This panel was one of several presentations hosted during Redesigning Our Communities for Life After Fossil Fuels on Saturday, January 21, 2023 with Los Angeles community leaders. This event is the third in a series of six events hosted virtually and in-person in communities throughout the U.S. and Canada –
Stay tuned to register for our next event on Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 1 – 4:30 pm EST on Zoom with Cleveland community leaders.
Our fifth and sixth events are scheduled for:
Corvallis, Oregon – July 2023
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. – November 2023
More Details on this Panel Discussion:
Five panelists from Los Angeles and the southwestern U.S. introduce their work and answered two questions:
How can ecological restoration reduce the effects of climate change that we’re experiencing now (ex. drought, flooding, wildfires, mudslides, etc.) and what next steps can residents take, especially to support our most under-resourced communities including Black, Indigenous, people of color and low income communities?
How can we organize efforts to rapidly increase local food production using regenerative practices and what next steps can residents take, especially to support our most under-resourced communities including Black, Indigenous, people of color and low income communities?
Aura Vasquez, Founder, Ready to Help LA, Board Member, Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters, Community Organizer and Consulting Specialist
Tania Roa, Former Digital Communications and Outreach Manager, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, Co-Founder and Co-Host, Closing the Gap Social Justice Podcast
Matthew Teutimez, Tribal Biologist, Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation
Alison “Ali” Frazzini, Policy Advisor, Chief Sustainability Office, Acting Co-Chair, Los Angeles Food Equity Roundtable, County of Los Angeles
Moses J. Massenburg, Historian, African American Women’s History, Urban Community Gardener and Farmer
Nathan Lou, Co-Founder, Executive Director, Mongol Tribe
Coakí, Reforestation and Regenerative Horticulture Practitioner and Educator
It’s time to scale way back, redesign how we’re living and roll up our sleeves to restore our ecosystems, soil, biodiversity and connections with our neighbors. As we learn and take action on how to live within the Earth’s limits, it’s vital that we co-invent and redesign our new lifestyles together with all members of our communities, especially our under-resourced community members, who are often the most seriously impacted by the climate and other crises. We must move forward by coming together, learning from one another, and supporting each other as we strengthen our resilience and face the challenges ahead.
National Hosts:
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate –
Post Carbon Institute – and
Los Angeles Hosts:
Angelenos for Green Schools –
MiniForest LA –
Closing the Gap – a Social Justice Podcast –
Cedar Lane Ecosystem Studies Group –
Cottingham Farm –
Neighborhood Villaging –
Bicycle Kitchen –
Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation –
Harmony Houz –
Here We Gro Gardens –
In God’s Hands Gardens –
Los Angeles Eco-Village –
Mongol Tribe –
Re:Ciclos –
Ready to Help LA –
Voices of Water for Climate –
The locations of past events have included:
Montgomery County, Maryland – September 10, 2022
Kansas City, Missouri/Kansas – November 12, 2022
Los Angeles, California – January 21, 2023
To receive updates on these and other events, sign up for mail at
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This event was recorded on January 21, 2023.
Global Cooling from Plant Transpiration: Mechanisms and Uncertainties
In a time of accelerating global warming, nature’s ability to cool the Earth is one of the most exciting and important prospects we can explore.
We’ve been proud to host scientific experts at the forefront of this research like Dr. Anastassia Makarieva, Andrei Nefiodov, and Jan Pokorny. They joined us a couple of months ago in No Trees, No Rain to share some of their work on the water cycle and the role of vegetation and transpiration in global climate and cooling. Now we are excited to present this follow-up discussion.
Trees provide cool shade under a hot sun, but where does the solar energy spent on evapotranspiration go? What is its fate in the atmosphere? Do forests cool the Earth as a whole or only locally? Dig into these questions and more.
This 20-minute talk by Dr. Makarieva (TUM-IAS) for those who want to go a little deeper, followed by Q&A and discussion with colleagues Andrei Nefiodov, Jan Pokorny, Zuzka Mulkerin and more.
This webinar is prepared by the Biotic Pump Greening Group with the cooperation of Voices of Water at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.
Restoring Peatland Ecosystems in the Face of Flooding
Tropical peat swamp forest is a unique ecosystem that is under enormous threat by human activities, such as logging, conversion for agriculture, drainage, fire, and wildlife hunting. Peat-swamp forests in the tropics represent a high biodiversity ecosystem with thousands of species and are rich in endemic and endangered flora and fauna.
To address the threats to Indonesian ecosystems, Eka Cahyaningrum, Primate Researcher and 2022 Global Landscapes Forum Restoration Steward, started an organization with her two friends to restore peatlands and the habitats of primates, from orangutans to gibbons.
Follow Eka’s journey through Global Landscapes Forum:
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This interview is hosted by Tania Roa, Digital Communications and Outreach Manager for Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Reforestation Solution: Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
Tony Rinaudo is an Australian agronomist, who is widely known as the “forest maker.” Having lived and worked in African countries for many decades, he has discovered and put in practice a solution to the extreme deforestation and desertification of the Sahel region.
Using an elegantly simple set of management practices, farmers can grow new trees quickly by utilizing the root systems beneath existing tree stumps. He will describe the path to this solution to land degradation and the history, development and impact of the global movement called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration. The work he began in Niger in 1983 has now been linked to the regrowth of 200 million trees on five million hectares of degraded farmland in Niger alone.
More than an effective, low cost, rapid and scalable method of land and environmental restoration, FMNR is restoring livelihoods and food security across tens of thousands of communities and in the process, restoring hope.
Environmental journalist and author Judith D. Schwartz joined Tony to discuss the powerful potential of ecosystem restoration.
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Youth Eco Restorers for Climate
Around the world, young people are organizing in a variety of ways to restore our ecosystems and heal planet Earth. Hear from three remarkable youth leaders who are doing incredible work to help protect and restore the Earth through ecosystem restoration, art, and regenerative agricultural advocacy.
Sergio Esteban Lozano-Báez is from Colombia. In 2011, he worked on the forest restoration plan for areas affected by alluvial gold mining in the Nechí river basin, Antioquia. Sergio has a PhD in Forest Resources at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and the results of his thesis appeared in many scientific articles. In 2019, he coordinated his first restoration project with the organization Selva – Research for Conservation in the Neotropics. This restoration project aims to restore 45 ha on the north of Tolima, Colombia, planting 25,000 native tree species to improve the habitat of endemic and endangered bird species. Through this project, he became a Mountain Restoration Steward for Global Landscapes Forum.
Ayushi Gaur is a college freshmen with a double major in Marine Biology and Dance at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC, and works on the Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council – a program of the Jane Goodall Institute. Through ConservACTION, a virtual space dedicated to highlighting the intersections of the creative arts and the environmental movement, she is able to combine two of her great passions (environmental conservation and the creative arts) and inspire others to do the same.
Carol Viana is an environmental engineer and climate activist. She is the co-founder of the Chloride Free Foundation, an international organization trying to reverse climate change by protecting soil biodiversity and promoting chloride-free and chemical-free agriculture. She is also a member of YOUNGO, the official Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC, where she discusses issues related to environmental advocacy and regenerative agriculture with global audiences.
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This event was organized and hosted by Tania Roa and Abby Abrahamson of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Recorded on September 17, 2022
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Intro
2:52 – Mountain Restoration in Colombia with Sergio Esteban Lozano-Báez
27:52 – Climate Art Activism with Ayushi Gaur
41:55 – Regenerative Agriculture from Brazil to the World with Carol Viana
57:50 – Q&A
1:28:46 – Closing
#climatechangeawareness #climateactivist #youthleaders
Drying Rivers and Drought: What We Can Do in Massachusetts
Drought warnings in Massachusetts are a stark reminder that we are part of a global climate system where warming trends are accelerating. Is there something we can learn from adding a global lens to our local and regional mitigation efforts?
Danielle Dolan, Deputy Director of the Mass Rivers Alliance, and Beth Lambert, Director of the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, will join Slovakian hydrologist and Goldman Environmental Prize winner Michal Kravčík in conversations about our connection to the global water crisis. Dr. Kravčík will introduce the new water paradigm, which explains the role of small water cycles and the importance of restoring them in urban, agricultural and forest settings to prevent drought and floods, and to cool the planet.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
#drought #restoration #northeast
Using The Miyawaki Method To Rapidly Rewild The World
What can hold more than 500 species, sequester more than 500 lbs. CO2/year, be 10F cooler than its surroundings, soak up lots of rainwater,and be made by and for children in a space no bigger than a tennis court? A “mini-forest” planted using the Miyawaki Method, of course!
Hannah Lewis (Bio4Climate Compendium editor) and Daan Bleichrodt (The Netherlands’ Tiny Forest initiative leader) talk about mini-/tiny-forests and their role in climate resilience, urban beautification, and connecting all of us to nature.
Dave Morimoto, Professor of Biology and Chair of Natural Science and Mathematics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Lesley University will moderate the discussion.
Hannah’s new book, “Mini-Forest Revolution” published by Chelsea Green:
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Amazon Deforestation: Why It Matters To Us
To support efforts to stop deforestation, sign the Amazonia for Life pledge:éclaration
The Amazon Rainforest is known as the “lungs of the earth” because it draws in carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen. But it is also the biological heart of the planet’s hydroclimate system, the planet’s rain making machine. We have lost almost 20 % of the forest and are close to reaching a tipping point where it will turn to grassland. What will that mean for us, and how can we prevent the dieback?
Jon Schull, co-founder of the EcoRestoration Alliance will moderate a discussion with panelists Atossa Soltani, founder of Amazon Watch and director Global Strategy for Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative, and Rob de Laet, co-founder of the World Climate School.
Our speakers show us how massive regeneration can restore disrupted water cycles and degraded soils and moderate the destructive effects of extreme weather events. We can calm the weather and cool the planet within one generation by protecting and reforesting the rainforests of the planet and reshaping food production in those areas from open canopy monocultures to largely closed canopy forms of agroforestry/permaculture.
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Youth-led Climate Initiatives with Chloe Ng
In this interview hosted by Abby Abrahamson, Chloe Ng discusses her involvement with the Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council – a program of the Jane Goodall Institute.
Chloe Ng is a freshmen at University of Pennsylvania. This is her third year on the National Youth Leadership Council. As leader of the Blind Brook Roots & Shoots club, her favorite project has been the initiative to compost school lunch trays. This student-led initiative taught Chloe the difference young people can make through persistence and advocacy. She has also enjoyed organizing a tree-planting fundraiser, volunteering at a native plant sale, and getting involved in ecology research where she studies the impacts of overabundant deer on forests.
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Rewilding Our Planet Using the Miyawaki Method: Hannah Lewis & Maya Dutta
The Cambridge Public Library and Biodiversity for a Livable Climate present author Hannah Lewis in a reading and discussion of her latest book, Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World. The Miyawaki Method is a unique approach to reforestation devised by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki.
In the book, Lewis explains how tiny forests as small as six parking spaces grow quickly and are much more biodiverse than those planted by conventional methods. She explores the science behind why Miyawaki-style mini-forests work and the myriad environmental benefits, including: cooling urban heat islands, establishing wildlife corridors, building soil health, sequestering carbon, creating pollinator habitats, and more.
Today, the Miyawaki Method is witnessing a worldwide surge in popularity. Lewis shares the stories of mini-forests that have sprung up across the globe and the people who are planting them―from a young forest along the concrete alley of the Beirut River in Lebanon, to a backyard forest planted by tiny-forest champion Shubhendu Sharma in India. Cambridge’s own Danehy Park is home to the first Miyawaki mini-forest in the northeastern United States.
Hannah Lewis the editor of the Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming, published by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, a nonprofit environmental organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She has worked in various roles related to building sustainable food systems, including as the Midwest regional director for the National Center for Appropriate Technology. She has an MS in Sustainable Agriculture and Sociology from Iowa State University and a BA in Environmental Studies from Middlebury College. Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, she lived in France with her partner and their two children during the writing of this book.
Maya Dutta is an environmental advocate and aspiring ecosystem restorer working to spread understanding on the key role of biodiversity in shaping the climate and the water, carbon, nutrient and energy cycles we rely on. She is passionate about climate change adaptation and mitigation and the ways that community-led ecosystem restoration can fight global climate change while improving the livelihood and equity of human communities. She works on project management, research, outreach, education and advocacy efforts at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. Having grown up in New York City and lived in cities all her life, Maya is interested in creating more natural infrastructure, biodiversity, and access to nature and ecological connection in urban areas. Along with partners and others at Bio4Climate, she coordinated the planting of the first Miyawaki forest in the Northeast US in Danehy Park, North Cambridge in September of 2021, and is enthusiastically stewarding its growth.
This talk was recorded June 2022
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Biodiversity for a Livable Climate Live Stream
Ego vs Eco: How Human, Animal, and Planet Health Interconnect
Wildlife and social justice advocate Tania Roa, who is also our Digital Communications Manager, gives a presentation on four topics to illustrate the need to move away from the Western mainstream ‘Ego’ mentality and to collectively move towards the holistic ‘Eco’ mindset. The four topics include a comparison between One Health and One Welfare, zoonotic diseases, wildlife-human conflict, preserving biodiversity.
This talk was recorded April 2022
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Introducing the EcoRestoration Alliance
The EcoRestoration Alliance grew out of the work of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (Bio4Climate). The Alliance is a rapidly growing global collaboration of scientists, thought leaders, conservationists, on-the-ground restoration practitioners and storytellers whose work challenges the prevailing view that reducing fossil fuel use at this late date can still result in the global cooling that we need.
Three Alliance members, Cuenca Los Ojos founder Valer Clark, Ecosystem Restoration Camps founder John Liu, and League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development founder Ilse Köhler-Rollefson discuss how ecosystem restoration can be done in a way that supports and empowers local communities. Healthy ecosystems like forests, grasslands, wetlands, and regenerative farmlands with year-round cover crops cool the biosphere and tame extreme weather. This conversation is moderated by ERA co-founder Jon Schull.
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Mini-Forest Revolution with author Hannah Lewis
In this interview hosted by Tania Roa, author Hannah Lewis discusses her new book “Mini – Forest Revolution.” In this book, Lewis presents the Miyawaki Method, a unique approach to reforestation devised by Japanese botanist Dr. Akira Miyawaki.
She explains how tiny forests as small as six parking spaces grow quickly and are much more biodiverse than those planted by conventional methods. She explores the science behind why Miyawaki-style mini-forests work and the myriad environmental benefits, including: cooling urban heat islands, establishing wildlife corridors, building soil health, sequestering carbon, creating pollinator habitats, and more. This inspiring book offers a revolutionary approach to planting trees and a truly accessible solution to the climate crisis.
Pre-order ‘Mini – Forest Revolution’ on Chelsea Green Publishing’s site:
Pre-order on Amazon:
Hannah Lewis is Bio4Climate’s editor for the Compendium of Scientific and Practical Findings Supporting Eco-Restoration to Address Global Warming. She has worked in various roles related to building sustainable food systems, including as the Midwest regional director for the National Center for Appropriate Technology. She has an MS in Sustainable Agriculture and Sociology from Iowa State University and a BA in Environmental Studies from Middlebury College.
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Regenerating Soil And Water Landscapes with Judith Schwartz
Throughout the year 2020, the public has grown increasingly aware of the ways we have inadvertently harmed the biodiversity and ecosystems upon which life depends. The United Nations having declared 2021-2030 the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration presents the opportunity for a global focus on regenerating natural systems.
Journalist and author Judith D. Schwartz has travelled widely to find people who are successfully restoring healthy soil and water ecosystems. She talks with Cambridge, MA activist Nicola Williams about her research as well as a forthcoming book about the global ecosystem restoration movement.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Worldwide Teach In on Climate & Justice
On May 30, 2022, Bio4Climate and the Campus Sustainability Committee at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) hosted an event as a part of the Worldwide Teach-In on Climate & Justice organized by Bard College. MCLA faculty, staff, and community members presented 5-minute talks on climate issues, followed by a dialogue with students.
The Teach-In event was organized into four panels on the following topics: “Climate and the Socie-city,” “Climate Solutions: Energy, Agriculture, & Forests,” “Art & Praxis of Climate Change,” and “Life Saves the Planet.”
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Art for the Environment with Ayushi Gaur
In this interview hosted by Abby Abrahamson, Ayushi Gaur, a senior from Memphis, Tennessee discusses her involvement with Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council – a program of the Jane Goodall Institute.
Ayushi’s favorite Roots & Shoots project is ConservACTION, a virtual space dedicated to highlighting the intersections of the creative arts and the environmental movement. This is her favorite project because it combines two of her great passions while connecting her to others with the same interests. Ayushi believes that art and dance can go far beyond words when it comes to expressing ideas and concerns regarding global issues and she appreciates seeing the perspective of others through their work.
See Ayushi and others’ nature-related artwork:
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Mushrooms Change the World with Daniel Randall
In this interview hosted by Abby Abrahamson, Daniel Randall discusses his involvement with the Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council – a program of the Jane Goodall Institute.
Daniel is a passionate advocate for nature and aims to improve environmental conditions through nature’s own intelligence. Through Roots & Shoots, Daniel has planted over a hundred trees and witnessed how disadvantaged neighborhoods can start a transformation in one day. He has initiated a community soil-making program in his neighborhood and discovered that the foundational key to rebuilding soil is plant diversity. His newest project with mushrooms, “Mycelium Magic” has revealed an underground universe that supports planetary life and has world-changing impacts that are ready to be green-lighted on a global scale.
Daniel aspires to help others become participants in these amazing evolutionary solutions. His enthusiasm and leadership has been honored by organizations such as Bioneers, California Safe Schools, South Coast Air Quality Management District and Prudential Spirit of Community Awards.
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Haiti’s “Green Pearl” Initiative with Janot Mendler De Suarez
Janot Mendler De Suarez describes the community-driven “Green Pearl” initiative that aspires to transform Haiti from one of the poorest, most insecure and degraded countries in the world to a flourishing mosaic of Green Pearls. At the same time charting a new path for the humanitarian sector, rooted in the power of humanity to turn vicious cycles into virtuous cycles, all through people-centered creativity and community engagement. The new bottom line? Restoring and even enhancing the productive function of healthy resilient ecosystems.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Life After Fossil Fuels with author Alice Friedemann
Today our economy is utterly dependent on fossil fuels. They are essential to transportation, manufacturing, farming, electricity, and to make fertilizers, cement, steel, roads, cars, and half a million other products. This discussion with Alice Friedemann is a reality check on where energy will come from in the future.
