Ecological restoration success is higher for natural regeneration than for active restoration in tropical forests, Crouzeilles et al. 2017

This meta-analysis comparing active restoration to natural ecosystem regeneration found the latter to be more effective. The authors conclude that “lower-cost natural regeneration surpasses active restoration in achieving tropical forest restoration success for biodiversity and vegetation structure[7]” [Crouzeilles 2017: 4]. This conclusion runs counter to conventional wisdom that active restoration is preferable despite being more…

Adam Sacks: Healing Lands Across the World

Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: A brief talk by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s Executive Director, Adam Sacks, with beautiful illustrations of the power of Nature to heal landscapes. Humans can help restore the planet by using regenerative land management. Presented at ecoAmerica…

B. Lorraine Smith: Listening to Trees Here and Gone

Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: Trees share a wealth of information to the willing listener, well beyond aesthetics, recreation or “natural resource.” They offer details about the connections above and below ground – from birds and insects, to parasites and fungi, to humans…

Kris Nichols: Regenerative Farming- Front Line Action to Reverse Global Warming

Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: Farmers have the potential to be the front-line heroes in the quest to reverse global warming. They manage a “technology” for massive planetary geotherapy that is tried and tested and available for widespread dissemination right now. It costs…

Adam Sacks, Jono Neiger, Bruce Fulford: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet Q&A

Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable ClimateJono Neiger, Ecological Designer, Regenerative Design GroupBruce Fulford, Principal, City Soil From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at…

Ronnie Cummins: Building the Movement We Need

Learn more about Biodiversity for a Livable Climate: Please donate to our ecosystem restoration work: Ronnie Cummins, co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association, leads a network of 850,000 consumers dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting a healthy, just, and sustainable system of agriculture and commerce. He has been active…

Carbon Farming with Ethan Roland

Ethan Roland is an international expert on regenerative agriculture and permaculture design. He will introduce us to how carbon farming enhances productivity, increases profitability and combats climate change. Drawing from the best practices from holistic management, keyline design, agroforestry, living soils, biochar, permaculture design and restoration agriculture, carbon farming offers a whole toolkit for agricultural…