Featured Creatures
Welcome to our Featured Creature series, where we share some baffling, remarkable, and powerful organisms that share our planet. We share so much with other life – a large percentage of our DNA, the ecosystems we inhabit, the food webs we participate in. And we have a shared fate on this Earth.
Each of these creatures has much to teach us. Their adaptations, resilience, and ability to shape their ecosystems offer valuable lessons for us all. We hope you’ll enjoy this look at the creativity and resilience of life!.
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What creature is able to control blood flow to their extremities, has eyes adapted for underwater vision, and spends 75% of its life at sea?

Prickly Pear Cactus
What plant thrives in the harshest landscapes, conserving water like a desert camel, and produces a sweet yet spiky fruit enjoyed for centuries? The Prickly Pear Cactus!

Mexican Wolf
I prowl the woods, both fierce and lean,
With golden eyes and coat unseen.
Once a ghost upon the land,
Now brought back by careful hand.
Who am I, wild and free,
Yet bound by fate and history?

What creature is mall and round
and with a shrill sound
it nests in the ground,
where it hopes not to be found?

What creature used to live on the ground but now hangs in trees, has hair that grows in the opposite direction than most mammals, and turns green because of the algae that thrives in their fur?

Japanese Knotweed
With leaves shaped like a spade, what plant
is known to invade and refuses to fade?

What insect spends years hidden underground, preparing for a brief but spectacular emergence into the sunlight, filling the air with the deafening, iconic song of summer?

Staghorn sumac
What berries grow in crimson towers,
With tangy taste that puckers and sours?

What creature often looks blue, but isn’t, is found on every continent but Antarctica, and inspired a train’s design?

Strangler Fig
What creature grows backwards and can swallow a tree whole?

‘Ōhi’a Lehua
What tree has adapted to grow directly in lava rock and is a keystone species of the Hawaiian watershed?

Stone Pine
What Mediterranean tree is uniquely equipped to withstand wildfires with armor-like bark and high, out of reach, branches?

Mouse-ear cress
What plant was the first to flower in space and is the most widely used model species for studying plant biology?

Red kite
What acrobatic raptor was so essential to medieval public health, killing it was a crime and it became the national bird of Wales?

What plant plays an important role in its native Eastern Hemisphere grasslands, but alters soil moisture and fire regimes when introduced in North America?

Moon Snail
What seemingly cute, small creature is, in fact, a terrifying killer that drills a hole into their prey, liquidizes them, and then sucks them out like a smoothie?

Slow Loris
What creature has large eyes, dexterous feet, and is the only venomous primate known to exist??
The slow loris (Nycticebus)!

Iberian Hare
What athletic creature can reach speeds of 45mph and cool itself down with large ears – all in a 2.5 kg frame?
The Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis)!

Eastern Emerald Elysia
What creature steals photosynthesis, can go a year without eating, and blurs the animal-plant boundary?
The Eastern Emerald Elysia!

Leafcutter Bee
What creature carves out little pieces of tree leaves to build its nest inside hollow stems?
The Leafcutter Bee!

What 200-pound nocturnal sea creature, thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago, was resurrected in 1938?

Bearded Vulture
What handsome creature dyes its feathers and almost exclusively eats bones?
The bearded vulture!

Cork Oak
What creature is the engine of the Portuguese economy and works hard to delight wine-lovers around the world?
The Cork Oak!

Blue Whale
Which creature who helps fight climate change has newborns the size of an adult elephant and is not a fan of boats?
The Blue Whale!

Banded Sea Krait
What semiaquatic creature has a paddle-like tail, swims through crevices, and can even climb trees?
The banded sea krait!

Gila Monster
What creature has a venomous bite and is uniquely adapted to survive harsh desert terrain?
The Gila monster!

What unique animal could be a cross between a rabbit, a pig, an opossum, and an anteater?
The aardvark!

Northern Cardinal
What instantly recognizable songbird holds seven state titles and has the crown to prove it?
The Northern Cardinal!

Northern Red Oak
What statuesque organism is a champion of beauty, hardiness, and capacity to nurture life around it?
The Northern Red Oak!

What mammal makes a mysterious sound that scientists can’t figure out, can jump straight up to a height eight times their body length, and loves us when we love them?
Felis catus, the mostly tame, sometimes feral, house cat!

What often-overlooked creature is an expert navigator, an impressive postman, and a natural mammographer?
A pigeon!