Alice Friedemann’s book, “Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy,” surveys the arsenal of alternatives – wind, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, nuclear, batteries, catenary systems, fusion, methane hydrates, power2gas, wave, tidal power and biomass – and examines whether they can replace or supplement fossil fuels.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Cooling The Climate Mess With Soil And Water featuring Walter Jehne
Soil and climate scientist Walter Jehne works to educate farmers, policymakers and others about “the soil carbon sponge” and its crucial role in reversing and mitigating flooding, drought, wildfires, and rising global temperatures. He shows us how we can safely cool the climate and restore essential biodiversity by repairing our disrupted hydrological cycles, returning excess carbon to the soils, where it can build a sponge that soaks up water and revives the biosphere.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Code Red Water: Two Global Perspectives with Atossa Soltani & Michal Kravčík
Thousands of projects on six continents are endeavoring to cool our overheated planet and restore biodiversity loss by harnessing the power of photosynthesis, carbon sequestration and regeneration of degraded landscapes. Most of these efforts are not by governments or corporations, but by coalitions of researchers, farmers, fishermen, forest-dwellers, and village cooperatives. What would happen if this work to improve soils and fight climate warming were integrated into government policy on agriculture, fishing, water, and forests?
Atossa Soltani is the director of global strategy for the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative, an alliance of 30 indigenous nations in Ecuador and Peru working to permanently protect 86 million acres of rainforests in one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. She is also the founder and board president of Amazon Watch and served as the organization’s first executive director for 18 years. In response to the Amazon fires in 2019, Atossa helped co-found Artists for Amazonia to catalyze global action for the Amazon. In recognition for her life’s work as rainforests and indigenous rights campaigner, Atossa was named the Hillary Institute’s 2013 Global Laureate for Climate Leadership. Atossa is also a member and contributing author to the Science Panel for the Amazon.
Michal Kravčík is an acclaimed Slovak water scientist, Goldman environmental award recipient, ASHOKA fellow, and co-author of A New Water Paradigm: Water for the Recovery of the Climate, which emphasizes hydrologic cycles in addressing climate change and resilience. He is a recent founder of the Water Holistic Company, Ltd., and chairman of Slovakia’s NGO People and Water awarded the Democracy and Civil Society Development Prize. In response to the historic 2010 floods in Slovakia, he spearheaded a massive flood and drought prevention efforts to revitalize 488 townships, rehydrating their watersheds. Kravčík coordinated the Green Restoration Program policy for the Košice Region of Slovakia, approved by the regional parliament in 2021. He has authored a Global Action Plan for the Restoration of Natural Water Cycles and Climate.
This panel is part of our Nature’s Solutions as National Policy mini conference series. Learn more about this series here:
#ecorestoration #environmentalpolicy #water
Soil Biodiversity in Agriculture: Chloride Free Foundation
In this interview hosted by Abby Abrahamson, Carol Viana of The Chloride Free Foundation describes the importance of agricultural practices that prioritize soil health.
Chloride Free Foundation is an international non-profit organization incorporated in the Netherlands. Our purpose is to protect soil biodiversity by making agricultural practices around the world chloride-free. We work to promote sustainable and responsible agricultural practices, advocating for nature and the quality of the soil and crops.
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People in Sustainable Agriculture with Ronnie Cummins
Over the past two decades, environmental activist Ronnie Cummins has served as director of US and international campaigns dealing with sustainable agriculture issues including food safety, genetic engineering, factory farming, and global warming. In this talk Cummins focuses on what individuals and small groups have done and continue to accomplish in these realms. Cummins also tells his own stories about co-founding the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and its Mexico affiliate Via Organica. He will also discuss the obstacles to building sustainable systems and how people have overcome them in creative and personal ways.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Bluebird Conservation with Charlotte Xu
In this interview hosted by Abby Abrahamson, Charlotte Xu, a senior from New Jersey, discusses her involvement with the Roots & Shoots National Youth Leadership Council – a program of the Jane Goodall Institute.
Last summer, Charlotte started a group called “Light as a Feather” where she has led various bird-related projects with her brother. Specifically, she has monitored the health and population size of bluebirds. She also sells nature-inspired stickers to support Indigenous voices in climate action (@terrabycharlotte on Instagram).
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Regenerative Agriculture with Ed Huling
This talk with Ed Huling, a U.S.-based organic farmer, introduces the concept of nutrient density and the impact of soil health on nutrient-dense food. Ed also describes the farming and forestry systems that he developed using restoration practices. Lastly, this talk also touches upon the benefits of regenerative agriculture and gardening when it comes to stabilizing climate and restoring land.
Ed Huling is a U.S.-based organic farmer. While studying Environmental Science at Brandeis University, Ed was the first undergraduate student to publish research in the university’s Science magazine. Following graduation, he spent a year doing research with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He has since spent the past 20 years focused on producing nutrient dense food and developing solutions to climate mitigation as an organic farmer.
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Improving Food Security for Smallholder Farmers with Roland Bunch
Increasingly frequent droughts are destroying food production levels in the more drought-prone half of sub-Saharan Africa. Although most people have attributed this gathering crisis to climate change, about 80 percent of the cause of the droughts is that fallowing – a process of allowing the forest to grow for fifteen years or more to replace the soil’s organic matter — isn’t happening. This problem has in turn caused a huge drop in soil organic matter and a resulting lack of rainwater absorption rates. The good news, however, is that there exists an extremely simple technology, called “green manure/cover crops,” that can reverse these soil organic matter losses within just a few years, at virtually no cost to the farmers.
Putting all that organic matter back into the soil sequesters tremendous amounts of carbon. In fact, if all the world’s farmers and ranchers were to sequester as much carbon/acre/year in their soils as tens of thousands of smallholder African farmers are already doing, they would sequester, long-term, over 50 percent of all the carbon the world needs to sequester in order to reach the goals of the Paris Climate Accords.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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Bioregional Food Systems with Hannah McDonald
This presentation, given by Hannah McDonald from NOFA/Mass and the Western MA Regenerative Food System, touches upon the state of our materials economy, how investing in food systems sets the stage for systems change, and why it’s important to have a bioregional focus. Recorded at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, the event concluded with a discussion with students on how individuals could identify their niche within the movement.
Hannah focuses on the collaborative effort of connecting the dots on local food to make the intricacies of our food system not only resilient, but thriving. She spent most of her childhood in suburban Massachusetts and started thinking a little more critically about politics and environmental health in high school. Hannah has since graduated with her MS from UMass Amherst in Sustainability Science with a focus on Sustainable Food Systems, and now is interested in the deeply rooted cultural patterns and history that we’ll be discussing here a bit today.
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The Roots of Regenerative Solutions with Karen Washington
This talk is a Q&A with activist Karen Washington. She touches upon the history of regenerative/nature-based climate solutions that are more widely adopted today by a variety of communities, but have historically been developed by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities and cultures. This talk also addresses actions the BIPOC community is taking to offset the dangers we see happening to our ecosystems.
Karen Washington has lived in New York City all her life, and has spent decades promoting urban farming as a way for all New Yorkers to access to fresh, locally grown food. Since 1985 Karen has been a community activist, striving to make New York City a better place to live. As a community gardener and board member of the New York Botanical Gardens, Karen worked with Bronx neighborhoods to turn empty lots into community gardens.
As an advocate, she stood up and spoken out for garden protection and preservation. As a member of the La Familia Verde Community Garden Coalition, she helped launched a City Farms Market, bringing garden fresh vegetables to her neighbors. She also co-founded Black Urban Growers (BUGS), an organization of volunteers committed to building networks and community support for growers in both urban and rural settings.
In 2012 Ebony magazine voted her one of their 100 most influential African Americans in the country, and in 2014 she was awarded with the James Beard Leadership Award. Professionally Karen was a Physical Therapist for over 30 years, and she “retired” in April 2014 to start Rise & Root Farm.
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Biology’s Role in Sustaining the Planet with Ridge Shinn
This talk, given by Ridge Shinn of Big Picture Beef, introduces the essential functions that livestock provide to maintain healthy ecosystems and contribute to maintaining a stable climate.
Ridge Shinn founded Big Picture Beef in 2016. His work with cattle stretches back to his twenties when he was herdsman for a dairy farm, but for the past 20 years he has focused on beef. Ridge was the founding director of the New England Livestock Alliance and for two years ran a slaughterhouse in Stafford Springs, CT. In 2002 he submitted a grass-fed filet mignon to a Wine Spectator competition that triumphed over the grain-fed entries, establishing that grass-fed beef can be a gourmet food. Subsequently Ridge co-founded a meat company and developed markets and distribution systems for grass-fed beef throughout the Northeast. Since then, in addition to managing his own herd, Ridge has consulted in New Zealand, England, Uruguay, Argentina, and all over North America. His work has been recognized in the Smithsonian, the Atlantic, the New York Times, and Time Magazine.
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Soil vs Dirt with Fred Magdoff
In this talk, Fred Magdoff, Professor Emeritus of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Vermont, describes the difference between nutrient- and life-depleted soil and nutrient dense, carbon-capturing, and water-storing soil.
Fred Magdoff’s research was on ecologically sound ways to improve soil fertility, especially focusing on the critical role of soil organic matter. He is the co-author of the fourth edition of Building Crops For Better Soil: Sustainable Soil Management (2021 – available free for downloading on the web) and What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism (2011), as well as a number of other books on agriculture and on the US economy. He has also written numerous articles on environmental issues, including on ecological agriculture, production and use of biofuels, and population and global resource depletion.
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#agriculture #soil #science
Building Community During Confusion and Uncertainty with Precious Phiri
Precious Phiri grew up in Zimbabwe and discusses her evolution as a trainer in Holistic Management and community facilitation. Her work focuses on working with rural communities and collaborating with networks in Africa to reduce poverty, rebuild soils, and restore food and water security for people, livestock and wildlife – and most recently, to address the corona virus.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#holistic #community #pandemic
The Environmental Benefits Of Grass Fed Beef with Ridge Shinn
Grass-fed beef producers in the U.S. have begun a movement to restore soils and stabilize the climate with a fundamentally different approach called regenerative grazing. This method builds on nature’s own system of pulling carbon from the air and storing it in the soil.
Sixty million buffalo lived on the Great Plains at one time. The prairie had deep, productive soils, 8 to 10 feet down, thanks to the symbiosis of the large herbivore, plants, photosynthesis and soil microbes. In more recent times, poor farming methods have sent this stored carbon back up into the atmosphere as C02.
Current scientific research helps us understand the mechanisms and methods by which grazing can foster carbon sequestration, protect against droughts and floods, and increase crop yields many-fold to feed growing populations.
Ridge Shinn founded Big Picture Beef in 2015. Its mission is to establish an environmentally sustainable and economically viable model of producing beef through managed grazing—no feedlots and no grain, ever. His vision is a system that produces healthy animals, healthy food, healthy soils, and fair wages for farmers.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
#grassfed #farming #environment
Edible Landscaping with Sven Pihl
Edible landscaping is the use of food-producing plants in the residential and public landscape. It combines fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, along with functional ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs. Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes; edible plants can be just as attractive while producing fruits and vegetables. One can install an entirely edible landscape or incorporate some edible plants into existing gardens. In this talk Sven will cover different forms of Edible Landscape design from Foodscaping to Edible Forest Gardens and some history on this ages-old worldwide practice.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#lanscaping #food #garden
How Liberians Fought Big Palm Oil To Protect Their Lands with Alfred Brownell
Liberian environmental activist Alfred Lahai Gbabai Brownell Sr. tells the story of how indigenous peoples, local communities and environmental rights activists came together to halt the work of the world’s largest oil palm companies, who were responsible for causing deforestation and accelerating climate change in West Africa.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#palmoil #activism #environment
Reindeer, Beaver, And Healing Nature With Nature with Judith Schwartz & Ben Goldfarb
Our natural systems are under great stress. However, nature’s inclination is toward healing, and we can work with the logic of ecology to restore landscapes and waterways.
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate hosts authors Judith D. Schwartz and Ben Goldfarb as they talk about regenerating landscapes—and the pivotal role of animals in earth healing.
Judith’s book: “The Reindeer Chronicles and Other Inspiring Stories of Working With Nature to Heal the Earth”
Ben’s Book: “Eager: The Surprising Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter”
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#nature #wildlife #ecology
Arctic Meltdown: Why It Matters To Us
Dr. Jennifer Francis, an atmospheric scientist studying Arctic weather and climate, explains how increasing extreme weather events are connected with the rapidly warming and melting Arctic during recent decades.
Dr. Francis is joined in conversation by Dr. Heather Goldstone, journalist and scientist overseeing Woodwell Climate Research Center’s communications. The two discuss the evidence that suggests how Arctic warming is causing weather patterns to become more persistent, which can lead to extremes such as prolonged droughts, cold spells, heat waves, snowy winters, and flooding events.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#climatechange #globalwarming #weather
Cure For An Ailing World with Tim LaSalle
Tim LaSalle, a depth psychologist and former CEO of the Rodale Institute, has long followed the innovative work in the regenerative agriculture movement, a farming practice based on greatly improving the soil’s biome to achieve a healthy biodiversity and greater food nutrient density while eliminating the need for soil augmentation, artificial or otherwise.
As writer and environmental activist Wendell Berry once said, “Eating is an agricultural act.” In this talk, Tim will address the barriers to a paradigm change that creates a radical shift in culture, education, policies and consumer patterns created from the way we have farmed for nearly 10,000 years.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#regenerative #biodiversity #agriculture
The Ecology of Care by Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse is the founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine and has developed a practice and theoretical framework for systems-based ecological medicine—restoring health to people as well as the social and ecological systems around them. In her work she connects the dots between soil health and public health, and the role of beneficial microorganisms in maintaining a healthy climate both inside and outside the body.
This talk about her work is moderated by Katharine Zywert, who researches social-ecological systems change and health at the University of Waterloo in Canada and is the co-editor of a new book, Health in the Anthropocene.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#ecology #health #sustainability
Healthy Oysters for Healthy Oceans and Climate with Dr. Anamarija Frankic
Globally, oyster habitats are the most degraded habitats among coastal systems, with the loss of 99% in the last 150 years. These 350 million years old keystone species and their habitats are at the brink of total collapse from industrial harvesting and pollution of coastal areas.
Today scientists understand the ecological value of oyster habitats and their importance to coastal health. Re-establishing oyster populations improves water quality, biodiversity, seafood safety, and can be a buffer to rising sea levels.
Dr. Anamarija Frankic explains the biomimicry approach for oyster habitat restoration to recover marine health and resiliency. Looking at the work of the Green Harbors Project (GHP), we can examine several successful oyster reef restorations in urban areas that had lost this essential habitat and its related ecological functions, as well as ask what we can learn from this success for restoring our planet.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#biomimicry #oceans #climate
The Remarkable Success Of India’s Natural Farming Movement with Vijay Kumar & Didi Pershouse
Learn about a movement that grew from over 40,000 farmers in 2016 to almost 800,000 farmers in 2020 in one of the driest states in India. This work has been successful in part because of a community supported approach where women-run self help groups are in charge of operations.
Vijay Kumar, advisor to the government of Andhra Pradesh, presents this program, and the impact of Walter Jehne’s ideas for increasing drought resilience. Didi Pershouse, who accompanied Jehne on his trip to India, moderates the conversation.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#farming #organic #india
An Amazing Agroforestry Story with Mike Hands & Rattan Lal
The Inga Foundation’s founder and director Mike Hands has been working to halt the destruction of rainforests from slash and burn agriculture for over 20 years. An experienced tropical ecologist and scientific researcher, Mike divides his time between his farm in Cornwall, UK, and the Inga Foundation’s Land for Life program in Honduras. Now in year 10, the locally-led program has exceeded all expectations (100% organic food security, protecting wildlife and marine habitats, enriching and improving soil, and preserving water sources) and been recognized as a game changer for people and the planet with 2,600 acres of highly degraded land regenerated, and 284,000 tons of CO2 sequestered/avoided. The program is replicable to the entire humid tropics with native Inga. The “Guama Model” of Inga Alley Cropping with the nitrogen-fixing Inga has transformed the lives of 300+ rural, subsistence farming families who have planted over 4 million trees. The resilient, fast-growing Inga tree alleys provide annual, renewable firewood and survived 7 months of drought and the recent back-to-back hurricanes.
Distinguished professor Rattan Lal talks with Mike Hands about the program’s success and promise.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#agroforestry #forest #centralamerica
Sample “Wows” From Biosphere History with Doug Zook & David Morimoto
We are last minute arrivals to the region of the Earth where life can be found and thrives: the biosphere. The 3.8 billion year history of the Earth shows to this day that life — particularly microbial — has been the consistent major contributor to building features of the biosphere, giving us rocky landscapes, myriad ecosystems, healthy soils, oxygenated air, and the cyclic flow of key elements.
Ecologists Doug Zook and David Morimoto examine how the biosphere is the story of connections and reciprocating systems over extraordinary long distances. Doug shares examples from the science known as “global ecology” and David will moderate the discussion.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#biology #ecology #history
Decolonizing Environmental Thought with Fred Tutman
Committed environmentalist Fred Tutman brings his front line experience on conservation issues to this discussion of the existential threats to our planet from multiple sources. As more people join movements aimed at greening the planet, what notions must they learn to discard about the environment that are founded upon capitalism, racism and classism? By first unpacking and ground-truthing the inherent values and strategic aims of “insider” Green movements, we learn how to build a truly equitable and inclusive conservation movement.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#environment #conservation #decolonization
Indigenous Wisdom and the Power of Place with Dawn Knickerbocker & Juan D. Martinez
Native American and Indigenous people model economic and social exchanges on reciprocity and relationships in all systems. Centering this and other Indigenous wisdom has led to significant and meaningful contributions to the advancement of conservation, protection, and environmental justice, especially in the lives of youth.
Dawn Knickerbocker belongs to the Anishinaabe people, is a citizen of White Earth Nation/gaa waabaabiganikaag, and a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe from the Ottertail Pillager Band of Indians. Juan D. Martinez Pineda is a Senior Program Manager at the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions and proud descendant of the Be’ena’ Za’ Zapotec people. Together they explore how centering culture, reciprocity, and relationship can fulfill this country’s promise to lift up all people.
This talk is part of our Life Saves the Planet Speaker Series in partnership with GBH Forum Network. Learn more about this series here:
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#indigenous #environment #justice
Youth in Environmental Conservation: Greenagers
We interviewed Will Conklin, Director of Greenagers, to learn more about his organization. Greenagers aims to engage youth “in meaningful work in environmental conservation, sustainable farming and natural resource management.” Learn more at
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This interview was recorded in winter of 2021
#youthleaders #conservation #environment
Climate Emotions: Facing the Storm Together
A panel discussion hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (@bio4climate) on the vast scope of climate-related emotions from anxiety and fear to hopefulness.
Panelists include:
1. Abby Abrahamson, College Outreach Coordinator for Bio4Climate
2. Yvonne Cuaresma, Founder of
3. Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Bio4Climate
With moderator Maya Dutta, Outreach and Operations Manager for Bio4Climate
And commentator psychiatrist and author Dr. Lise Van Susteren
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Recorded on December 14, 2021
Miyawaki Forest: Maya Dutta & Paula Phipps
Learn about the Miyawaki forest we planted in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Miyawaki method was invented by Dr. Akira Miyawaki, a Japanese botanist, and it involves planting native species in urban areas.
