Healing Our Land & Our Climate! – Registration still open

Healing Our Land & Our Climate! – Registration still open
Action Agriculture Biodiversity Carbon Cooling Ecorestoration Forests Rewilding Science Soil Solutions Water

In order to heal our climate, we must FIRST heal our land. In order to heal the land, we must restore the health of the soil and our ecosystems. Join Hart Hagan for this course on Healing Our Land & Our Climate! from July 9 – September 24. Classes are weekly on Tuesdays at either 12 noon or 7 pm ET.

In the course, you’ll discover the power of healthy soil and ecosystems to prevent flooding, drought, wildfires, and extreme heat, remove carbon from the atmosphere, and deliver nutrients to our plants, making them healthy, resilient and nutritious.

Specifically, you’ll learn how to:

  • increase the number of bees, butterflies and birds in your landscape
  • understand how the forests manage our climate
  • grow soil and improve the health of your soil by implementing the 5 principles of soil health
  • capture the rain where it falls to hydrate the land, preventing the flow to the storm drain, then rivers and oceans
  • create an ecological landscape that is low cost and low maintenance
  • optimally nurture your plants and minimize your water bill
  • discover effective communication strategies for sharing these critical messages
  • reduce climate impacts in your neighborhood and your bioregion

Read more and register today!