Cool Forests for a Hot World

Cool Forests for a Hot World
Action Biodiversity Cooling Ecorestoration Forests Miyawaki Rewilding Solutions Youth

Cool Forests for a Hot World

Happy International Day for Biological Diversity!

May 22, 2024

Spring is turning to summer and 2024 is predicted to be the hottest summer on record, and yet the coolest one for the foreseeable future. 

We will look back at the record heat of this summer as the coolest in memory.

It is a shocking perspective to consider.

The techno solutions for extreme heat – from air conditioning for everyone on the planet to absurd ideas like blocking the sun – are fantasies.

Meanwhile, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate continues to study and promote restoring and regenerating healthy, biodiverse ecosystems.  

Both science and success stories refute the idea that nature takes too long, and can’t do enough.

We affirm the need to restore the five billion hectares of degraded land worldwide but we have also found a way to bring the power of eco restoration home.

Home to our own communities;

Home to those most in need of a healing shot of nature;

By planting tiny forests in urban areas, using the Miyawaki method.

After extensive research and training, in 2021 we planted the first mini-forest in the Northeastern US using the Miyawaki method of afforestation. Every year we partner with communities to plant new forests and to care for and study the forests already in the ground.

How much cooler would it be if every empty space in our cities was filled with trees?

And wouldn’t you know it? There’s an answer! 

According to a recent study, the eastern United States are 8 degrees cooler due to reforestation in the last century.

Would 8 degrees make a difference on a 98 degree day? You bet it would.

You can help Bio4Climate make this vision a reality.

We are already leading the movement to bring mini-forest ecosystems to urban spaces in New England and beyond.  We have partnered with communities to plant six forests and consulted with and inspired many more throughout the region.

But our Miyawaki Forest program needs your support to keep up with the demand for education and outreach that is seeding new forest projects.

Our goal this spring is to raise an additional $25,000 to keep this program going strong.

Mini-forests increase biodiversity, water retention, cooling, and access to the wonder of nature for neighborhoods in need of environmental justice.

The Miyawaki Team is expanding and your support will help us keep our new Urban Forestry Assistant on staff. Last year you helped us coordinate more than 200 volunteers and impact more than 3,000 students. Our increased staffing will expand this outreach and impact. 

Your gift will also help us collect professional level videography of our latest planting and partner with social media influencers to make the amazing story From Pavement to Paradise go viral. 

If you have seen the video produced by the Christian Science Monitor about our program, you know that the impacts of Miyawaki forest go way beyond the cooling, shade, habitat, and joy they bring to a community. 

Planting a forest gives people hope, it fights climate anxiety and it helps people understand in a personal way the power of nature to address climate change.

Please make a gift during this campaign to help support this very special Biodiversity for a Livable Climate program.


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