View the slideshow, created in collaboration with SUGi, here:
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Presented on December 9, 2021 to the Washington D.C. chapter of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
#miyawaki #biodiversity #forest
What Did COP26 Miss? with Joseph Hunt, Dee Woods & Andrew Revkin
We turn our attention to the Glasgow COP26 summit, debriefing the action (or inaction) that took place. How much are leaders paying attention to, investing in, and supporting the many community led solutions of fighting climate change by protecting and restoring ecosystems?
This panel discussion featured professor Joseph Michael Hunt, community food advocate Dee Woods, and journalist Andrew Revkin. Panelists addressed the urgent question of how to make grassroots movements toward nature’s solutions the focus of climate action and close the gap between policy and practice.
This panel is part of our Nature’s Solutions as National Policy mini conference series. Learn more about this series here:
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#unitednations #climate #cop26
Kachana Station: A Home for Donkey-led Restoration
In this interview hosted by Tania Roa, Chris Henggeler explains the holistic management practices occurring in Kachana Station, a landscape in northwestern Australia. Chris emphasizes the interconnectedness of humans across the globe, and our interconnectedness with other species. His call to action: help nature heal herself.
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To read about our campaign supporting Kachana Station, visit our website:
Zoom interview recorded September 2021
#biodiversity #ecosystem #holistic
How Animals Shape Ecosystems with Carl Safina, Fred Provenza & Tania Roa
A panel discussion among author and ecologist Carl Safina, professor and author Fred Provenza, and wildlife advocate and writer Tania Roa. An insightful conversation on the interconnections between wild and domestic animal welfare, and a criticism of perspectives and policies related to other species.
Carl Safina earned a PhD in ecology from Rutgers University by studying seabirds. Afterwards, he spent a decade working to ban high-seas drift nets and to overhaul U.S. fishing policy. He has written many books on animals and the environment, including Song for the Blue Ocean and Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace. He hosted the PBS series Saving the Ocean, and continues to use his speaking skills to spread awareness for biodiversity conservation. He is now the first Endowed Professor for Nature and Humanity at Stony Brook University (where he formerly co-chaired the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science), and he runs the not-for-profit Safina Center.
Fred Provenza is professor emeritus of Behavioral Ecology in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University, where he worked for 35 years directing an award-winning research group that pioneered an understanding of how learning influences foraging behavior and links soil, plants, herbivores, and humans. He is one of the founders of BEHAVE, an international network of scientists, ranchers, farmers, and land managers committed to integrating behavioral principles with local knowledge. He authored Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom and Foraging Behavior: Managing to Survive in a World of Change.
Tania Roa earned a Master of Science in Animals and Public Policy from Tufts University. She specialized in wildlife conservation and the connections between animal, human, and planet health. During the summer of 2020, her internship at World Animal Net gave her the opportunity to work with international animal welfare organizations and design digital campaigns urging the United Nations to include extensive biodiversity measures in their 2030 agenda for sustainable development. She uses her photography and writing to advocate for other species, climate justice, and adequate representation for historically marginalized communities.
This panel is part of our Nature’s Solutions as National Policy mini conference series. Learn more about this series here:
#wildlife #agriculture #animalwelfare
Changing the Field of Wildlife Conservation with Dr. Arian Wallach
In this interview hosted by Tania Roa, Dr. Arian Wallach discusses the importance of the wild donkey herd living in Kachana Station, a holistically managed landscape in northwestern Australia in a region called the Kimberley. Dr. Wallach discusses the importance of treating all living beings as sentient beings, and uses the wild donkeys as an example of the many benefits creatures bring to Earth’s ecosystems.
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To support this campaign, please sign our petition urging the Western Australian government to retract their kill order, so the wild donkeys can continue living peacefully at Kachana Station:
Zoom interview recorded on September 8, 2021
#animals #wildlife #conservation
Climate Change Demonstration
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A demonstration organized by Extinction Rebellion outside of the Boston Globe to urge the news company to improve its coverage of the climate crisis.
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Read the Boston Globe here:
April 17, 2019
#activism #protest #democracy
Nature’s Solutions as National Policy with Walter Jehne, Vijay Kumar & Rep. Chellie Pingree
A panel discussion among Walter Jehne, Climate and Soil Scientist; Vijay Kumar, government advisor for the Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming Movement; and Chellie Pingree, Congresswoman from Maine and organic farmer. A remarkable look at the potential future of farming.
This discussion took place June 5, 2021 and is the first installment in a conference series focused on environmental policy and hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.
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#regenerativefarming #soilscience #government
Jim Laurie’s Biodiversity Class Description
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Jim Laurie teaches biodiversity classes almost every semester session. To learn more about Jim’s classes, email or
Jim Laurie: Staff Scientist and Restoration Ecologist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
#ecology #restoration #environmentaleducation
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s 2020 Highlights
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Snippets from Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s 2020 conferences with music and presentations on climate change and natural solutions to the climate crisis.
#climatechange #climatesolutions #climateorganization
Chico Thanks Our Donors!
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Chico, our Social Media Coordinator Tania Roa’s dog (Maltese Poodle) thanks our supporters for their generous donations. We at Bio4Climate appreciate all of you!
#maltese #poodle #dog
Thank you to Our Donors!
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A quick thank-you to our donors and supporters!
#cat #grateful #nonprofit
Christopher Haines: Heat Planet
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Not just fossil fuels, but also the human-generated heat that creates global warming.
Christopher Haines: architect, consultant for living design
#globalwarming #climatechange #planet
Walter Jehne: Climate Solutions for a Blue Planet
Walter Jehne, founder of Healthy Soil Australia and internationally acclaimed soil and climate scientist, describes solutions we can all partake in to restore Earth’s ecosystems and address climate change.
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#regeneration #aridlandscapes #planetrestoration
A Message from our Executive Director
Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, shares his call to action to work with life for a thriving Earth.
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#climatestories #climatesolutions #earth
Finding My Climate Role with Nick Rabb
Nick Rabb from the youth-led climate organization Sunrise Movement and Massachusetts Peace Action explains what introduced him to climate change and how he was inspired to take action. By listening to philosophers, and searching for his life’s purpose, Nick has become a prominent youth leader in the movement. As Nick says, “No one has to do it alone.”
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#sunrise #youthleaders #climateactivist
From Emissions to EcoRestoration with Manjulika Das
Manjulika Das describes her explorations with Bio4Climate on the path to eco-restoration for a healthy climate. Before joining us, Manjulika (like others) thought the only climate solutions involved energy and emissions. Through her work at Bio4Climate, Manjulika realized the incredible healing power of nature and how we can support ecosystem restoration.
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#climateleader #emissions #ecorestoration
The Importance of Biodiversity with Hannah Lewis
Hannah Lewis is Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s Compendium editor ( She explains why this work is important to her and why she feels called to do it.
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The Urgent Call to Restore the Earth
Climate advocates in order:
Reverend Dele: Climate Reality Leader and spiritual director
Adam Sacks: Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Paula Phipps: Associate Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Terrican Gross: Spirit of Resilience
Laure: Intern of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Those of us on this campaign have different stories to tell about how our lives led us to today, but we’re all dedicated to saving life on Earth.
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#earth #savetheplanet #restoration
Stolen Election 2000 – A warning for Election 2020
Filmed in 2001, it’s a discussion of the 2000 election. You’ll hear a critique by renowned prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi of the outrageous Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore, and a walkthrough of the blatant and widespread official electoral fraud in Florida by ace investigative report Greg Palast.
New Movements with Claire Hedberg, Nick Rabb, and John Burkhardt
Workshop with Claire Hedberg (Zero Hour), Nick Rabb (Sunrise Movement), and John Burkhardt (Extinction Rebellion)
This workshop follow’s the panel’s presentation “New Movements” 4
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#youthleaders #climateorganizations #environmentalorganizations
Sunrise Movement, Zero Hour & Extinction Rebellion
Nick Rabb (Sunrise Movement), Claire Hedberg (Zero Hour), and John Burkhardt (Extinction Rebellion) discuss their work with their relative climate justice organizations. Sunrise Movement and Zero Hour are two powerful youth-led organizations, and Extinction Rebellion is a cross-generational organization spreading awareness on climate-related issues and solutions. They all bring organizing, educational and political influence to new heights.
Join their efforts:
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#youthleaders #climateorganizations #environmentalorganizations
Grandpa Climate Rap
A senior citizen, Adam Sacks, takes up rap to help you find your way out of climate chaos!
Adam Sacks is the Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#song #climatechange #rapping
Introduction to the Blessed Unrest with Professor George Scarlett
Professor George Scarlett introduces speakers Steve Weinberg, Cynthia Contie , Christopher Haines, Claire Hedberg (Zero Hour), Nick Rabb (Sunrise Movement), John Burkhardt (Extinction Rebellion).
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#climate #biodiversity #climatetalks
Heat Planet- Another View of Climate with Christopher Haines
Architect Christopher Haines will give an overview of our built environments and degraded rural habitats, and how they make significant contributions to global warming. He illustrates how a change in perspective may lead to a cooler planet much faster than we thought, inexpensively, while restoring a greener, biodiverse Earth.
Christopher Haines: Living Building Challenge and Passive House consultant
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#climate #planet #globalwarming
Eco-Municipalities Workshop with Steve Weinberg and Cynthia Contie
This workshop follows Steve and Cynthia’s talk “Eco-Municipalities”
Eco-Municipalities – a walk through a world-wide movement of communities undergoing systemic sustainable transformation.
Steve Weinberg: organizer
Cynthia Contie: author
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#eco #sustainable #communities
Eco-Municipalities with Steve Weinberg and Cynthia Contie
Eco-Municipalities – a walk through a world-wide movement of communities undergoing systemic sustainable transformation. We will share the story of how these Eco-Municipalities evolved starting in the country of Sweden and how Eco-Municipalities use a powerful shared framework to guide them.
Steve Weinberg: organizer
Cynthia Contie: author
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#eco #sustainable #sweden
How Liberians Fought Big Palm Oil to Protect Their Forests Workshop with Alfred Brownell
This workshop follows Alfred’s talk “How Liberians Fought Big Palm Oil to Protect their Forests”
Alfred Brownell: environmental and human rights lawyer and Executive Director of Green Advocates (GA).
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#palmoil #liberia #forestpreservation
How Liberians Fought Big Palm Oil to Protect Their Forests with Alfred Brownell
How Indigenous Peoples, local communities and environmental rights activists stopped the world’s largest oil palm companies from causing deforestation and accelerating climate change in West Africa.
Alfred Brownell: environmental and human rights lawyer and Executive Director of Green Advocates (GA).
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#palmoil #liberia #forestprotection
Tribute to Elizabeth Adams, founder of the Massachusetts Forest Rescue Campaign
Brief tribute to Elizabeth (Beth) L. Adams (1946-2019) of Leverett, MA.
Beth was co-founder of the Massachusetts Forest Rescue Campaign and a life-long activist for peace, social justice and environmental conservation. She truly exemplifies the “Blessed Unrest” that is being celebrated as the theme of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s 2020 online conference.
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#forestry #landmanagement #conservation
Youth, Gardening and Food Security Workshop with Anna Gilbert- Muhammad
This workshop follows Anna’s talk “Youth, Gardening and Food Security”
Anna Gilbert-Muhammed: Food Access Coordinator of NOFA/Mass
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#foodsecurity #gardening #nutrition
Youth, Gardening and Food Security with Anna Gilbert-Muhammad
There is an intersection between, nutrition, gardening and being a good steward to the environment. Join Anna Gilbert-Muhammad – Equity Director and Food Access Coordinator for the Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA MA) as we talk about how a low income housing development and youth/families are growing food and learning about methods that protect the soil.
Anna Gilbert-Muhammad: Food Access Coordinator of NOFA/Mass
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#gardening #foodsecurity #nutrition
Charles Shore Introduction for Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Charles Shore introduces speakers Jan Lambert, Anna Gilbert-Muhammed, and Alfred Brownell.
Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#biodiversity #climate #climatesolutions
Soak Up the Rain with Jan Lambert
This workshop follows Jan’s talk: Soak Up the Rain! What We Can All Do to Reduce Drought, Floods, Heat Waves and Severe Storms
Jan Lambert: environmental writer and editor of The Valley Green Journal
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#rain #floods #storms
Soak Up the Rain! What We Can Do to Reduce Drought, Floods, Heat Waves & Severe Storms: Jan Lambert
Did you ever stop to think about what happens with all the water that goes down the storm drains in your town or city every time it rains? Jan Lambert, even though a lifelong nature advocate, never gave that question much thought until 2014, when as an environmental journalist she learned about the profound and central role of the natural water cycle in regulating and moderating each region’s climate. It is not at all hard to understand how humans, by interfering with the natural flow of water through landscapes and the atmosphere, have damaged both land and climate. The good news is that by making some simple changes, we can restore the natural life-giving flow of water. It may surprise you to learn that it’s not how much water we use, but what happens after we use it, that really matters.
Jan Lambert: environmental writer and editor of The Valley Green Journal
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#drought #floods #heatwaves
Introduction for the Blessed Unrest with Robert Labaree
Robert Labaree introduces environmental advocates Florence Reed, Rev Dele, Lama Liz Monson, Jim Laurie and the Home Schoolers Symbiosis Team (Astrid Erickson, Asmond Erickson, Jonathan Linehan-Beeler, Sharada Sundarum-Senders & Thomas O’Connor Golden)
Robert Labaree: Journal Liaison, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#climate #ecosystems #biodiversity
Edible Landscaping Workshop with Sven Phil
This workshop follows Sven’s talk “Edible Landscaping”
Edible landscaping is the use of food-producing plants in the residential and public landscape. It combines fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, along with functional ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs.
Sven Pihl: Founder of CT Edible Ecosystems, LLC, Regenerative Land Planner/Designer and Permaculture educator
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#landscapes #vegetables #food
Workshop on the Divine Feminine and Environmentalism with Rev Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson
This workshop follows Reverend Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson’s talk “The Necessity of the Divine Feminine in the Climate Crisis”
This panel discusses: What is the Divine Feminine? Why should we care? How can the Divine Feminine significantly impact the climate movement?
Reverend Dele: Climate Reality leader and spiritual director
Elizabeth Monson: Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#feminism #womenleaders #spiritual
Love (of nature) in the Time of Covid-19 with Florence Reed
Climate change and loss of biodiversity threaten humanity’s very existence. Pandemics like the Coronavirus add another layer of crises to populations throughout the world. Some of the hardest hit are the millions of rural poor who live day to day, often dependent on external inputs to grow crops, access to markets for selling crops and buying their food and loans or remittances from outside their communities. All of this is jeopardized during a pandemic, leaving millions of the rural poor more food insecure. Some, however, are leading the way to a different kind of food system that is better for them, better for us and better for the planet. At the same time they are stabilizing the climate, bringing biodiversity back to degraded lands and feeding the world. Meet some of these unsung heroes working with Sustainable Harvest International, a member of Regeneration International, and learn how millions more could join their ranks to become the cornerstone of a healthy planet and food system
Florence Reed: Founder Sustainable Harvest International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#nature #pandemic #covid
Introduction for Blessed Unrest with Fred Jennings
Fred Jennings introduces the upcoming speakers: Precious Phiri, Sven Pihl, Rachel Burger and Iona Conner.
Fred Jennings, Ecological Economist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#climate #biodiversity #climatetalks
Sustainable Agriculture Workshop with Roland Bunch and Florence Reed
Climate change and loss of biodiversity threaten humanity’s very existence. Pandemics like the Coronavirus add another layer of crises to populations throughtout the world. Some of the hardest hit are the millions of rural poor who live day to day, often dependent on external inputs to grow crops, access to markets for selling crops and buying their food and loans or remittances from outside their communities. All of this is jeopardized during a pandemic, leaving millions of the rural poor more food insecure. Some, however, are leading the way to a different kind of food system that is better for them, better for us and better for the planet. At the same time they are stabilizing the climate, bringing biodiversity back to degraded lands and feeding the world. Meet some of these unsung heroes working with Sustainable Harvest International, a member of Regeneration International, and learn how millions more could join their ranks to become the cornerstone of a healthy planet and food system.
Roland Bunch: Consultant in sustainable agricultural development for over 45 NGOs and governments in 50 nations
Florence Reed: Founder Sustainable Harvest International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#agriculture #sustainability #degradation
Building Community During Confusion and Uncertainty Workshop with Precious Phiri
This workshop follows Precious’ talk “Building Community During Confusion and Uncertainty”
Precious Phiri: Field Professional in Holistic Management education with the Savory Institute, she works with rural communities through her organization EarthWisdom Consulting, and is the African Coordinator for Regeneration International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#community #holistic #africa
The Making of Lifelong Blessed Unrest Activists Workshop with Rachel Burger and Iona Conner
This workshop follows Rachel Burger and Iona Conner’s presentations “The Making of Lifelong Blessed Unrest Activists”
Two women elders whose lives were changed by neglected work that needed to be done will tell stories of Eureka! moments, the persistent struggles that ensued, and hard-won victories as well as losses on the paths to restoring the Earth.
Rachel Burger: Protect South Portland
Iona Conner: environmental activist
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#activists #environmentalactivism #womenleaders
The Making of Lifelong Blessed Unrest Activists with Rachel Burger and Iona Conner
Two women elders whose lives were changed by neglected work that needed to be done will tell stories of Eureka! moments, the persistent struggles that ensued, and hard-won victories as well as losses on the paths to restoring the Earth.
Rachel Burger: Protect South Portland
Iona Conner: environmental activist
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#activists #environmentalactivist #womenleaders
Introducing the Blessed Unrest with Paula Phipps
Paula Phipps comments on the conference so far and introduces the speakers of the day: Holly M. Paar, Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, Hayat Imam, Arielle Martinez Cohen, and Roland Bunch.
Paula Phipps: Associate Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#climate #biodiversity #climatetalks
Harnessing Humor for Climate and Ecosystems with Janot Mendler de Suarez and Pablo Suarez
This is the workshop that followed Janot’s talk: Rising Out of Despair: Haiti’s “Green Pearl” Initiative
Janot Mendler de Suarez: Technical Advisor & Caribbean focal point for the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Consultant to the World Bank for the Caribbean CREWS (Climate Risk Early Warning Services), and a Visiting Research Fellow at Boston University Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#humor #climate #ecosystems
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Accomplishments with Ronnie Cummins
This is the workshop that followed Ronnie’s talk: Via Organica and Ecological Restoration Camps
Ronnie Cummins: Co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and its international affiliates Via Organica (Mexico) and Regeneration International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#consumers #ecology #everydayaccomplishments
Improving Food Security of Smallholder Farmers Q&A with Roland Bunch
Increasingly frequent droughts are destroying food production levels in the more drought-prone half of sub-Saharan Africa. Although most people have attributed this gathering crisis to climate change, about 80% of the cause of the droughts is that fallowing–allowing the forest to grow for fifteen years or more to replace the soil’s organic matter–is on its deathbed. The good news, however, is that there exists an extremely simple technology, called “green manure/cover crops,” that can reverse these soil organic matter losses within just a few years, at virtually no cost to the farmers. Even more amazing is that organic matter is 50% carbon. If all the world’s farmers and ranchers were to sequester as much carbon/acre/year in their soils as tens of thousands of smallholder African farmers are already doing, they would sequester, long-term, over 50% of all the carbon the world needs to sequester in order to reach the goals of the Paris Climate Accords.
