To view the videos from each past conference, please visit the main page or the program page of each conference . . . and check out our Introductory Playlist.
Nature’s Solutions as National Policy
In 2021, we kicked off a series of mini-conferences on nature’s solutions as national policy. Starting in June, we began fostering discussions between experts on soil science, animal behavior, regenerative agricultural projects, policy-making, grassroots organizing, food sovereignty, climate journalism, and the confluence of food, water, health, and climate issues. Our aim is to understand how governments and policy-makers can support community-driven regenerative practices and empower the transitions needed to restore our ecosystems and cool the Earth. Check out our most recent installment, Code Red Water: Two Global Perspectives from March 2022!

Blessed Unrest: Growing a Future for Life on Earth
In 2020 we joined the world in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Yet here we are, still facing exponential decay of the life support systems for our continued life on Earth.
Yet, thousands of independent organizations and millions of individuals worldwide are restoring living processes in their local areas and connecting with each other to create global change. This is the spontaneous, non-governmental movement that author Paul Hawken has called “blessed unrest”.

Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature
November 17-18, 2018, Harvard University, Geological Lecture Hall
We promise that you will be astonished and delighted, as have we, at recent as well as ancient insights about the creatures we share Planet Earth with. They express feelings and intelligence that we can barely understand, they lead full and interesting lives, and we rely on their diverse and varied presence for our own survival. They’re talking to us, and this will be a weekend where we learn more about how to listen – and to marvel. Here’s a sample of what we’ve pondered (Scientific American, The Mind of the Predator, by Gay Bradshaw).

Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change
March 31, 2018, Harvard University, Geological Lecture Hall
Co-sponsored by Massachusetts Sierra Club Greater Boston Group
A discussion of how local ecosystems can help us to weather the coming climate shocks, and of current efforts and new possibilities to protect and strengthen our local ecosystems. There are workshops on practical ways you can help revitalize ecosystems in our yards, streets, neighborhoods, parks, wetlands and waters.

Climate Reckoning:
Paths to an Earth Restored
November 17-19, 2017, Geological Lecture Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
The scientific community now recognizes that even if we go to zero emissions tomorrow, the tragedies will continue to mount. If we think that our only option is emissions reductions, as essential as they are, we hit a wall with nowhere to go but resignation and despair. But when we add eco-restoration into the equation, a remarkable story emerges, one of renewal and hope.

Scenario 300:
Making Climate Cool
April 30, 2017, Washington, DC
Scenario 300 is a strategy for going from a dangerous 406 ppm (parts per million) to a safer 300 ppm of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. By regenerating healthy ecosystems, including soils, along with managing local water cycles, we can reverse our disastrous climate course. During this inspiring and informative conference, we will discuss how to rapidly move carbon out of the skies and use it to support a diversity of life both above and below ground.

Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity
January 31, 2017, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
A collaboration with the Ecological Landscape Alliance, NOFA (Northeast Organic Farming Association), NOFA Organic Land Care, and Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
An in-depth, inspiring conversation on Carbon Sequestration to learn what practical steps you can take to ensure that your interactions with the landscape result in positive impacts.

Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Floods & Droughts
November 18-20, 2016, Harvard University
We hear from forward-thinking scientists, ocean restoration experts, fisheries professionals and activists about the remarkable possibilities of regenerated abundant oceans for a healthy and livable planet, on land and at sea.

The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate
April 30, 2016, Harvard University
Everything on Planet Earth is connected to everything else. We humans, particularly we civilized ones, aren’t generally very good at seeing those connections. We don’t live with the natural world day in and day out, which makes it difficult to see how these complex relationships affect us. Furthermore, many such relationships play out over time scales far longer than a human lifespan so it can be difficult for us to understand what’s going on until serious damage has been done.

Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming,
Tufts 2015
October 16-18, 2015, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Water and its remarkable physical properties make life on earth possible. In this conference we pay particular attention to water’s role in regulating climate through its capacity to store, move and transfer more heat than any other natural compound. Water is a planetary thermostat, and even with elevated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it can cool the biosphere and address destructive feedback loops in the climate system.

Restoring Ecosystems
to Reverse Global Warming,
Washington D.C. 2015
September 26th, 2015, University of the District of Columbia
We introduce new ideas that represent the other side of the CO2/Climate Equation – the biological “sink.” Emphasize that the task is broader than just atmospheric carbon dioxide. We describe ecosystems and how humans can partner with Nature, and encourage people to meet each other and become part of a Washginton, DC area community working together (scientists, students, activists, farmers, policymakers, thought leaders) to promote these ideas and leave the conference inspired with hope and ideas to take action!

Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse
Global Warming
May 3rd, 2015 at the Harvard University Science Center
We look at how we can reverse global warming through eco-restoration and the roles for individuals, businesses and organizations in cities and suburbs. We review hands-on efforts that you can do in your town, the role of public officials and government, and how local businesses can help (and already are helping).

Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity, and Planet!
February 20th, 2015, Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA
Co-Sponsored by Bristol Community College
A conference for farmers, gardeners, government officials, city-town councils, civic leaders, school board members, educators at all levels, park/forest and environmental managers and stewards, nursery and landscape business owners, and all other folks concerned about health, prosperity and the ecological future of the planet.

Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming
November 21-23, 2014, Tufts University
We are telling a new story. Each of our speakers presents a chapter in the remarkable narrative of life on earth in the 21st century. We humans are a key part of that narrative, and while there are many parts they all come together in a single tale. We will weave those parts together so that each presentation is part of the whole, a whole that builds a different and more hopeful worldview than we’ve heard in a long time. We have a lot of work to do and heavy paradigms to shift, but we can and will tell the new story with exciting and hopeful outcomes.