we face the uncommonly difficult task of preparing our children for the future. How do we explain to them what is happening, and how we got here? How do we provide them with the skills and resilience to face these challenges with strength and optimism? Our panelists will discuss models that connect young people to the natural world, help them understand and experience themselves as part of complex and biodiverse ecosystems, and teach the art and science of planetary regeneration.

Paula Phipps, Moderator
Preparing future generations for climate change
Engin Atasay, Assistant Professor of Education, BCC: Building ecoliteracy into education
Jim Corven, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Organic Agriculture at BCC: Teaching carbon farming as part of organic agriculture
Rachael Furlong from Seeds of Sustainability, a BCC student organization:
Student involvement ranging from fossil fuel divestment to permaculture
Zoe Hansen-DiBello, Marion Institute:
Engaging communities by teaching in neighborhood gardens, and moving toward carbon farming

From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.

#climatechange #climateoptimism #climateeducation

Carbon Farming with Ethan Roland

Ethan Roland is an international expert on regenerative agriculture and permaculture design. He will introduce us to how carbon farming enhances productivity, increases profitability and combats climate change. Drawing from the best practices from holistic management, keyline design, agroforestry, living soils, biochar, permaculture design and restoration agriculture, carbon farming offers a whole toolkit for agricultural earth regeneration.

Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014

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#ecosystems #agriculture #climatechange