Roland Bunch: has worked as a consultant in sustainable agricultural development for over 45 NGOs and governments in 50 nation
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#foodsecurity #smallfarms #familyfarm
Agraria – Agriculture as More than Farming Workshop with Susan Jennings
This is the workshop that followed Susan’s talk: Agraria – Agriculture as More than Farming
Susan Jennings: Executive Director of The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions (AMICS)
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#agriculture #farming #landmanagement
Environmental Leaders of the Future Q&A
Jim Laurie and Home Schoolers: Astrid Erickson, Asmond Erickson, Jonathan Linehan-Beeler, Sharada Sundarum-Senders and Thomas O’Connor Golden, who are exploring possibilities for their futures on a changing Earth. Updates on various ecosystems and how they see their part as the new world unfolds.
This is the Q&A session that followed the presentation,
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#environment #environmentalmovement #youthleaders
Biology as told by Environmental Leaders of the Future
Jim Laurie and home schoolers: Astrid Erickson, Asmond Erickson, Jonathan Linehan-Beeler, Sharada Sundarum-Senders and Thomas O’Connor Golden, who are exploring possibilities for their futures on a changing Earth, discuss the ways the planet has changed over time and how they are finding their role in the climate movement.
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#environment #environmentalmovement #youthleaders
Edible Landscaping with Sven Phil
Edible landscaping is the use of food-producing plants in the residential and public landscape. It combines fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, along with functional ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs. Edible landscaping offers an alternative to conventional residential landscapes; edible plants can be just as attractive while producing fruits and vegetables. One can install an entirely edible landscape or incorporate some edible plants into existing gardens. In this talk Sven will cover different forms of Edible Landscape design from Foodscaping to Edible Forest Gardens and some history on this ages-old worldwide practice.
Sven Pihl: Founder of CT Edible Ecosystems, LLC, Regenerative Land Planner/Designer and Permaculture educator
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#plants #landscaping #food
Building Community During Confusion and Uncertainty with Precious Phiri
Precious grew up in Zimbabwe and will tell us about her evolution as a trainer in Holistic Management and community facilitation. Her work currently focuses on working with rural communities and collaborating with networks in Africa to reduce poverty, rebuild soils, and restore food and water security for people, livestock and wildlife – and most recently, to address the corona virus.
Precious Phiri: Field Professional in Holistic Management education with the Savory Institute, she works with rural communities through her organization EarthWisdom Consulting, and is the African Coordinator for Regeneration International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#community #rural #networking
Improving Food Security of Smallholder Farmers with Roland Bunch
Increasingly frequent droughts are destroying food production levels in the more drought-prone half of sub-Saharan Africa. Although most people have attributed this gathering crisis to climate change, about 80% of the cause of the droughts is that fallowing–allowing the forest to grow for fifteen years or more to replace the soil’s organic matter–is on its deathbed. This problem has in turn caused a huge drop in soil organic matter and a resulting fall of rainwater infiltration rates from 60% to between 10 and 20%. The good news, however, is that there exists an extremely simple technology, called “green manure/cover crops,” that can reverse these soil organic matter losses within just a few years, at virtually no cost to the farmers. Even more amazing is that organic matter is 50% carbon. Putting all that organic matter back into the soil sequesters tremendous amounts of carbon. In fact, if all the world’s farmers and ranchers were to sequester as much carbon/acre/year in their soils as tens of thousands of smallholder African farmers are already doing, they would sequester, long-term, over 50% of all the carbon the world needs to sequester in order to reach the goals of the Paris Climate Accords.
Roland Bunch has worked as a consultant in sustainable agricultural development for over 45 NGOs and governments in 50 nation
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#foodsecurity #smallfarms #smallbusiness
The Fire by Arielle Martinez Cohen
Arielle Martinez Cohen, climate activist and singer songwriter from Los Angeles, sings a cover song and an original, “The Fire,” about the Californian wildfires.
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#artivism #zerohour #climate
How Faith Brings Blessed Unrest with Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, Hayat Imam, and Reverend Dele
Our communities of faith inspire followers to stewardship and good works. Our panelists will offer a personal perspective, one Jewish, one Muslim, of how they were inspired, and how their faiths bring inspiration and courage to make a difference in the world.
Rabbi Ellen Bernstein: Founder of Shomrei Adamah, Keepers of the Earth, the first U.S. Jewish environmental organization
Hayat Imam: feminist-activist
Reverend Dele: spiritual and climate leader
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#faith #spirituality #feminism
The Community-led Movement for Forests, Climate and Justice in the Southern US with Holly Paar
Across the South in the United States, frontline communities facing the devastation wrought by industrial logging are leading a movement calling for the protection of forests. Hit hardest by the effects of increasingly intense storms and flooding as well as facing threats of pollution, communities along the coastal plains of the Carolinas, as well as the Gulf states are uniting in a call for climate justice and economic solutions. They are challenging the status quo of what equates to a century of landscape-level industrial extraction of one of the South’s most important resources and means of climate protection: its forests.
Holly M. Paar: Advancement Director for Dogwood Alliance
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#communityled #climatejustice #justice
Rising Out of Despair- Haiti’s “Green Pearl” Initiative with Janot Mendler de Suarez
Janot is passionate about her work with Haiti Red Cross. Not just to survive in a changing climate, to thrive! The community-driven “Green Pearl” initiative aspires to transform Haiti from one of the poorest, most insecure and degraded countries in the world to a flourishing mosaic of Green Pearls. At the same time charting a new path for the humanitarian sector, rooted in the power of humanity to turn vicious cycles into virtuous cycles – all through people-centered creativity and community engagement – including through games! The new bottom line? Restoring and even enhancing the productive function of healthy resilient ecosystems.
Janot Mendler de Suarez: Technical Advisor & Caribbean focal point for the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, Consultant to the World Bank for the Caribbean CREWS (Climate Risk Early Warning Services), and a Visiting Research Fellow at Boston University Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#haiti #community #greenspaces
Agraria – Agriculture as More than Farming with Susan Jennings
In this generational dark night of the soul, what are our opportunities for personal and national redemption? Drawing on her inspiring organizational experiences, as well as recent trips to regeneration projects in England and India, Susan will discuss how re-localization, especially of food systems, can, like Gandhi’s March to the Sea, radically transform our personal, environmental, and political landscapes.
Susan Jennings: Executive Director of The Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions (AMICS)
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#agriculture #farming #landmanagement
Via Organica and Ecosystem Restoration Camps with Ronnie Cummins
Ronnie Cummins focuses on what individuals and small groups have done and continue to do, things about which we each might be inspired to say , “I could do something like that too!” He will tell us some of his own stories, like starting Via Organica or the Mexico Ecosystem Restoration camps, and will discuss obstacles faced and how people have overcome them in creative and personal ways.
Ronnie Cummins: Co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and its international affiliates Via Organica (Mexico) and Regeneration International
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#organic #ecological #ecosystem #restoration
Blessed Unrest: People for the Planet with Adam Sacks
Adam Sacks will briefly set the stage for the conference, with the why and how of Blessed Unrest. What does it mean for global ecological health, climate disruption, and thriving in the biosphere? Dare we say, everything!
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Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#ecological #biosphere #climate
The Necessity of the Divine Feminine in the Climate Crisis: Reverend Dele and Lama Elizabeth Monson
Spiritual leaders discuss the connections between feminism and environmentalism.
Reverend Dele: Climate Reality Leader and spiritual director
Lama Elizabeth Monson: Spiritual Co-Director of Natural Dharma Fellowship and the Managing Teacher at Wonderwell Mountain Refuge
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Presented at Blessed Unrest conference via online, extending across weekends in April & May of 2020
#feminism #climatecrisis #womenleaders
Adam Sacks: Healing Lands Across the World
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A brief talk by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s Executive Director, Adam Sacks, with beautiful illustrations of the power of Nature to heal landscapes. Humans can help restore the planet by using regenerative land management.
Presented at ecoAmerica Conference 2017
#landrestoration #regenerative #landmanagement
Judith Schwartz & Nicola Williams: The Curious Person’s Guide to Earth Repair
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Regenerating Soil and Water Landscapes
Judy Schwartz, author of Cows Save the Planet, Water in Plain Sight, and a new book due out in July 2020, discusses what people around the world are doing to address our many ecological crises, including global warming. She is joined by entrepreneur and environmental advocate Nicola Williams in a lively and informative conversation. The event took place at the Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) Public Library on December 12, 2019.
#regeneration #landscapes #earth
Cooling the Climate Mess with Walter Jehne
Soil and climate scientist Walter Jehne explains how healthy soils act as a sponge for carbon and water – the “soil carbon sponge.” When we manage soils to absorb water, biodiverse living systems thrive, photosynthesis pulls carbon out of the atmosphere, the biosphere cools, and regenerates a viable life-support system for millions of species including humans.
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#cooling #climatecrisis #solutionstoclimatechange
Tar Sands Songbook: Tanya Kalmanovitch (Violin) & Ted Reichmann (Piano)
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Tar Sands Songbook weaves together a chorus of voices with an original, improvised score. The words of indigenous activists, engineers, equipment operators, elders, oil patch workers, scientists, and family, fuel discussions of our past and the powerful forces that shape our future.
The Tar Sands Songbook is the creation of Tanya Kalmanovitch, born in Fort McMurray near the site of the Athabasca Oil Sands, where residents’ lives were shaped by living close to oil development and its effects. When a fire in 2016 destroyed the town and 6,000 square kilometers of land, driving 80,000 people from their homes, she was inspired to tell their stories,
Kalmanovitch asks us to reconsider our unseen relationships with oil. She decided to become a musician as a teenager because “it had nothing to do with oil,” and was drawn to ethnomusicology to explore the ways in which music can speak to the world’s biggest problems. She has been a faculty member at the New England Conservatory since 2006 and played a leading role in the school’s departments of Contemporary Improvisation and Entrepreneurial Musicianship. In 2013, she joined the faculty at Mannes School of Music at The New School New York City, where she is an Associate Professor.
#oil #climateactivists #schoolofmusic
Elizabeth Thomas: A Merry and Marvelous Ramble Through Mammalian Lives
Man-eating by lions is common throughout Africa, famously so in some places, but in the 1950s the lions in the interior did not hunt the San people. At the time the San were pre-contact, and for several reasons Elizabeth Thomas is the only person who seems to have noticed the San/lion relationship. No wildlife biologist got a chance to study this, and by now the lions have a different culture, and have lost the don’t-kill-humans rule. The stories that Elizabeth illustrates took place in Etosha Park.
Elizabeth Thomas has been an anthropologist, ecologist and ethologist for nearly a century. She is a keen observer and the author of many popular books that bring readers into the lives of the animals she loves.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
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#indigenous #africa #lions
Heather Barnett: Superorganisms- Those Wily and Wondrous Slime Molds
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Slime molds aren’t really molds, some of them are multiple amoebas that cohabit within a single cell membrane. They have no brain or nervous system, yet they can perform remarkable feats of decision-making and memory. Enter the life of the slime mold and ask yourself: Am I really that smart?
Heather Barnett is an artist and teacher, frequently working with biological materials. She has been working with intelligent beings, including slime molds and humans, for years and often marvels at the similarities.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#organisms #slime #cells
B. Lorraine Smith: Listening to Trees Here and Gone
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Trees share a wealth of information to the willing listener, well beyond aesthetics, recreation or “natural resource.” They offer details about the connections above and below ground – from birds and insects, to parasites and fungi, to humans who have moved in and among them across generations. They can signal what was, what is now and what might be. And they’re very patient.
B. Lorraine Smith is a writer and sustainability consultant who writes literary non-fiction about humans’ relationships in nature and brings over 15 years’ experience working to shift business towards a regenerative economy. Her writing and corporate work help her listen to what trees past and present have been quietly signaling to anyone willing to hear.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#trees #economy #sustainability
“The Fire” by Arielle Martinez Cohen performed with David Rothenberg
‘The Fire” by Arielle Martinez Cohen
Red, everything was red,
The light in our eyes,
The life that we led.
Smoke filling my head,
I couldn’t even think,
I couldn’t comprehend.
And the flames they happily danced,
Our things turned to ash.
But I think I’ve always known,
It was too good to last,
The shadows they cast,
The embers they laughed.
And we watched as the fire,
Burned our house to the ground.
The walls put up a fight,
But came crumbling down.
It raced through the hills,
And it tore through the town.
So it goes.
Grey, everything was grey,
I stood in the spot,
Where I used to lay.
Sifting through the days,
Everything gone,
Memories erased.
And the flames they happily danced,
Our things turned to ash.
But I think I’ve always known,
It was too good to last,
The shadows they cast,
The embers they laughed.
And we watched as the fire,
Burned our house to the ground.
The walls put up a fight,
But came crumbling down.
It raced through the hills,
And it tore through the town.
So it goes,
Leaves are turning,
Life keeps moving on.
Uphill journey,
Sometimes things go wrong.
We will start again.
Green, everything is green,
It grows through the cracks,
And it grows in between.
And we watched as the fire,
Burned our house to the ground.
The walls put up a fight,
But came crumbling down.
It raced through the hills,
And it tore through the town.
So it goes,
Arielle Martinez Cohen: Singer, songwriter, producer, and activist
David Rothenberg: Musician and philosopher, wrote ‘Why Birds Sing,” “Bug Music,” & more
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Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#environmentartist #artivism #climatechangeawareness
David Rothenberg: The Rhythms and Songs of Bugs
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David Rothenberg, author of Bug Music, is distinguished professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is a musician and writer known for his many works finding music and beauty in birds, whales, and bugs.
Presented at Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#bugs #insects #songs
Jon Way: The Many Lives of The Changing Coyote
Relatively little is known about the fascinating coyotes in the east It is a remarkable animal, being one of the only carnivores to actually increase its range and distribution in the past one hundred years. Coyotes have taken over as top predator in all environments in New England, from wilderness parks to city greenbelts. Along its migration to the northeast it has become larger, likely the product of hybridization between western coyotes and eastern wolves. Jon’s work celebrates having these animals living among us and makes a passionate plea for their protection
Jon Way’s main interest is the study of predators inhabiting urbanized ecosystems, especially the coyote. His book is Suburban Howls.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
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#coyote #predators #animals
Back to Our Roots by Arielle Martinez Cohen
Arielle Martinez Cohen sings a song she wrote for this conference, one of hope and regeneration. It is titled: “Back to our Roots” and gives a clear call to action: it’s up to us to help nature heal, and we have the ability to do so.
Arielle Martinez Cohen is a singer, songwriter, producer, and activist with Zero Hour.
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Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#songwriter #climatechange #artivism
Jim Laurie: FUNGI- Intelligent Strands Beneath Our Feet (The Real Worldwide Web)
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Mycorrhizal fungi connect billions of lives in the soil, bring communications and biochemical transformations to those that need it, and keep green plants healthy and abundant. More abundant than we may have seen for centuries. What’s the big deal with silly silicon? Nature’s been doing an internet for hundreds of millions of years!
Jim Laurie is Bio4Climate’s staff scientist extraordinaire (and a co-founder)
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#fungi #plants #biology
Simon Garnier: Who’s in Charge of Living Swarms?
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Ants do it. Slime molds do it. Bees do it. Fish do it. Birds do it. Humans do it. We swarm. At some point many individuals act as a single organism. But how? Who’s in charge? Wouldn’t you like to know . . .
Simon Garnier is a scientist leading the Swarm Lab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He often times contemplates human swarm behavior, especially during gnarly moments on the New Jersey Turnpike.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#animals #widllife #organisms
Fred Magdoff: The Heart of Life- Soils, Microbes, Plants and Insects
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The diversity of soil organisms is stunning. Their interactions among themselves and with plants are at the center of healthy soils. Plants (as with humans and other animals) have associated microbiomes that can stimulate defenses against disease and help with obtaining needed nutrients. Plants also have a variety of ways of responding when being attacked by insects, including signaling beneficial insects the presence of their preferred prey or organisms in which they can inject their eggs and use and utilize for egg incubation. Any playwright would be challenged to match the living drama beneath our feet!
Fred Magdoff is Emeritus Professor of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Vermont. His interests range from soil science to agriculture and food to the environment to the US economy.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#plants #microbes #insects
David Morimoto: The Incredible Brightness of Birds
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Birds can migrate thousands of miles, some of them even do it solo. Some use tools, others recognize members of other species and even pass information on to future generations. Way before security cameras, you were being watched by interested eyes in the sky!
David Morimoto is an ecologist, conservation biologist and bird expert who is chair of the Biology Department at Lesley University. His interests include the unifying principles of complexity science.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#birds #birding #animalintelligence
Reverend Dele: The Spirit of Life
How do we bring resilience of the heart, love of the living world, and determination to save it into our daily lives? What journeys can guide us, from permaculture to prayer and everything along the way?
Reverend Dele is a grandmother, author, pastor, permaculturist, radio host, eco-theologist and convenor of many amazing groups of dedicated people to bring peace and abundance to life on Earth.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
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#spirituality #prayer #permaculture
Betsey Dexter Dyer: Our Second Brain- The Human Microbiome
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The many species of bacteria, optimally established during our trip down the birth canal, affect everything from our immune systems to our moods to our digestive health. We might say that it’s quite an accomplishment for the trillions of single-celled creatures whose ancestors molded us out of the muck (we’re not sure what the microbes would say in retrospect).
Betsey Dexter Dyer is a professor of biology at Wheaton College and a former student of Lynn Margulis. Her area of research is microbial evolution, and, as befits a systems thinker, she has engaged in numerous inter-disciplinary collaborations over the years.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#brain #microbiome #bacteria
Gay Bradshaw: The Shared Passions of Wildlife, People and Others
Elephants and people share experiences of family, community, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, responses to medications and trans-species therapy. Amor vincit omnia – does love conquer all? Well, sometimes perhaps it does.
Gay Bradshaw holds doctorates in psychology and ecology, from which she has a unique perspective to engage in comparative studies. In this talk, she discusses the story of a man who created a bond with a wild bear family.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
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#nature #wildlife #wildanimals
Douglas Zook: Let Microbes Speak- Symbiosis & Long History of the Biosphere
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Microbes – nearly always in communities and symbiotic partnerships — are responsible for all the necessary systems that sustain life – atmospheric oxygen, photosynthesis, respiration, motility, mutlicellularity and the very ecosystems upon which we depend for survival!
