A National Park in Your Own Backyard?

A National Park in Your Own Backyard?
Biodiversity Opinion Reflection Vision

by Beck Mordini

Bio4Climate partnered with a coalition of climate and native plant organizations to bring Doug Tallamy to Northern Virginia for an in-person talk and book signing. Tallamy is the author of Nature’s Best Hope and a well known entomologist, conservationist and founder of Homegrown National Park. I was delighted that Bio4Climate Leadership Team member Ellen Maidman-Tanner was able to join me at our informational table to share the work of Bio4Climate and connect with attendees over the importance of native plants to restoring biodiversity and supporting the web of life.

As Tallamy sees it, Nature’s Best Hope turns out to be us. Like Bio4climate, he sees humanity as playing a key role in regenerating living systems. Tallamy is clear: conservation and regeneration cannot be confined to designated preserves and protected lands. With nearly half the land on Earth used for agriculture and the other half inhabited by people and our infrastructures, there is no mythical “third half” of the earth left for conservation. Instead, we must learn to support and regenerate natural ecosystems where we live, work, and farm.

Tallamy stressed the importance of native plants in these efforts. By planting species that are adapted to local conditions, we create habitats that sustain the insects, birds, and other wildlife that form the foundation of those natural ecosystems. And as we know, it’s those diverse, natural ecosystems that in turn facilitate and power the natural cycles that keep our climate in check. 

What does that look like in practice? Take our Miyawaki forest initiative, which brings the rich biodiversity of a forest ecosystem into urban spaces. These densely planted, rapidly growing native forests are living proof that even small-scale interventions can have a profound impact on biodiversity, ecosystem health, and community resilience to climate change.

Some of you may recall that Hart Hagan’s first class featured Tallamy’s work, highlighting the synergy between his ideas and our mission. Now, with initiatives like the Miyawaki forest program, we are putting these principles into action, helping communities cultivate thriving ecosystems right where they are.

Bio4Climate co-sponsored Doug Tallamy’s community talk in Northern Virginia.

Whether we’re talking about a communal Miyawaki forest or your own backyard, the message is simple but urgent: all life (yes, including us) depends on healthy ecosystems. By making space for nature in our own backyards, cities, and farmlands, we become active participants in the restoration of biodiversity. Tallamy’s work reminds us that conservation isn’t just about saving distant wilderness; it’s about nurturing nature where we live.

Beyond the stage, there was so much enthusiasm from everyone we spoke with for understanding the power of biodiversity to help heal the planet. While it was wonderful to meet so many of you IRL we also promoted Tallamy’s hybrid event the following week, which included the opportunity to hear his talk via Zoom. For those who couldn’t make either event, stay tuned, I am sure we will be hearing more about Homegrown National Parks and Doug Tallamy.

Couldn’t make it? Catch the recorded conversation below!

Beck Mordini

Beck Mordini brings 20 years of nonprofit experience including protecting the biodiversity of native plants at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and protecting undocumented workers from exploitation in Washington state. Beck has been a Pachamama Project Drawdown workshop leader, worked on the County Community Climate Action Plan, and testified on behalf of solar reforms to the Board of Supervisors.  She has degrees from the University of Virginia and the College of William & Mary with coursework in Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable business from local colleges. 

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