Atlantic Puffin
What striking seabird is a master of adaptability in the ocean and the air?
The Atlantic Puffin!

What long-legged creatures are known for their beauty, social habits, and fabulous flamboyance?

Humpback Whale
What species of tremendous size and grace undertakes the largest mammal migration on Earth?
The humpback whale!

What cute creature is an underground architect and an amateur meteorologist?
The Groundhog!

What common bird possesses an uncommon intelligence, including diversified communication, excellent memory, and a talent for mathematics?
The crow!

Canada Lynx
What furry feline has stealthy skills, built-in snow gear, and a surprising screech?
The Canada lynx!

Fishing Cat
What fascinating feline with unique adaptations roams the aquatic ecosystems of Southeast Asia?
The fishing cat!

American Chestnut
What tree, the “Redwood of the East,” once dominated the forests of the Eastern United States, and the cultural landscape as well?
The American Chestnut!

What organism can grow up to 35 inches in a day, conduct electricity, and survive an atomic bomb?

Black Drongo
What small but fearless songbird can astonish with its aerial acrobatics and is always ready to battle much bigger birds for dominance?
The Black Drongo!

Zombie Ant Fungus
What creature preys on ants and other insects, invading their bodies, seizing control of their minds, and killing them off to reproduce, all the while inspiring zombie stories that terrify us humans?
Welcome to Zombie Ant Fungus, or Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis!

Which creature is the largest Asian antelope, considered sacred to some and pest to others?
The Nilgai!

Luna Moths
What nocturnal creatures native to North America are known for their beauty and the fact that they don’t eat at all in their adult life?
Luna moths!

Which creature fights fires, creates wetlands, recharges groundwater, alters landscapes, and is a climate hero?

Asian Giant Hornet
What creature comes from Southeast Asia, is the biggest of its kind, eats animals we need, and has been tried and convicted of murder in the court of public opinion?
Meet the Asian Giant Hornet!

Turkey Tails
Which fungi creature gets its name from a bird, helps heal internal wounds, and benefits people worldwide?

Whale Shark
What creature is the largest of its kind, sports beautiful patterns, and holds a reputation for being a ‘gentle giant’?
The whale shark!

Which creature is a master of architecture, contributes to human food sources, and has a mutually beneficial relationship with numerous plant species?

European Hamster
Which keystone species creates intricate burrows, is aggressive towards its own kind, and hibernates from October to May? The European Hamster! Did you know that there are multiple species of hamster in the wild? I didn’t know this until recently, when I stumbled upon a BBC Earth video of a European Hamster foraging for food…

Banded Mongoose
Which creature enjoys social gatherings, is well adapted to its habitat, and can be very altruistic? The Banded Mongoose is a small mammal with a mass of approximately ≤2kg (or 4 lbs) found in (and indigenous to) various parts of Africa. While most other mongoose species live a solitary life, the banded mongoose is gregarious…

Which creature is a combination of two other organisms, comes in bright colors, and helps us measure air quality?

What sort of worm is festooned with sensitive tentacles all the way down its sides and – though it can’t bark – has a nasty bite? That would be the “clam worm” or alitta succinea, a denizen of estuarial waters. Alternative names I’ve always called them “seaworms” but they are normally known as “clam worms,” “ragworms,”…

Giant Barrel Sponge
What creature grows tall and sturdy, cleans up its neighborhood, and defends itself from predators – all without moving a muscle?
The Giant Barrel Sponge, or Xestospongia muta!

What tiny creature brings luck to farmers and other folks all over the globe? The ladybug! One Lucky Lady Ladybugs, or beetles of the family Coccinellidae, are small, often colorful rounded insects beloved by children’s rhymes and gardeners alike. Ladybugs are thought to be a sign of luck in many cultures and urban myths. Whether it’s…

Atlas Moth
What creature has no mouth, is known for colorful patterns, and is famous for mimicking a deadly predator?

Which creature existed before the dinosaurs, is an aerial genius, and can detect things we can only witness through slow-motion cameras?

Slime Mold
What brainless creature can learn, problem solve, and even hold down a job?
The slime mold!

Poison Dart Frog
What creature the size of a paperclip is lethal enough to kill ten grown men? The poison dart frog! What makes the poison dart frog so powerful? Poison dart frogs – so named because the Indigenous Emberá people of Colombia traditionally used the venom in blow darts – are some of the most toxic creatures…