Douglas Zook founded and directs the Global Ecology Education Initiative (GEEI). He is a biologist, naturalist, science educator, and photographic artist. He was a close colleague of the renowned scientist Lynn Margulis for nearly three decades. and brought the importance of mcirobial ecology to the attention of educators and the public.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#microbes #symbiosis #biosphere
Adam Sacks: Connecting All (!!!) the Dots
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Life is a grand panorama, and we modern humans play a somewhat panoramic role although we’re dwarfed by the rest of the natural world. These days we’re daring nature to drive us over the extinction cliff and we’re currently dangling at the end of our rope. How will we learn from our multiple-species mentors how to behave as if we want to survive? Hint: All you need is love!
Adam Sacks: Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate (and a co-founder)
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#naturalworld #nature #love
Youth Leaders for Climate with Nadia Nazar
There has never before been a more challenging future faced by young people, who are increasingly concerned and anxious about what they see coming. Some of today’s teens are fiercely determined to face the challenges head on, not only to avert climate disaster but to preserve biodiversity and the natural world, respect cultures, and help usher in a self-sufficient economics. This is Zero Hour is a new and prominent group of young people who are working to make it happen!
Nadia Nazar is an animal lover and leader at Zero Hour.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
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#youthleaders #climateactivists #zerohour
Two Minutes to Midnight by Arielle Martinez Cohen
Arielle Martinez Cohen is a singer, songwriter, producer, and activist from Los Angeles, CA. She has been working in the music business since she was nine years old, and is a leading activist with Zero Hour.
Her song “Two Minutes to Midnight,” was adopted by Zero Hour as its official anthem. It was inspired by the doomsday clock – the one that counts how long we have until the world ends. The motivation behind this song, Zero Hour, and the doomsday clock is to motivate urgent climate action.
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Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#zerohour #climate #artivism
Charles Chester: A Panorama of Bats
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Almost a quarter of all mammal species are bats. Some consume insects, others pollinate a wide range of plants, and some are highly effective seed dispersers in tropical rainforests. In sum, they provide people and the planet with key ecosystem services. But they also face a range of threats—a list that begins with fear and misconception, then scrolls down through habitat loss, disease, climate change, and too many more. The good news is that we have proven conservation solutions for most problems, and scientists are working on a host of innovative responses to some of the more perplexing challenges.
Charles C. Chester teaches global environmental politics at Brandeis University and at the Fletcher School of Tufts University. He serves on the board of Bat Conservation International and is Chair of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Council.
Presented at Climate, Biodiversity, and Survival: Listening to the Voices of Nature conference at Harvard University on November 17-18, 2018
#bats #mammals #ecosystemservices
The Soil Carbon Sponge, Climate Solutions and Healthy Water Cycles with Walter Jehne
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate presents a talk by Walter Jehne, Australian climate scientist and soil microbiologist who is the Director of Healthy Soils Australia.
Introduction by Didi Pershouse, The Center for Sustainable Medicine
Presented on April 26, 2018 at Harvard University
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#soil #carbon #climatesolutions
I’m an energy saver bulb!
A brief animated community ad from Adam Sacks’ alternative energy days (ca. 2006). Nowadays, Adam Sacks (Executive Director for Biodiversity for a Livable Climate) focuses on nature-based solutions and the positive impact ecological restoration has on our planet.
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#globalwarming #energy #lightbulb
Walter Jehne – Soil Carbon Sponge and the New Climate Solutions
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Please watch version with introduction here:
Biodiversity for a Livable Climate presents
Healthy Water Cycles
and the Soil Carbon Sponge:
New Climate Solutions
A talk by Australian climate scientist and soil microbiologist
Walter Jehne
Director of Healthy Soils Australia
Introduction by Didi Pershouse
Harvard University, Haller Hall
Kannan Thiruvengadam: Building Soil and Growing Food and Community
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The importance of community farms
Kannan Thiruvengadam: Eastie Farm
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#farm #soil #food
Maggie Booz: Neighborhood Tree Stewardship
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Transforming public spaces
Maggie Booz: Cambridge Committee on Public Planting
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#tree #community #greenspaces
John Reinhardt: Reviving a River
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John Reinhardt: President Mystic River Watershed Association
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#river #restoration #reviving
Anamarija Frankic: Oyster Beds and Living Shorelines
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Anamarija Frankic: UMass Boston Green Harbors Project
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#oysters #oysterbeds #livingshorelines
Tom Wessels: Self-organization, Co-evolution, Resiliency, and Stability
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Self-organization is a natural process—that, as a system grows it also becomes more complex. This talk focuses on how this process works in ecosystems via co-evolution to generate the incredible biodiversity we see in nature. Many examples of regional co-evolved relationships will be used to illustrate how co-evolution works. The talk then shows how this process is a wonderful model for creating sustainable human systems.
Tom Wessels: Author of The Myth of Progress: Toward a Sustainable Future
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#coevolution #resiliency #stability
Zeyneb Magavi: Energy Execs, Ecosystems, and Alliances
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Ecosystems across our highly developed region are threatened by climate change. At the same time, local ecosystems can help us to weather the coming climate shocks. Ecosystems are our allies, and there is much that we can do to revitalize them in our yards, streets, neighborhoods, parks, wetlands and waters.
Zeyneb Magavi: Research Director for HEET and serves on the National Health Impacts Team and the Gas Leaks Task Force for Mothers Out Front
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#energy #ecosystems #alliances
John Pitkin: Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change Introduction
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John Pitkin: Greater Boston Group of the Sierra Club
Presented at Revitalizing Ecosystems in Greater Boston to Survive Climate Change conference at Harvard University on March 31, 2018
#ecosystems #boston #climatechange
3 Billion Years of Organic Agriculture with Tim LaSalle, Ph.D.
Tim LaSalle, Ph.D.: Co-founder and Co-director of the Regenerative Agriculture Initiative at California State University Chico, and champion of a science-based a regenerative food system addressing climate change.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#agriculture #organic #farming
Conservation, Restoration and Regeneration Economics with Daniel Robin
Daniel Robin: Entrepreneur and sustainable business consultant
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#conservation #regeneration #economics
Greening Gateway Cities with Bob O’Connor
Bob O’Connor: Forest & Land Policy Director for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#greencities #greenspaces #urban
Buy a Fish, Save a Tree! with Scott Dowd
Scott Dowd: Conservation biologist at New England Aquarium in Boston, Massachusetts and Executive Director of Project Piaba
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#fish #trees #ecosystems
Creating the Future We Want with Symbiosis Team
Members of Jim Laurie’s Symbiosis Team are Hayden Latimer-Ireland, Lynus Erickson, Jamila dePeiza-Kern, Annie Selle – local home-schoolers facing tomorrow head-on
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#symbiosis #biodiversity #futurism
Close Encounters with a Disturbing Future with Paula Phipps
Paula Phipps is a lifelong educator and Associate Director at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#futurism #climate #planet
Pathways to a Restored Planet: Scenario 300 with Jim Laurie
Jim Laurie: Staff scientist and Biologist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#restoration #planet #climate
Biodiversity as an Urban Ethic: Thinking Like a Forest with Christopher Haines
Christopher Haines, AIA, LFA, CPHC: Architect licensed in both MA and NY who applies expertise in regenerative architectural design, healthy materials, preservation, renovation and specification writing to small commercial and urban projects.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#biodiversity #urban #forest
Climate Reckoning with Adam Sacks
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Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Introduction to Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
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#climate #climatechange #climatesolutions
The Ecology of Care- Shifting from a Sterile to a Fertile Paradigm with Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse: Founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine, an educator on soil health, public health, and climate resiliency, and the author of The Ecology of Care
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#ecology #resilience #soilhealth
I Need You To Survive with Reverend Mariama White-Hammond
Reverend Mariama White-Hammond is the Minister for Ecological Justice at Bethel AME Church in Boston, Massachusetts
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#ecological #justice #minister
The Role of Economics in Ecosystemic Conservation with Fred Jennings
Fred Jennings: Economist, angler, and president/founder of the Center for Ecological Economic and Ethical Education
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#economics #ecosystem #conservation
Regenerating the Diversity of Life in our Soils: Hope for Farming and Climate with David Johnson
David Johnson: Director of the Institute for Sustainable Agricultural Research at New Mexico State University
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#soils #farming #regeneration
Sacred Soil with Frederique Apffel-Marglin
Frederique Apffel-Marglin: Founder of the Sachamama Center for Biocultural Regeneration in the Peruvian Amazon.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#soil #southamerica #amazon
Love As an Ecosystem Property with Adam Sacks
Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#ecosystem #property #love
The Cognitive Challenges of Reasoning About Climate Change with Tina Grotzer
Tina Grotzer: Faculty of Harvard Graduate School of Education, a Principal Research Scientist at Project Zero, and faculty member at the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard School of Public Health
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#climatechange #climatetalks #cognition
Urban Design, Living Design with Herbert Dreiseitl
Herbert Dreiseitl: Urban designer, landscape architect, water artist, interdisciplinary planner and professor in praxis.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#urban #design #architecture
Creating a Scalable Business Model for Flourishing Farms with Sally Dodge and Dale Guldbrandsen
Sally Dodge and Dale Guldbrandsen are the Northeast Community Development Managers for Iroquois Valley Farms
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#business #farms #businessmodel
Old-Growth Forests: A Green Sponge on the Blue Planet with Joan Maloof
Joan Maloof: Founder and Executive Director of the Old-Growth Forest Network and formerly on the faculty of Salisbury University
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#blueplanet #forests #trees
The Big Picture, Rapid Change, and Paths to Restoration with Jim Laurie
Jim Laurie: Staff scientist and biologist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#restoration #change #climatechange
Migrations of People, Migrations of Place with Ana Sofia Gonzalez
It is estimated that there will be up to 1 billion climate migrants by 2050. There are multiple reasons why everyone should care about the global migration crisis, one being that human resettlement may be an opportunity for humanity to restore our positive relationship with nature.
Ana Sofia Gonzalez is a Mexican environmentalist with a chemical engineering background focused on restorative agroforestry in dryland environments.
Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
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#refugee #immigrant #climate
Healing the Earth in 18 months: The Wholing of Ecosystems and Human Will with Bill Reed
Bill Reed is an internationally recognized practitioner, lecturer, and leading authority in sustainability and regenerative planning, design and implementation.
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#ecosystems #holistic #earth
Climate Change and Coasts- Are We Designing to Create Disasters? with Anamarija Frankić
Anamarija Frankić: Founding director of the Green Harbors Project®, and the Biomimicry Living Labs®, and research faculty at UMass Boston and University of Zadar, Croatia
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Presented at the Climate Reckoning conference November 17-19, 2017 at Harvard University
#coasts #naturaldisasters #climatechange
Eliza Brady: Female, Millennial, Advocate for the Environment
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Eliza Brady is a 19-year-old student at Tulane University. She is a passionate supporter of the environment, a struggling vegetarian, and a member of the millennial generation.
She is a Massachusetts native, and feels at home among the giant pine trees and farmlands. But Eliza began noticing the environmental problems we are facing, growing at an alarming rate, and decided at this young age to dedicate her studies at school, her summer, and very likely her life, to the cause.
“I found myself feeling helpless because although I was taking actions in my personal life to reduce my effect on the environment, I knew that that alone was not enough and felt that I had a greater responsibility to do more.”
Eliza comes to us with her personal story, a story of caring and worrying about issues that most of her age group prefer to ignore. She will tell what it is like to be 19 years old in 2017, what she sees in her future – and what she hopes to see instead.
#environmentaladvocates #millenial #climateawareness
Philip Bogdonoff & Adam Sacks: Welcome to Scenario 300- Making Climate Cool conference
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Philip Bogdonoff, Director, Washington DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#climatesolutions #cooltheplanet #planetcooling
Jim Laurie: Back to 300 (Nature Wants to be Wet and Cool)
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Many strategies exist for taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and rehydrating the continents. Jim Laurie will review a broad vision of the potential for each ecosystem to be restored and to sequester carbon, building a graphic showing the global potential and timescale.
Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#naturalsolutions #ecosystemrestoration #ecorestoration
Kris Nichols: Regenerative Farming- Front Line Action to Reverse Global Warming
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Farmers have the potential to be the front-line heroes in the quest to reverse global warming. They manage a “technology” for massive planetary geotherapy that is tried and tested and available for widespread dissemination right now. It costs little and is adaptable to local contexts the world over. It can be rolled out tomorrow providing multiple benefits beyond climate stabilization. It’s farming the way the Earth does – with water, soil, land, clean air, and a stable climate. It’s farming like human health, animal health, and ecosystem health matter. It’s farming in a way that restores and even improves on soil’s natural ability to hold carbon. By emphasizing whole systems — and food systems functioning as a whole — farmers can increase productivity while healing the planet.
Kris Nichols, Chief Scientist, Rodale Institute
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#regenerative #climatechange #climatemitigation
Jim Laurie (Biodiversity for a Livable Climate) & Kris Nichols (Rodale Institute) Q&A
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Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Kris Nichols, Chief Scientist, Rodale Institute
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#ecology #regenerative #climatesolutions
Margaret Morgan-Hubbard, Ed Huling, Cleo Braver, Nick Maravell: Agricultural and Land Management
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Restorative land management includes regenerative grazing and agricultural practices that build healthy soils and support a diversity of life above and below ground. It applies to a range of settings, from urban to rural, and from small to large-acreage farms and ranches. Managing for ecosystem health brings a host of co-benefits, ranging from the production of more nutritious foods to increasing resilience against droughts and floods to building local economies and stronger communities.
Panel moderator: Gina Angiola, Deputy Director, DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Margaret Morgan-Hubbard — ECO City Farms
* Ed Huling — New Day Farms
* Cleo Braver — Cottingham Farm
* Nick Maravell — Nick’s Organic Farm
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#landmanagement #agriculture #soilhealth
Margaret Morgan-Hubbard, Ed Huling, Cleo Braver, Nick Maravell: Agricultural and Land Management Q&A
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Restorative land management includes regenerative grazing and agricultural practices that build healthy soils and support a diversity of life above and below ground. It applies to a range of settings, from urban to rural, and from small to large-acreage farms and ranches. Managing for ecosystem health brings a host of co-benefits, ranging from the production of more nutritious foods to increasing resilience against droughts and floods to building local economies and stronger communities.
Panel moderator: Gina Angiola, Deputy Director, DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Margaret Morgan-Hubbard — ECO City Farms
* Ed Huling — New Day Farms
* Cleo Braver — Cottingham Farm
* Nick Maravell — Nick’s Organic Farm
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#landmanagement #agriculture #soilhealth
Adam Sacks: The New Water Paradigm
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Our conventional view of water for decades has been to send it out to the oceans as quickly as possible. A new water paradigm developed by Michal Kravcik and colleagues explains why it’s so important to keep water where it lands on the ground for as long as possible. This simple shift in water management can make a dramatic difference in the course of global warming.
Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#watercycle #watermanagement #globalwarming
Dan Medina, Emily Landis & Claudio Ternieden: The Small Water Cycle as a Climate Tool
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Healthy soils and water cycles are closely intertwined. Opportunities abound to restore fresh and saltwater wetlands, and to manage urban, suburban and rural water flows in ways that help cool the planet. Nature has fascinating and powerful systems for water cycling; working WITH nature is vital to restoring healthy biodiverse ecosystems, to building resilient communities, and to cooling our human environment. Examples include small and large water cycles, the role of animals like beavers in restoration efforts, human engineering strategies at local, state, national, and international levels, wetland restoration, and living shoreline programs.
Panel moderator: Charlene Johnston, Washington DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Dan Medina, PhD, PE, D.WRE – Senior Engineer, Limnotech
* Emily Landis – The Nature Conservancy
* Claudio Ternieden – Water Environment Federation
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#watercycle #climatesolutions #naturalclimatesolutions
Dan Medina, Emily Landis, Claudio Ternieden: The Small Water Cycle as a Climate Tool Panel Q&A
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Healthy soils and water cycles are closely intertwined. Opportunities abound to restore fresh and saltwater wetlands, and to manage urban, suburban and rural water flows in ways that help cool the planet. Nature has fascinating and powerful systems for water cycling; working WITH nature is vital to restoring healthy biodiverse ecosystems, to building resilient communities, and to cooling our human environment. Examples include small and large water cycles, the role of animals like beavers in restoration efforts, human engineering strategies at local, state, national, and international levels, wetland restoration, and living shoreline programs.
Panel moderator: Charlene Johnston, Washington DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Dan Medina, PhD, PE, D.WRE – Senior Engineer, Limnotech
* Emily Landis – The Nature Conservancy
* Claudio Ternieden – Water Environment Federation
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#watercycle #climatesolutions #naturalclimatesolutions
Lincoln Smith & Ben Friton: Food Forests and Permaculture
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Perennial food systems can play a vital role in developing sustainable food supplies while restoring ecosystems. Food forests work WITH nature to restore carbon, water, and nutrient cycles, optimizing food production while minimizing requirements for external inputs. New food options abound and can be grown in back yards and local communities. Permaculture principles have broad application to building resilient communities.
Lincoln Smith & Ben Friton of Forested
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#permaculture #foodforests #foodproduction
Paul Tukey, Alexis Baden-Mayer, Ling Tan, Betsy Nicholas: Community and Movement Leaders
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There are many ways to participate in this transformative movement to build sustainable, healthy, resilient communities and to restore ecosystem function. From engaging elected officials, to using your wallet to support regenerative/restorative activities, to transforming your own front or back yard to sequester more carbon, to growing your own food. All of us have a role – or many roles – to play in reversing global warming, restoring ecosystem health and ultimately cooling the planet to a safe average temperature.
Panel moderator: Tod Wickersham, Washington DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Paul Tukey, Author, Organic Lawn Care Manual, Chief Sustainability Officer,
Glenstone Museum
* Alexis Baden-Mayer, Esq., Political Director, Regeneration International and Organic
Consumers Association
* Ling Tan, founding member of —Safe Grow Montgomery
* Betsy Nicholas, Executive Director, Waterkeepers Chesapeake and Fair Farms
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#communityleaders #climatemovement #environment
Paul Tukey, Alexis Baden-Mayer, Ling Tan, Betsy Nicholas: Legislation and Advocacy Q&A
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Community and Movement Leaders Panel
There are many ways to participate in this transformative movement to build sustainable, healthy, resilient communities and to restore ecosystem function. From engaging elected officials, to using your wallet to support regenerative/restorative activities, to transforming your own front or back yard to sequester more carbon, to growing your own food. All of us have a role – or many roles – to play in reversing global warming, restoring ecosystem health and ultimately cooling the planet to a safe average temperature.
Panel moderator: Tod Wickersham, Washington DC Chapter, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
* Paul Tukey, Author, Organic Lawn Care Manual, Chief Sustainability Officer,
Glenstone Museum
* Alexis Baden-Mayer, Esq., Political Director, Regeneration International and Organic
Consumers Association
* Ling Tan, founding member of —Safe Grow Montgomery
* Betsy Nicholas, Executive Director, Waterkeepers Chesapeake and Fair Farms
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#climateadvocacy #climatepolicy #climatelegislation
Community Conversation and Concluding Remarks
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Closing for Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool conference
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Scenario 300: Making Climate Cool” conference at Washington D.C. on April 30, 2017
#climateconversations #cooltheplanet #climateleaders
Using the Power of Nature
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This video was taken for a crowdfunding initiative with Bio4Climate and Razoo in 2014.
#naturebasedsolutions #biology #climate
Courtney White: Wrap Up of Landscape Heroes conference
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Courtney White, Author, Regenerative Land Management Activist
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#regenerataive #landmanagement #landscapes
Chip Osborne, Paul Wagner, Hugh McLaughlin, Bruce Fulford Q&A
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Chip Osborne, Horticulturalist
Paul Wagner, Certified Arborist
Hugh McLaughlin, Ph.D., Biochar Engineer, CTO NextChar, Inc.
Bruce Fulford, Owner, City Soil and Greenhouse, Boston
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#greenhouse #arborist #horticulture
Chip Osborne: Turf – Ecological Options
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Chip Osborne, Horticulturalist
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#ecological #horticulture #ecology
Hugh McLaughlin: Biochar’s Role in the Landscape
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Hugh McLaughlin, Ph.D., Biochar Engineer, CTO NextChar, Inc.
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity
conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#biochar #landscapes #engineering
Bruce Fulford: The Importance of Compost
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Bruce Fulford, Owner, City Soil and Greenhouse, Boston
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity
conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#compost #composting #soil
Paul Wagner: Understanding Soil Biology- The Trophic Levels
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Paul Wagner, Certified Arborist
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity
conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#biology #soils #trophic
Panel with: Courtney White, Eric T. Fleisher, Bryan O’Hara & Jim Laurie
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Courtney White, Author, Regenerative Land Management Activist
Eric T. Fleisher, Landscape Designer
Bryan O’Hara, Farmer
Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#regeneration #farming #ecologist
Jim Laurie: Building Biodiversity
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Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist
Presented at Carbon Heroes Landscaping conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#biodiversity #restoration #ecologist
Bryan O’Hara: Digging Deep into Soil Practices
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Bryan O’Hara, Farmer
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#soils #farming #farmer
Eric T Fleisher: Understanding Compaction
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Eric T. Fleisher, Landscape Designer
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#landscapedesign #landscapes #designer
Courtney White: Two Percent Solutions for the Planet
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Courtney White, Author, Regenerative Land Management Activist
Presented at Landscape Heroes: Carbon, Water and Biodiversity conference at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on January 31, 2017
#planet #climatesolutions #regeneration
Whales as Keystone Species – Cycling Nutrients, Carbon and Heat with Joe Roman
Joe Roman, Gund Institute, University of Vermont, explains how whales contribute to the planet’s natural cycles and how the role they play as keystone species makes them important in the Earth’s ecosystem balance.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#whales #keystonespecies #naturalcycles
Our Oceans, Our Selves with Adam Sacks
Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate emphasizes the connections between human well-being and the state of the Earth’s oceans.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#oceans #marine #oceanography
An End to Floods, Droughts and Other Aqueous Misdirections with Judith Schwartz
Judith D. Schwartz, Author of Water in Plain Sight, Cows Save the Planet, and The Reindeer Chronicles, discusses solutions to today’s increasingly severe disasters. She emphasizes the connections between land management and its effects on bodies of water, including oceans.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#floods #drought #water
Protecting the Oceans to Protect Ourselves
Presenters answer questions regarding the oceans and our connection to them.
Randi Rotjan: Researcher at the New England Aquarium and professor in Boston University’s Marine Program
Judith Schwartz: Freelance writer and author
Sarah Zeiberg: Environmental Studies and Theatre double major
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#environment #climate #oceans
Secret Seas – A Story of Ocean Wonder Hidden beneath the Surface with Randi Rotjan
Randi Rotjan, Boston University, New England Aquarium discusses the importance of the ocean and the lives of various species inhabiting it.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#seas #oceans #oceanmysteries
The Glory of Cashes Ledge and the First New England Marine Monument
Healthy ecosystems need biodiversity. Sarah Valencik and Sarah Zeiberg, environmental studies and theatre double major, discuss the importance of New England’s marine monument.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#marine #marinemonument #marinelife
The History of the Earth’s Oceans
Homeschoolers share what they have learned in their biology class taught by Restoration Ecologist Jim Laurie. Presenters are part of Jim Laurie’s Homeschool Symbiosis Team: Jamila dePeiza-Kern, Annie Selle, Hayden Latimer-Ireland, and Lynus Erickson.
Where did the oceans come from, and what can their future be? Learning the history of the oceans gives us a deeper appreciation for them, and helps us understand how we can help protect and restore them.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ocean #symbiotic #symbiosis
Biomimicry, Biodiversity and Restoring Urban Coastal Habitat with Anamarija Frankic
Anamarija Frankic: Green Harbors Project, U Mass Boston, University of Zadar (Croatia), Biomimicry New England explains how we can help nature heal coastlines and, as a result, improve the well-being of human and non-human species.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#biomimicry #biodiversity #coasts
Young Climate Heroes Get to Work with Mari McBride and Alice Vandebrook
Mari McBride and Alice Vandebrook co-created Save Tomorrow to help save the planet when they were in third grade. They lobbied their city council to pass a legislation to allow solar panels and protect the local forest.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#climateaction #environmentalmovement #climateactivists
Ocean Permaculture with Brian von Herzen
Brian von Herzen, The Climate Foundation, restores oceans by restoring the bottom of the food chain: plankton. Kelp farms promotes the production of plankton and, therefore, the basis of marine ecosystems.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ocean #permaculture #climate
The Oceans and the Biosphere
Q&A session with presenters reveals more information about the connections between land and sea.
Homeschool Symbiosis Team: students of Jim Laurie, Staff Scientist of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
George Buckley: Assistant Director of Sustainability at Harvard Extension School
Mark McMenamin: Professor of Geology at Mt. Holyoke College in South Hadley
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#symbiosis #geology #sustainability
Ocean Genome Legacy with Dan Distel
Dan Distel, Director, Ocean Genome Legacy, Northeastern University, explains how genetics are important for ocean health and how restoring the genome helps restore the resilience of marine life.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ocean #genome #science
Rivers and Eco Machines with John Todd
John Todd, Todd Ecologics and author of Healing Earth, mimics nature to purify water and improve the health of both people and the planet. Through nature-based designs, John Todd demonstrates the powerful potential of nature to recuperate and restore.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#rivers #ecological #eco
Large-Scale Marine Ecosystem Restoration with Thomas Goreau
Thomas Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance, demonstrates the powerful potential of ocean restoration through coral reef restoration using biorocks and other techniques that mimic nature.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#marinelife #ecosystemrestoration #marinesolutions
Acid Waters with Mick Devin
Mick Devin, Marine Researcher and Maine State Legislator, demonstrates research regarding polluted bodies of water and how treatments involving marine life can restore the ocean’s health.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#oceans #acid #oceanacidification
Let’s Make Surface Area to End the Drought and Cool the Climate with Jim Laurie
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Jim Laurie, Staff Scientist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#drought #cooltheplanet #climatesolutions
Heat and its Role in the Oceans
John Todd: Founder and president of John Todd Ecological Design
Peter Girguis: Leader in the research of deep oceans, with several scientific dives on the iconic deep-sea submersible, Alvin
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ecology #science #deepocean
Amazing Mangroves and the Global Climate with Alfredo Quarto
Mangroves used to be thought of as “useless, mosquito infested swamps” without value. Now mangroves are seen as essential in combating climate change and consequent sea level rise. Mangroves are being lauded as vital nurseries for marine life, important habitat for millions of migratory birds, and essential buffers against erosion, storm waves and hurricanes.
Alfredo Quarto is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Mangrove Action Project.
Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
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#mangroves #climate #sealevelrise
Cooperative Restoration to Prevent Disasters
During a Q&A with speakers, preventative vs. reactionary measures are compared and contrasted to show the danger of what happens when we don’t take urgent climate action.
Jim Laurie: Staff Scientist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Thomas Goreau: Award-winning marine, soils and climate scientist & President of the Global Coral Reef Alliance
Mick Devin: Two-term state representative in the Maine Legislature & shellfish hatchery manager at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole
Dan Distel: Director of the Ocean Genome Legacy Center
Brian von Herzen is the Executive Director of The Climate Foundation
Alfredo Quarto: Executive Director and Co-Founder of the Mangrove Action Project
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#climatescientist #marinescience #science
Forage Fish and Trophic Cascades with Katharine Deuel
Katharine Deuel, Pew Charitable Trust, discusses fisheries management and how it can be beneficial for conserving and protecting fish in New England and beyond.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#fish #trophiccascades #ocean
Microbes of the Depths with Peter Girguis
Peter Girguis, Harvard University, describes the microscopic world inhabiting the ocean’s depths.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#microbes #deepocean #creatures
Joe Roman: Save Tomorrow
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Joe Roman, Gund Institute, University of Vermont
Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ecosystemrestoration #nature #climate
Land Use and its Effects on the Ocean
During a Q&A with speakers, discussion focuses on the connections between what climate science accounts for and how that relates to the way we manage land, especially lawns that require fertilizers and pesticides.
Peter Girguis, Harvard University
John Todd, Todd Ecologics
Tom Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance
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Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought” conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#oceans #climate #ecological restoration
River Herring Restoration: A Keystone in Ecological Recovery with Dwayne Shaw
Dwayne Shaw, Downeast Salmon Federation, describes the domino effect of restoring one species of fish and his work with reviving rivers.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#rivers #keystonespecies #fish
Deep Ocean Life with Peter Girguis
Peter Girguis, Harvard University explores the unique and fascinating traits of species who live in teh deep ocean.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#ocean #deepocean #oceanlife
The Ocean Restorer- From Dead Zones to Zones Alive! with John Todd
John Todd, Pioneer in Biological Water Purification and author of Healing Earth, discusses how we could restore oceanic dead zones to bring back biodiversity and, ultimately, revive bodies of water.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#oceanrestoration #deadzones #biology
Invertebrates of the Sea with George Buckley
George Buckley is Assistant Director of Sustainability at Harvard Extension School, with decades of experience swimming with many creatures of the oceans discusses the complexity of different species and their ecological importance.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#sea #marineanimals #invertebrates
The Oceans, Global Warming, and the Carbon Cycle with Thomas Goreau
Thomas Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance, discusses the detrimental impacts of global warming on the oceans and how these can be minimized through restoration of the carbon cycle.
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#oceans #globalwarming #carboncycle
From Sea to Land to Sea – What It Means to Live and Evolve in One, the Other or Both
Mark McMenamin is a pioneering professor of geology and paleontology at Mt. Holyoke College
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Presented at Restoring Oceans, Restoring Climate: Facing Fire & Ice, Food & Water, Flood & Drought conference at Harvard University on November 18-20, 2016
#sea #evolution #geology
Global Warming – You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet! (ca. 2001)
This video was made in 2001, and sadly it could have been made yesterday with only minor changes. The situation has only deteriorated with respect to atmospheric carbon levels – 371 ppm in 2001, ~420 in 2022. On the bright side, we’ve learned a great deal about the power of biological systems to reverse global warming – inexpensive, low-tech, available worldwide, with positive outcomes not only on climate, but in addressing floods, drought, conflict, loss of biodiversity and much more. I didn’t know any of that when I made this amateur video on what is primitive equipment by today’s standards – or I would have been able to add many actions and reasons for hope. That’s the mission of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate today; we now know what to do, all we have to do is to make it happen, all over the world!
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#biodiversity #climatechange #naturebasedsolutions
Declaring Democracy in Barnstead, NH – Community Vote on Water Sovereignty
A documentary of the town meeting vote in Barnstead, NH on a local ordinance to prevent corporate takeover of the community’s groundwater taken on March 18, 2006.
Dedicated to the memory of Gail Darrell.
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#groundwater #democratic #takeaction
Biodiversity is Us with Sharon McGregor and Eric Sanderson
Sharon McGregor is a biologist, environmental policy administrator, educator, and consultant, most recently serving as Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Biological Conservation and Ecosystem Protection) for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs (MA EOEEA)
Eric W. Sanderson is a landscape ecologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society at the Bronx Zoo, director of the Manahatta Project and author
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#wildlife #environmentalpolicy #natureeducation
Water, Soil, Health and Climate- Connecting the Dots with Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse, The Center for Sustainable Medicine
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#water #soil #health
The Tradition and Potential of New England Grassland Agriculture with John Carroll
John Carroll, University of New Hampshire
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#grasslands #agriculture #newengland
Regenerative Grazing: Soil, Health, Climate and the Rural Economy with Ridge Shinn
Ridge Shinn founded Big Picture Beef, an organization that demonstrates the benefits of grass-fed beef for people and the planet.
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#regenerative #economy #rural
The Importance of Healthy Soil wth Ridge Shinn, Didi Pershouse, John Carroll & Philip Tanimoto
Ridge Shinn: Founder and CEO of Big Picture Beef
Didi Pershouse: Helps connect the dots between soil health and human health & author
John E. Carroll is professor of environmental conservation in the Department of Natural Resources
Philip Tanimoto is the Executive Director of the The Cloud Forest Conservation Initiative
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#science #environment #conservation
Keeping Alive the Magic of a Guatemalan Cloud Forest with Philip Tanimoto
Philip Tanimoto, The Cloud Forest Conservation Initiative
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#guatemala #centralamerica #forest
Bringing Biodiversity to Our Own Backyards with Sharon McGregor
Sharon McGregor, Restoration Ecologist and environmental advocate
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#biodiversity #backyards #restoration
The Manahatta Project with Eric Sanderson
Eric Sanderson, The Wildlife Conservation Society
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#wildlife #conservation #biodiversity
How Biodiversity Wriggled and Crawled Out of the Ocean and Conquered the Land with Jim Laurie
Jim Laurie, Staff Scientist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#biodiversity #evolution #science
Eco Restoration: Humans as Partners with Dwayne Shaw, Elisabeth Cianciola & Beth Lambert
Dwayne Shaw is Executive Director of the Downeast Salmon Federation
Elisabeth Cianciola: Aquatic Scientist at the Charles River Watershed Association
Beth Lambert is the Aquatic Habitat Restoration Program Manager at Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), MA Dept. of Fish and Game
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#aquaticscientist #aquatichabitats #salmon
Bringing Biodiverse Habitats Back to Life- State Government as Partner with Beth Lambert
Beth Lambert, Division of Ecological Restoration (DER), Mass. Dept. of Fish and Game
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#biodiverse #habitats #government
Remarkable History of a Watershed and Green Infrastructure to Restore It with Elisabeth Cianciola
Elisabeth Cianciola, Charles River Watershed Association
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#history #greendevelopment #greeninfrastructure
Atlantic Salmon, An Umbrella Species with Dwayne Shaw
Dwayne Shaw, Downeast Salmon Federation
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#salmon #keystonespecies #fish
Restoring Bodies of Water with Peter Lawrence, Alyssa Novak, and Annie, Hayden and Lynus
Peter Lawrence: President and Co-founder of Biomimicry New England and a Biomimicry Specialist
Alyssa Novak: Coastal ecologist
Homeschoolers are students of Jim Laurie’s, Staff Scientist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#ecology #biomimicry #biodiversity
Biomimicry, Biodiversity and Restoring Urban Coastal Habitat with Peter Lawrence
Biomimicry is sustainable innovation inspired by nature. Restoration of habitats and ecosystems can not only mitigate the effects of climate change, but also preserve the largely untapped library of solutions and opportunities to change the harmful way we make and do things. The Green Harbors Project and Biomimicry Living Labs are working with local communities to bring back ecological functions in our degraded coves and channels in Boston, Wellfleet, Orleans, Cohasset and Gloucester.
Peter Lawrence, Biomimicry New England
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#biomimicry #biodiversity #coastalhabitat
Seagrass Ecology and Conservation with Alyssa Novak
An introduction to seagrasses, their role in coastal environments, threats to their survival, and efforts to monitor and restore these vital ecosystems.
Alyssa Novak, Boston University
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#seagrass #ecology #conservation
Diversity of Life: The Oceans and the Gulf of Maine with Jim Laurie
Jim Laurie, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, introduces the home-school Symbiosis Team:
Annie Selle, Hayden Latimer-Ireland, Jamila dePeiza-Kern, Lynus Erickson
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Presented at The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#oceans #biodiversity #life
What Is Biodiversity Worth in our High-Tech World? with Adam Sacks
Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, an environmental nonprofit spreading awareness for the powerful potential of ecosystem restoration.
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Introduction to The Power and Promise of Biodiversity: Visions of Restoring Land, Sea and Climate conference at Harvard University on April 30, 2016
#biodiversity #technology #biology
Jim Laurie: How Eco-Restoration Can End Global Warming
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An overview of eco-restoration to end global warming. Jim Laurie, Staff Scientist at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, presents to the Washington, DC Chapter of Bio4Climate on March 7, 2015.
#regeneration #biology #ecologist
Adam Sacks: How Ecosystem Restoration Can End Global Warming
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An overview of eco-restoration to end global warming. Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, presents to the Washington, DC Chapter of Bio4Climate on March 7, 2015.
#naturebasedsolutions #ecology #mitigateclimatechange
Miracle in the Nevada Desert with Carol Evans & Jon Griggs
Carol Evans, Nevada Bureau of Land Management fisheries biologist whose work has been featured in the film The Beaver Whisperers, highlighting her deep involvement in monitoring the impact that planned grazing and returning beaver have had on restoring watersheds.
Jon Griggs, ranch manager for Maggie Creek Ranch, a beef-cattle operation running on both public and private lands in the high desert of Northeastern Nevada.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
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#desert #biology #restoration
Foster Brown: Telling the Water Story to the People
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Foster Brown, Amazonian ecologist, gives an introduction to the interactive methods he uses to teach forest ecology in the Peruvian communities he works with.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#amazonian #ecology #forests
Glenn Gall and Allison Houghton: Permaculture, Perma-Water
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Glenn Gall takes us through the groundbreaking work done by many permaculture practitioners, and the central part which water plays in permaculture design. Discussion includes methods such as keyline, subsoiling and grazing, where water has become the focus of land management.
Boston-area community gardener and permaculture teacher Allison Houghton gives an appreciation of the pyramid of species that support soil life and biodiversity, and the ways in which water retention can be supported for ecosystem health.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#permaculture #grazing #landmanagement
The Tijuca Story: Reforestation and the Biotic Pump with Thomas Goreau
Thomas Goreau tells of the successful reforestation centuries ago of the mountains surrounding Rio de Janeiro, and will describe the workings of the “biotic pump” by which forest transpiration supports healthy precipitation across wide areas.
Presented at the Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
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#reforestation #mountains #treeplanting
River Regeneration in Rajasthan with Rajendra Singh
Rajendra Singh, the “Waterman of India”, winner of the 2015 Stockholm Water Prize, has led a decades-long successful campaign to reclaim degraded and mine-scarred landscapes using the traditional water harvesting methods such as the johad earthen dam. Local people have mobilized around these methods to restore water abundance in the driest state of India.
To activate closed captioning, click the “CC” icon at the bottom right of the video screen.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
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#india #degradation #traditionalmethods
Walter Jehne (soil and climate scientist) and Michal Kravcik (hydrologist) Q&A
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Michal Kravcik: Slovakian hydrologist
Walter Jehne: Australian soil and climate scientist
Presented a Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#climatechange #watercycle #waterconservation
Maude Barlow, Rajendra Singh, Precious Phiri: Activist Panel- Empowering Water Restoration
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Moderated by Adam Sacks, our three panelists speak of success in mobilizing people to work for water restoration in widely varied settings.
Maude Barlow speaks on how water supply and water rights are at the heart of many conflict and crisis zones throughout the world. On the positive side, this means that the empowerment that comes from the New Water Paradigm can reach a massive web of people positioned to repair local environmental problems locally, as well as participate in healing the planet.
Rajendra Singh tells the story of regeneration and hope from Rajasthan, and how the restoration of river watersheds has built community and livelihoods for its people.
Precious Phiri has been part of the Zimbabwean community grazing culture throughout her life. She has an inspiring vision of community strength and security coming from the collective village-based methods of holistic management.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#climateactivists #waterrestoration #water
Walter Jehne, Thomas Goreau, Jan Lambert, Michal Kravcik: Water and Climate Policy Panel
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Policy panel: Building Water Cycles into the International Climate Debate
Walter Jehne, Tom Goreau and Jan Lambert with Michal Kravčík each speak on the opportunities for broadening the debate over climate as we approach COP21 in Paris. How do we take it beyond the current global focus on carbon dioxide reduction to deploying methods for hydrological cooling that directly relieve climate extremes.
Walter Jehne was trained as a microbiologist and over decades has worked in Australian business and government settings. He has led initiatives to recognize the climate value of the “in-soil reservoir”, the potential of carbon-rich soil to buffer climate extremes. He describes his strategic vision for expanding the awareness of water cycles in global climate policy.
Jan Lambert speaks as co-author with Michal Kravcik of the Global Action Plan, included in her new book Water, Land and Climate – the Critical Connection.
Thomas Goreau has long and patient experience in consulting and advising small nations in UN climate bodies. He describes the policy landscape for advancing ecological restoration, both inside and outside those official organizations.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#climatepolicy #internationalpolicy #water
Jim Laurie & His Homeschool AP Biology Students: Nature Wants to Be Wet
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Restoration ecologist Jim Laurie illuminates the vital connections between water cycles and biodiversity, describing numerous keystone species – from microbes and worms to beavers, burrowing animals and ruminants – which increase water infiltration and retention in landscapes. By partnering with these species we can jumpstart the restoration of stable local water cycles. Jim also introduces students from his Homeschool Advanced Placement Biology / Restoration Ecology course who perform a short play called “Symbiosis”, including sketches on “Making Holes to Improve the Small Water Cycle” and “Stopping Flash Floods and Cleaning Water.” Jim will finish with a brief description of a new initiative in state government: since 2009 the Mass. Division of Ecological Restoration has helped partners remove 40 dams and restore approximately 2,000 acres of coastal wetland.
Presented a Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#biological #ecology #watercycles
Jan Lambert: Retain the Rain, No More Down the Drain!
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Jan Lambert introduces, by way of photos and illustrations, the richly varied ways in which rainwater is now being successfully restored into landscapes. From holistic green pastures in America to green roofs in Scotland, from using beaver dams as models for water retention to jumpstarting new forests by curbing erosion, huge strides are being made in forest, farm, desert, and city to renew the water cycle, reduce floods and drought and renew hope for nature and humanity.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#rainwater #restoration #holistic
Precious Phiri: Community Grazing for Community Abundance
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Precious Phiri of Zimbabwe discusses the managed grazing of ruminants from the perspective of how it opens soils for water – and raises water tables and brings back surface water for crops, domestic animals and wildlife, along with a surge of biodiversity and productivity for humans and many other species.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#managedgrazing #zimbabwe #biodiversity
Emaline Conkey & Brianna Klauer: New Climate Leaders
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Emaline Conkey, Senior, Mascoma Valley Regional High School in New Hampshire, and Brianna Klauer, Sophomore, Hartford High School in Vermont, are two student leaders in the “Climate, Water, Soil and Hope” program developed by Didi Pershouse of the Soil Carbon Coalition. Students, teachers, and community members participate in a hands-on exploration of the role of soil aggregates in water flows and filtration, as well as role of plants and soil microorganisms in the carbon cycle. Emaline and Brianna share their experiences in the program and their goals for further involvement in the soil restoration movement.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#climateoptimism #soilrestoration #carbon
Jim Laurie: Closing the Nutrient Loop
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Jim Laurie has used natural biological processes to turn some of the most toxic and polluted effluent around – both sewage and industrial waste – into clean, clear water.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#nutrientcycle #pollution #cleanwater
Scott Horsley: From Gray to Green Infrastructure
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Hydrologist Scott Horsley discusses green infrastructure as the new tool of water harvesting in urban areas and other settled landscapes.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University, October 16th-18th, 2015.
#green #hydrology #waterconservation
Foster Brown: Maintaining Forest Cover and Biodiversity in Amazonia
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Foster Brown is a senior scientist for Woods Hole Research Institute, based in the State of Acre in the western Amazon. He explains the challenges of protecting Amazonia especially from fire, and of mobilizing local populations for ecological awareness.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#southamerica #ecology #climatescience
Maude Barlow: Civilization & Water- Scarcity, Abundance, and the Road Less Traveled
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Maude Barlow, longtime Canadian global activist for water rights, will describe the current crisis of global communities whose access to clean water is threatened by ecological damage and corporate exploitation.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#waterrights #ecological #resilientcommunities
Steve Apfelbaum: Emulating Nature
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Steve Apfelbaum explains how restoring biodiverse landscapes can be the most effective way to manage stormwater, as demonstrated in projects such as Seneca Meadows in New York state.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University, October 16th-18th, 2015.
#restoration #biodiverse #stormwater
The Natural History of Water on Earth with Walter Jehne
Australian soil and climate scientist Walter Jehne discusses how the five kingdoms of life have created water cycles, moving water through sea, soil and air, navigating tumultuous changes through geological ages to the present, and how the human presence has brought earth’s systems into a crisis in which water is also the potential vehicle for stabilization and renewal.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
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#naturalhistory #climatescience #watercycle
Judith Schwartz: Water and Climate- An Overview
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Journalist Judith Schwartz, author of the groundbreaking book, Cows Save the Planet, gives the perspective of a concerned citizen seeking to understand how water fits into the complex workings of climate change.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#watercycle #climate #journalism
Michal Kravick: The New Water Paradigm (with captions)
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To activate closed captioning, click the “CC” icon at the bottom right of the video screen.
Michal Kravčík guides us through the concepts of the New Water Paradigm in greater detail, showing how water cycles can be supported to enhance local climates and biodiversity, and how this understanding can broaden and enhance our strategies for addressing climate change.
Presented a Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#watercycles #localclimate #biodiversity
Michal Kravcik: The New Water Reality (with captions)
Innovative Slovakian hydrologist Michal Kravčík gives an introduction to his New Water Paradigm and the critical importance of regional or “small” rainwater cycles. The result is a set of empowering ecological concepts that enable people everywhere to secure clean and adequate water, prevent floods and drought and moderate local climate, simply by harvesting rainfall. Since the 1990s he has demonstrated these concepts in his native Slovakia.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University, October 16th-18th, 2015.
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#hydrology #waterconservation #rain
Adam Sacks: Welcome to a Water Story Untold
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Executive Director Adam Sacks welcomes conference attendees and speaks about the importance of water.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Restoring Water Cycles to Reverse Global Warming” conference October 16th-18th, 2015 at Tufts University.
#waterconservation #watersecurity #cleanwater
John D. Liu “Green Gold” Clip: Ethiopia Tree Planting
An example of ecological restoration in Ethiopia, excerpted from John D. Liu’s documentary “Green Gold”.
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#regeneration #naturalresources #naturedocumentary
Jim Laurie: Microbes ‘R’ Us
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Our restoration ecologist Jim Laurie shares some of the revolutionary ideas developed by Lynn Margulis on the deep relationship among microbes, and all life including humans. Join us as we explore the importance of microbial activity to restoring ecosystems and reversing global warming.
Slides from Jim’s presentation are available here:
The full list of books that Jim brought for show and tell is available here:
You can read Lynn Margulis’ classic essay on the significance of symbiosis in evolution “Gaia is a Tough Bitch” at:
▶ The Final Lecture: Dr. John H Todd on Planetary Healing & Ecological Design –
▶ Lynn Margulis on her life, Symbiogenesis, Gaia Theory, Scienctific Practice and Effects of Money –
▶ Looking Through the Microscope with Lynn Margulis –
Streamed on June 14, 2015
#biology #ecosystems #globalwarming
Quinton Zondervan & Lucy Alexander: Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming
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A welcome from Quinton Zondervan, President of Green Cambridge, and Lucy Alexander, Policy Coordinator for the Climate Action Business Association (CABA), on behalf of their organizations which sponsored our conference.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate’s “Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#restoration #paradigmshift #climate
Mel King – From the Past, Into the Future
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Featuring Mel King, Community Activist, State Legislator, Affordable Housing Advocate, MIT Faculty
As a State Legislator, Mel King was a leader in the effort to preserve agricultural land in Massachusetts. He founded the South End Technology Center and led the fight to stop development of land that later became Tent City, affordable housing in the South End. Mel taught in MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning and started its Community Fellows Program. He is currently a board member of the Urban Agriculture Institute and speaks to us from a broad understanding of land use and community issues.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#affordablehousing #communityactivist #agriculture
Jennifer Lawrence, Duke Bitsko, Lenni Armstrong, Ellen Mass: Eco-Restoration as Climate Activism
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Jennifer Lawrence, Sustainability Planner for the City of Cambridge, speaks on the City’s ongoing Vulnerability Assessment on climate change, and some possible measures the City can take to improve its climate resilience.
Duke Bitsko, landscape architect with Chester Engineers, describes a large-scale project he worked on in the Alewife Reservation, transforming a degraded low-quality upland habitat into a constructed stormwater wetland and park.The interdisciplinary team incorporated green infrastructure strategies to create diverse upland and wetland native plant communities.
Lenni Armstrong talks about the Depaving Parties she organizes in collaboration with Somerville Climate Action. She works with residents who want to transform paved areas of their yards into green spaces or permeable walkways and driveways. Urban depaving helps keep the watershed clean and promotes healthy neighborhood ecosystems. Also, Depaving Parties are fun and build community!
Ellen Mass of the Friends of Alewife Reservation (FAR) speaks on what citizens can and must do to help their communities plan for climate change. FAR has been active for years in protecting and maintaining the Alewife wetlands and wild space, and will urge city dwellers to stay informed and involved in the public review process regarding development proposals, and to advocate for our environmental resources.
Part of the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#ecologicalrestoration #climatesolutions #local
Phil Colarusso, Jonathan Bates, Luisa Oliveira, Joy Gary, Bruce Fulford Q&A
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Phil Colarusso, Boston Office of the EPA
Jonathan Bates, Permaculturist, Co-Author of Paradise Lot
Luisa Oliveira, Landscape architect, City of Somerville
Joy Gary, Urban Farm Grower, Revision Urban Farm, Dorchester, Massachusetts
Bruce Fulford, Owner, City Soil
Part of the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#permaculture #farmer #soils
Joy Gary – Urban Farming for a Shelter and a CSA
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Revision Urban Farm is an innovative community-based urban agriculture project that grows produce in its own fields and provides access to affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to residents of the ReVision Family Home and its extended community.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#agriculture #nutritiousfood #growyourownfood
Bruce Fulford – Compost for a City
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Featuring Bruce Fulford, Owner, City Soil.
The linkages between urban farms, conservation foundations, and municipalities can all reinforce the power of urban agriculture. Bruce Fulford describes creating agricultural land in an urban setting.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#communitycompost #agriculture #conservation
Jonathan Bates – From Bare Ground to Urban Paradise on One-Tenth of an Acre
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Featuring Jonathan Bates, Permaculturist, Co-Author of Paradise Lot.
A neglected Holyoke house lot is re-born as a thriving edible forest garden with a wide variety of edible plants and trees. Jonathan Bates offers an overview of how he and his collaborator, Eric Toensmeier, applied principles of permaculture to transform their back and front yards, and how you can do it too.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#permaculture #gardening #edibleforests
Luisa Oliveira – Enabling and Protecting Urban Agriculture
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Featuring Luisa Oliveira, Landscape architect, City of Somerville.
Luisa Oliveira led the team that developed an urban agriculture ordinance for Somerville, the first in New England. She speaks on the traditions, benefits and value of growing urban food, and the challenges of regulating agriculture in a densely populated city.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#regenerativeagriculture #architect #urbangarden
Phil Colarusso – Blue Carbon: The Shore Less Traveled
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Featuring Phil Colarusso, Boston Office of the EPA.
Wetlands and coastal waters are exceptionally effective at storing carbon as well as performing many other ecosystem functions. Phil Colarusso tells us how cities and the global climate benefit from offshore seagrass beds, one of the richest of ecological resources and carbon sinks and part of the Boston area’s native habitat. Eelgrass survival is entirely dependent on effective management of water resources for human use, especially intact healthy wetlands and efficient sewage disposal.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#carbonsink #wetlands #watersource
Thomas Akin, Eric T. Fleisher, Charlotte O’Brien, Allison Houghton Q&A
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Thomas Akin, State Resource Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Eric ‘T’ Fleischer, Consultant, Harvard Landscape Services
Charlotte O’Brien, Biochar Entrepreneur
Allison Houghton, Permaculture and Gardening Teacher
Part of the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#biochar #permaculture #conservation
Allison Houghton – Permaculture Gardens
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Featuring Allison Houghton, Permaculture and Gardening Teacher.
Permaculture methods for ecological design are especially useful for bringing productivity and biodiversity to urban settings. Allison Houghton shares some methods for planning and growing successful garden spaces.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#ecologicaldesign #biodiversity #gardening
Charlotte O’ Brien – Biochar Basics
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Charlotte O’Brien, Biochar Entrepreneur
Biochar is soil amendment made from biomass that leads to fertility and improved plant health and growth. It was developed by indigenous people in the Amazon hundreds of years ago and has excited broad interest worldwide over the past decade. Charlotte O’Brien describes how urban dwellers can make and use their own biochar for increased soil, plant and human health.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#biomass #plants #indigenous
Eric ‘T’ Fleischer – Compost Tea Time
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Featuring Eric ‘T’ Fleischer, Consultant, Harvard Landscape Services.
There are many challenges in improving urban soils. Eric Fleischer reviews these challenges and focuses on Harvard’s successful soil-enhancement project using compost tea applications.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#soils #composting #urbangardens
Thomas Akin – Cover Crops
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Featuring Thomas Akin, State Resource Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Cover cropping is a soil health-building practice gaining currency in cropland agriculture but also well suited to improving urban soils. Soil-incorporated cover crops provide large volumes of soluble carbon, the best fuel for the soil food web. Tom Akin gives a brief introduction to suitable cover crops to improve urban soils.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#healthysoils #urbansoil #agriculture
Nathan Philips, Eric Olson, David Morimoto, David Lefcourt Q&A
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Nathan Phillips, Earth and Environment Department, Boston University
Eric Olson, Brandeis University
David Morimoto, Biologist, Lesley University
David Lefcourt, Arborist, City of Cambridge
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#climateconversations #coolingtheclimate #ecology
Nathan Phillips: The Ecology of the City
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An overview of our modern urban ecology, shaped and profoundly altered by human actions. Our relationship with our urban ecosystem can be improved if we recognize the threats that we bring through development and technology and the ways to increase resilience and biodiversity. As climate challenges intensify, carbon farming methods can support this resilience and protect living systems in our cities.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#urbanecology #ecosystem #livingsystems
Eric Olson: Biodiversity in the City
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Featuring Eric Olson, Brandeis University.
Biodiversity contributes significantly to our resilience and quality of life. Eric Olson addresses the presence of countless non-native species of plants and animals in our cities, how we can take steps to re-establish healthy ecological species relationships one yard at a time, and how our local climate can benefit.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#ecological #localclimate #nativespecies
David Morimoto: A Walk in the Urban Woods
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Featuring David Morimoto, Biologist, Lesley University.
The extraordinary wild spaces that still remain in our cities benefit our spiritual and mental health, not to mention the quality of the air and water. David Morimoto shares slides of the nature walk that some conference participants attended the previous day at the Alewife Reservation, Cambridge’s largest local urban wild area, home to crucially important wetland and biodiversity resources.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#biologist #naturewalk #wetlands
David Lefcourt: City Trees
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Featuring David Lefcourt, Arborist, City of Cambridge.
David will discuss how a municipality, with active citizens and volunteers, can get the greatest benefit from its trees for climate and biodiversity.
Presented at the Urban and Suburban Carbon Farming to Reverse Global Warming Conference, organized by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, at Harvard University on May 3, 2015.
#climate #biodiversity #greencommunities
Bruce Fulford, Mark Smith, Liz Wiley, Emily Jodka: Urban Agriculture in a Thriving Bioregion
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Some of the benefits of urban agriculture are well known: increased access to healthy fresh food, reduced “food miles,” and building robust local communities. Looking through the carbon farming lens we also see more benefits: biodiverse landscapes, building carbon-rich soil and creating resilient landscapes that purify the water and air. Our panelists will discuss how to support the growth of urban farm spaces and regional relationships that strengthen them.
Sarah Howard, Earthos, Moderator:
Understanding and stewarding our urban-bioregional systems
Bruce Fulford, City Soil:
Creating agricultural land in an urban setting
Mark Smith, Co-founder, Brookwood Community Farm in Milton, Massachusetts:
Developing farms on peri-urban land – challenges and opportunities
Liz Wiley, Program Manager at Round the Bend Farm, S. Dartmouth, Massachusetts:
Regional support systems for urban farming efforts
Emily Jodka, Founding member of New Urban Farmers, Pawtucket, Rhode Island:
Engaging urban communities and kids in innovative and productive farms
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#freshfood #carbonfarming #urbanfarming
Paul Schmid, Maggie Payne, William McCaffrey: Local Carbon Farming
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How do we continue to farm productively and profitably without having to change everything we do? This panel will focus on several key practical elements that significantly increase the restorative powers of farming for biodiversity and carbon sequestration, along with increasing yields, needing fewer if any synthetic inputs, growing profits, and improving the health of both farmers and consumers.
Ridge Shinn, Grazier, Moderator:
The benefits of livestock for soil, food, economy and climate
Paul Schmid, Proprietor of River Rock Farm, Massachusetts State Rep. from 8th Bristol district:
Raising grass-finished beef, and legislative support for agriculture
Maggie Payne, USDA
William McCaffrey, 2nd Generation Farmer in E. Taunton, Cornell U. Graduate:
Farming produce and cranberries
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#sustainableagriculture #carbonsequestration #farming
Engin Atasay, Jim Corven, Rachael Furlong, Zoe Hansen-DiBello: Educating the New Climate Paradigm
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In this era of global warming and extreme weather events we face the uncommonly difficult task of preparing our children for the future. How do we explain to them what is happening, and how we got here? How do we provide them with the skills and resilience to face these challenges with strength and optimism? Our panelists will discuss models that connect young people to the natural world, help them understand and experience themselves as part of complex and biodiverse ecosystems, and teach the art and science of planetary regeneration.
Paula Phipps, Moderator
Preparing future generations for climate change
Engin Atasay, Assistant Professor of Education, BCC: Building ecoliteracy into education
Jim Corven, Associate Professor of Biology and Director of Organic Agriculture at BCC: Teaching carbon farming as part of organic agriculture
Rachael Furlong from Seeds of Sustainability, a BCC student organization:
Student involvement ranging from fossil fuel divestment to permaculture
Zoe Hansen-DiBello, Marion Institute:
Engaging communities by teaching in neighborhood gardens, and moving toward carbon farming
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#climatechange #climateoptimism #climateeducation
Sam Sutter: New Paths in Climate Activism at the Local Level
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As Bristol County District Attorney, Sam Sutter took a courageous step in his public acknowledgement of the dangers of global warming in the Lobster Boat Blockade case last fall. How did he make the transition to an icon of global warming activism? What does he make of the new climate paradigm where biology and ecology, not small carbon molecules, are the key? How should that be incorporated into local governance?
Sam Sutter, Mayor of Fall River
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#climateactivism #climateaction #globalwarming
Gillian Davies & Jim Laurie Q&A
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Gillian Davies, Senior Wetlands Scientist, BSC Group
Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
#wetlands #scientist #ecology
Jim Laurie: Local Keystone Species and Carbon Farming
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Biodiversity is the foundation of healthy, resilient ecosystems. We humans have the ability to create the conditions for biodiverse landscapes which restore water cycles, purify the air, grow nutritious foods and build soil carbon from the carbon dioxide in the air. Jim Laurie will give us some ideas of how to recreate the living systems which are so essential to our well-being, with a focus on Southeastern Massachusetts.
Jim Laurie, Restoration Ecologist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Gillian Davies: An Ecosystems Approach to Wetlands and Climate
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Wetlands have the capacity to store enormous amounts of carbon because soils under water have minimal exposure to air. Gillian Davies will discuss how to integrate climate change thinking into managing wetlands, with multiple benefits for local resiliency such as flood control.
Gillian Davies, Senior Wetlands Scientist, BSC Group
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Adam Sacks, Jono Neiger, Bruce Fulford: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet Q&A
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Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Jono Neiger, Ecological Designer, Regenerative Design Group
Bruce Fulford, Principal, City Soil
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Bruce Fulford: Building Soil for a New World
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Returning carbon to the soil is the foundation of restoring ecosystems. For thirty years Bruce Fulford has been building soils. He will tell us how he does it, and the remarkable results that he’s seen from reclamation and remediation of land, urban composting and greenhouse agriculture.
Bruce Fulford, Principal, City Soil
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Jono Neiger: The Carbon Farming Panorama
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There are many flavors of land management to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in soils where it belongs, often for centuries or millennia. Jono Neiger offers us an overview of several approaches that may be applied in a wide variety of ecosystems, and some that are particularly suited to the landscape and biology of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Jono Neiger, Ecological Designer, Regenerative Design Group
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Adam Sacks: Global Warming- The Good, the Bad, and the Very, Very Scary
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The climate news gets worse every year. Adam suggests how we may broaden the familiar narrative and transform it into one of biodiversity, planetary regeneration and abundance.
Adam Sacks, Executive Director, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference “Reversing Global Warming: Carbon Farming for Food, Health, Prosperity and Planet” at Bristol Community College in Massachusetts.
Friday February 20, 2015.
Diana Donlon: Food and Farming
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There are critical connections between everyday food choices and climate change. Cool Foods emphasizes the key steps of retiring industrial agriculture and turning to practices which pull carbon and water back into the soils, thereby bringing economic vitality and human health to communities worldwide.
Diana Donlon: Director of the Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#food #farming #climate
Adam Sacks & Seth Itzkan: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” Conference Closing
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Adam Sacks, Executive Director of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
Seth Itzkan: Futurist and founder of Planet-TECH Associates
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#climate #globalwarming #ecosystemrestoration
Larry Kopald, Vanessa Rule, Antje Danielson, Eli Gerzon, Gary Rucinski: Messages from the 2nd Front
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Messages from the Second Front: Bringing the Power of Biology into the Climate Conversation
Larry Kopald, Moderator
Vanessa Rule, Co-Director and Lead Organizer for Mothers Out Front, as well as with other local and state climate action groups
Antje Danielson, Director, Tufts Institute of the Environment, co-founder of Zipcar
Eli Gerzon, MA State Divestment Organizer for the Better Future Project
Gary Rucinski, Director of Committee for a Green Economy and Northeast Coordinator of the Citizens Climate Lobby
A window into climate activists’ personal and interpersonal journeys toward understanding, embracing, and implementing biological approaches to addressing the climate crisis. A discussion of obstacles and opportunities from people on the ground.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#activists #climateactivist #climateactivism
Protecting and Restoring Water Resources on Tribal Lands in South Dakota
Grandmother and long-time activist Candace Duchenaux is dedicated to preserving the Lakota way of life and the environmental integrity of our sacred mother earth. She has been at the frontlines in many battles for justice for the Lakota Oyate and against the destructive human forces threatening humanity and nature. She will tell us of the efforts of Mni, the grassroots water justice organization that she founded, to restore healthy water cycles to Cheyenne River and to all indigenous people worldwide.
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From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#water #waterconservation #triballands
Community Development in Zimbabwe via Eco-restoration ft. Precious Phiri
Precious Phiri directs engagement and training for villages in the Hwange Communal Lands region that are implementing restorative grazing programs using Holistic Land and Livestock Management. This cost-effective, nature-based and highly scalable solution helps rural communities in Africa to reduce poverty, rebuild soils, restore food and water security, and reduce drought and flood risks. Precious was born and raised in one of these communities now implementing restorative grazing.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
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#ecorestoration #community #development
Karl Thidemann: Making It Happen – Activism, Practice and Policy
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Trained as a chemist, for ten years Karl Thidemann was the Marketing Director for Solectria, an MIT spinoff that became one of the leading early developers of electric cars in the 1990s. He is closely aligned with the climate community, with many personal connections in New England clean tech, climate mitigation, and organic farming communities.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#activism #policy #climateaction
William Moomaw: Climate Advocacy- From Grassroots Activism to International Policy
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A physical chemist with a PhD from MIT, William Moomaw works to translate science and technology into policy terms. He was a lead author of four IPCC reports, and an author for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. He will give us his vision of how we can translate the pressing needs of the new climate paradigm we are proposing – the essential role of the biosphere – into implementation at the policy level, from local to global.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#policy #advocacy #grassrootsactivism
Biochar: A Powerful Tool for Carbon Farming with Hugh McLaughlin
Hugh McLaughlin, an engineer and expert in biochar and activated carbon, discusses the many applications of biochar for environmental improvement and its role in reversing global warming.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
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#biochar #carbon #farming
Soil Ecosystem Health: From Fungi & Nematodes to Beetles & Earthworms with Jim Laurie
Mycorrhizal fungi are critical conduits moving photosynthetic energy to underground microbial communities. In return these microbes find minerals and water for their plant benefactors. In addtion, nematodes are essential nitrogen pumps in the soil, while dung beetles and earthworms can lock up tons of soil carbon, year after year. Jim Laurie illustrates and explains.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
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#biodiversity #wildlife #health
Ronnie Cummins: Building the Movement We Need
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Ronnie Cummins, co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association, leads a network of 850,000 consumers dedicated to safeguarding organic standards and promoting a healthy, just, and sustainable system of agriculture and commerce. He has been active as a writer and activist since the 1960s, with extensive experience in human rights, anti-war, anti-nuclear, labor, consumer, environmental, and sustainable agriculture campaigns. His topic is Climate and Regenerative Organic Agriculture: How to Build a Mass Movement.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
#movement #climateaction #organic
John Carroll: Local Food Revolution
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There are many possibilities for food production and agriculture in New England, leading toward the promise of regional food self-sufficiency. What might we do to get there?
John Carroll: Author and Professor in environmental conservation
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#food #agriculture #foodproduction
Jim Laurie: Nature Does 90% of the Work
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Bringing degraded lands back to life may be easier and faster than we generally think. Mostly it has to do with us humans helping by restoring keystone species that we previously destroyed. We already know how to do this: using low- or no-tech approaches, restoration ecologist Jim Laurie has seen rapid and dramatic restoration unfold more times than he can count – and he’s amazed every single time. He’s happy to share his insights and inspirations with us.
Jim Laurie: Staff Scientist, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#nature #naturalsolutions #biodiversity
Charlotte O’Brien: BioBamboo- An Example of Eco-Restoration
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Bamboo is a key species that serves ecosystems and humans in many different ways. Charlotte O’Brien is an environmentalist and entrepreneur who has extensive experience with bamboo in Asia. She makes a case for eco-restoration using triple-bottom-line accounting, encompassing social, environmental and financial outcomes. The BioBamboo project demonstrates purpose-grown bamboo with biochar production for climate change reversal, as well as poverty abatement by creation of new local economies. She will give us a tour of restoration and economic opportunities made possible by this remarkable plant.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#bamboo #ecorestoration #restoration
Steven Apfelbaum: Wetlands- Sinking Carbon and Keeping It Out of the Atmosphere
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Wetlands are powerful carbon sinks because organic matter under water, with minimal exposure to oxygen, doesn’t release most of its stored carbon to the atmosphere. But wetlands have been broadly eliminated as a result of global development. Steve Apfelbaum is an eco-restoration expert and has been at the forefront of ecological remediation for almost forty years. He’ll explain the importance of wetlands in the climate equation, and how to return them to healthy abundance.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#wetlands #carbonsink #atmosphere
Grazing Down the Carbon: The Scientific Case for Grassland Restoration with Richard Teague
Richard Teague addresses how land managers can base decisions for sustainable land use on the principles of ecosystem function. He will describe his studies of adaptive rangeland management, land restoration and carbon storage.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
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#carbon #grasslands #restoration
Thomas Goreau, Greg Retallack & Richard Teague Q&A
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Thomas Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance
Greg Retallack, University of Oregon
Richard Teague, Professor of Sustainable Rangeland Management at Texas A&M
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#climate #climatechange #climatesolutions
Dan Kittredge: Nutrition and Health from the Ground Up
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Dan Kittredge, Bionutrient Food Association
Everything we eat depends on the health of the soil. When essential minerals are missing from the soil, they’re missing from the plants and animals that feed us. Our health suffers and disease can run rampant, common consequences of industrial agricultural practices. Dan Kittredge, lifelong farmer and nutrition expert, explains how it works and how we can bring new life to our soils, to biodiversity on planet earth, and to ourselves.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
#nutrition #health #soil
Water Follows Carbon Follows Water with Judith Schwartz & Thomas Goreau
Judith Schwartz will tell stories from around the world about the transformations resulting from different approaches to water management, and the effects on local climate. With the ongoing drought in California, people are waking up to concerns about water sources – but while there’s discussion over the effects that climate change can have on water, we’re not looking at the flip side: how restoring the water cycle can have a moderating effect on climate. Schwartz offers examples from the field, while Tom Goreau will comment from a scientist’s perspective.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
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#water #carbon #watercycle
Gabrielle Bastien: We Are the Future- The Change Climate Change Generation
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Gabrielle Bastien, a master’s student in sustainability and environmental management, has some words for the young people of today, what their challenges are, the new/old promises of genuine stewardship of Planet Earth – and how to fulfill them.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Friday November 21st, 2014
#climatechange #generationrestoration #youth
Ethan Roland and Dan Kittredge Q&A
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Ethan Roland, The Carbon Farming Course
Dan Kittredge, Bionutrient Food Association
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
#carbon #food #farming
Antje Danielson, William Moomaw, & Adam Sacks: Opening A World of Possibilities
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Meet the organizers and co-sponsors of the conference, with an overview of what we hope will happen next in the soil carbon and climate saga.
Opening speech of the Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
#possibilities #solutions #climatesolutions
Greg Retallack: The Once and Future Global Cooling- Lessons from Prehistory
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Greg Retallack is an award-winning paleobotanist whose research group is dedicated to soils in the fossil record. His studies have considered the role of soils in ape and human evolution in Kenya, grassland evolution in North America, and several others. He recently published “Global Cooling by Grassland Soils of the Geological Past and Near Future“ in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#history #fossils #coolinghtheplanet
Diana Donlon, John Carroll, Ridge Shinn, & Tom Newmark Q&A
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Diana Donlon, Director of the Cool Foods Campaign at the Center for Food Safety
John Carroll, Professor of Environmental Conservation, University of New Hampshire
Ridge Shinn, Rancher, Market Innovator and Health Advocate
Tom Newmark, Co-Founder and Chair, The Carbon Underground
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#climate #environment #health
Carbon Farming with Ethan Roland
Ethan Roland is an international expert on regenerative agriculture and permaculture design. He will introduce us to how carbon farming enhances productivity, increases profitability and combats climate change. Drawing from the best practices from holistic management, keyline design, agroforestry, living soils, biochar, permaculture design and restoration agriculture, carbon farming offers a whole toolkit for agricultural earth regeneration.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
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#ecosystems #agriculture #climatechange
Dorn Cox: Soil + Silicon- Open Source Tools for Cover Cropping, Grazing and Organic No-Till
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Dorn Cox is a founding member and board president of Farm Hack, an open source community for resilient agriculture. He is also the executive director of GreenStart and manages his family’s 250-acre organic farm in Lee, NH where he has built and documented low and high tech open source systems for environmental monitoring, small-scale grain and oil seeds processing and biofuel production, and no-till and low-till equipment and cover crop methods to reduce energy use and increase soil health.
Dorn Cox, Organic Farmer and Appropriate-Tech Technologist
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
#organic #covercropping #soil
Charlotte O’Brien: Biochar- A Powerful Tool for Carbon Farming
Charlotte O’Brien’s company, Carbon DrawDown Solutions, is developing turn-key systems for small- to large-scale biochar production from local materials. CDS plans to kickstart a broad-scale effort for the exponential drawdown of carbon using biochar and sustainable farming techniques. She discusses the many applications of biochar for environmental improvement and its role in reversing global warming.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Sunday November 23rd, 2014
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#biochar #carbon #farming
Susan Harden: Biodiversity IS Eco-Restoration IS a Livable Climate
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Sue Harden comes to the climate/soils paradigm from a lifelong fascination with biodiversity. As an environmental educator, she spread what Rachel Carson has called “the sense of awe.” As an activist, she works toward solutions to the climate crisis.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#biodiversity #ecorestoration #climate
Larry Kopald: Bringing the Power of Biology into the Climate Conversation
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Advertising professional and environmentalist Larry Kopald views the nature of the paradigm shift that global warming forces us to face. He will review the issues that give us the best leverage moving forward, and will address the human social phenomenon of marketplaces. Stripped to its basics, a marketplace is people having relationships with other people. How can we optimize our use of the marketplace for messages about climate and soils, and move to action on reversing the course of climate.
Presented at Biodiversity for a Livable Climate “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” conference at Tufts University on November 21-23, 2014
#biology #climate #climatesolutions
Seth Itzkan: Soil Carbon and Climate
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Seth Itzkan is a futurist and advocate for climate action and eco-restoration through the holistic management of grasslands restoration. He has spent months in Africa observing Holistic Management and its extraordinary positive effects on desertified semi-arid grasslands. He is also on the Advisory Board Chair of Biodiveristy for a Livable Climate.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming” Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#soil #carbon #climate
Veronika Miranda Chase: Rock Powders- Nourishing Soils, Biodiversity and People
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Soil remineralization is playing a crucial and vital role in improving soil fertility. Remineralize the Earth is a nonprofit that promotes the regeneration of soils and forests with finely ground gravel dust, an economically and ecologically sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Veronika Miranda Chase provides us with an overview of the role of rock powders in a comprehensive eco-restoration and climate plan.
Veronika Miranda Chase, Research Associate, Remineralize the Earth
Presented at the Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference, “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”, on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at Tufts University.
#soil #biodiversity #rocks
Ridge Shinn: A New Program to Restore Northeast Grasslands- 100% Grass-Fed Beef
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Widespread restoration of grasslands depends on economics. Historically beef production has been focused in the Corn Belt and western states. Now Ridge Shinn, a practitioner with experience in all aspects of holistic grazing and marketing, is building the supply of 100% grass-fed beef in the Northeast, involving farms and farmers all over New England and New York. His program offers multiple benefits to the region: revitalized rural economies; healthy soil; local, safe, nutrient-dense food; and carbon sequestration. This model could herald the demise of the corn-based feedlot system.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#grasslands #grassfed #restoration
Thomas Goreau, Seth Itzkan, & Judith Schwartz: Eco-restoration success stories
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There are eco-restoration successes all over the world, in many different ecosystems. Here are some examples from three of our speakers who have seen it first-hand.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Friday November 21st, 2014
#ecorestoration #restoration #ecological
Music from Jerry Gregoire
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Guitarist-songwriter Jerry Gregoire offers a couple of songs.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Friday November 21st, 2014
#music #guitar #singing
Mark Leighton: Forests- A Pivotal Player
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The earth’s forests have been decimated by human overuse and development, leading to cascading effects of biodiversity loss, soil erosion and massive emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. Mark Leighton joined the Harvard faculty in 1983 and has studied topics in rainforest community ecology, vertebrate behavioral ecology, sustainable forestry and land use, and conservation biology. He will give us an overview of how forests function, and their role in addressing global warming.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#forests #forest #trees
Thomas Goreau: The Down-to-Earth Solution to Global Warming- How Soil Carbon Sequestration Works
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Biogeochemist, restoration ecologist, climate scientist, and reef restoration expert Tom Goreau is passionate about soils as the primary way to address global warming at this late date, given that reducing emissions alone cannot prevent dangerous climate change unless natural carbon sinks are significantly increased. He’ll explain the basics of soil carbon and how healthy water cycles can cool the earth.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#earth #globalwarming #carbonsequestration
Tom Newmark: Field Trials in Costa Rica and Pennsylvania
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Tom Newmark is the founder of Sacred Seeds and Co-Owner of Finca Luna Nueva, an organic farming operation in Costa Rica. He collaborates with the Rodale Institute on carbon sequestration studies, and he will report on the results of ongoing trials of the effects of organic farming methods on soil carbon in both temperate and tropical climates. Tom is also the former owner of the New Chapter Natural Vitamin company.
From Biodiversity for a Livable Climate conference: “Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming”
Saturday November 22nd, 2014
#costarica #pennsylvania #organic